Tuesday, July 12, 2022


Ingenuity is one of the important human capabilities to bring evolutionary changes and revolutionary breakthroughs.

Ingenuity is at the edge of art and science, functioning and delight. Ingenuity is the qualification to be creative, insightful, and inventive. Being ingenious needs more understanding, not less. 

It takes different angles to consider a situation, a thing, a tough problem, they may look very different depending on your perspective, so you can come up with a great solution seemingly effortlessly.

To be ingenuous, you need to be original:
To be original, you need to be authentic. You need to be true to one's own character, spirit, personality. What could be the traits, dispositions, and motivational orientations that help us become original in our thinking? Being original becomes more difficult as most of the modern people are too busy to even think and observe. Originality is the expression of authenticity; authenticity keeps original thoughts flowing frictionlessly, taps the fountain of creativity and comes up with ingenious solutions continuously.

Ingenuity is the ability to solve difficult problems, often in the creative way
: Creative problem-solvers have the ability to reframe the circumstances or conditions around a problem and solve it creatively. An ingenuous problem-solver doesn’t do different things, but they do things differently. Start with "what if ..."; stimulate imagination, and see where it takes you for ingenious thinking. Only then, do you have enough to start and tweak sound ideas into creative problem-solving. The rules are: To every question is more than one answer. To every answer is a plausible other question you don’t know. Define the context: "What are the facts and circumstances?" Enumerate choices: "What are the most plausible three or four options?" Analyze options: "What is the best course of action?" So ingenious solutions are both logical and creative.

Ingenuity plus the right dose of curiosity and confidence can be developed into the context of creative intelligence:
At present days, we cannot separate knowledge and creativity if we want to stay competitive, the updated and interdisciplinary knowledge enables wider dots connections to shape clear insight and develop creative intelligence. As to be ingenuous means you need to be both insightful and creative. Every discovery must be supported by intellectual curiosity. Individuals understand and develop their own creativity, they start to respect the opinions of one another far more, develop creative units, teams, groups...and society. In fact, an individual's creative mentality, proactive attitudes, with the blend of knowledge and ingenuity, the right dose of confidence are all valid within the context of their creative intelligence.

Ingenuity is one of the important human capabilities to bring evolutionary changes and revolutionary breakthroughs. Sometimes, you need to process so many connections depending on unusual analogies and chains of thought that might be completely new, then, come up with a great thing-ingenious solution to the long-waiting problem. Positive attitude, great preparation, vision, intellectual curiosity, intuition, perseverance and the ability to work hard are all crucial factors to make transformative change unlock performance ingenuously.


The rules are To every question chinese buffet near me
is more than one answer To every answer is a plausible other question you don’t know. Define the context

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