Monday, August 15, 2022


It’s important to build an open, hyper-connected and innovative working environment in which people are inspired to be authentic, discover their talent and continue to build their professional strength.

Organizations across the vertical sectors reinvent themselves to improve agility and intelligence for adapting to the ever changing working environment. At traditional organizations with command and control management style, employee engagement is very low, people fear to step out of their comfort zone, suffer from silo mentality or change inertia. Creativity is discouraged and mediocrity gets the reward. 

Digital organizational maturity is all about business effectiveness, innovation, and people-centricity. Business leadership teams should take coherent initiatives to reinvent organization, rejuvenate creative energy and fine-tune differentiated business capabilities to improve business agility and maturity. 

There needs to be a real delegation of responsibility with well-defined boundaries and clear accountability: To improve collective performance, digital leaders should provide clear guidelines, having managers of respective functions to interact in a structural setting on a consistent basis towards eliminating silo mentalities, delegate responsibilities, ensure that business functions can reach across the aisles and respectively work with each other to harness communication and enforce changes.

Delegation is important to avoid being overwhelmed. Know what you want before you delegate to someone else. Managers shouldn’t micromanage, but learn how to delegate. Unclear, ambiguous delegation inevitably leads to unsatisfactory results. Delegation does not mean telling someone how to do it in your way. It is about giving them enough information to figure out how to do it in their way. Effective delegation is about finding the right people to do the work and solve the right problems. It helps to improve workforce quality, reliability and productivity; it further fuels the sustainable growth of the business.

People are encouraged to develop creativity: Different employees may have different expectations for the work they do and the workplace they would like to go to, but overall speaking, the wisdom in the workplace means open-minded leadership, positive atmosphere, growth mindsets, intellectual stimulation, and culture of learning. Employees are given the time and resources to work on new things that excite them, all are required to produce fresh ideas. People are often trained in creative methods and techniques to unlock their creative potential

In an ideal digital workplace, the organizational structure is solid enough to keep people or things in order; but fluid enough to keep information and ideas flowing. The business model is often challenged, people are encouraged to criticize processes or traditional ways to do things, contributing to developing a creative workplace. The organizations with the culture of empowerment will reap the benefits of knowledge workers who have abundance of creativity, self-motivated and self disciplined to amplify human capabilities.

Filter out the negative vibe, fine-tune professional capabilities and maximize the collective human potential
: In an ideal digital workplace, the organizational structure is solid enough to keep people or things in order; but fluid enough to keep information flowing and continue developing themselves with professional competencies. Organizations with their unique set of core competencies can design the new landscape, shape their fresh views, and build their habitual ecosystem to thrive in the long run.

It takes the immense amount of time and hard work that most "naturally talented" people have committed to developing their talents, Gain an in-depth understanding of what talent brings core professional advantage and invest accordingly in developing and sustaining valued competency. Visionary leaders and professionals can attract more people like them to work smart; filter out negative vibe, improve professional capabilities based on their raw talent, innate strengths expedite capability development cycle, and unleash human potentiality.

Due to the “VUCA '' characteristics of digital new normal, the digital workplace will be shaped by changes that take place in the way people relate to themselves and to their experience of their environment and others around them. It’s important to build an open, hyper-connected and innovative working environment in which people are inspired to be authentic, discover their talent and continue to build their professional strength and deliver high performance results consistently.


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