Tuesday, September 27, 2022


 Any initiative, even a very technical one should have a business objective associated with it.

Organizations nowadays are complex, to manage business initiatives successfully, the nature of how the implementation has to follow a logical path for the premium solution and provides a great opportunity for the digital organization to accelerate its performance. 

The management is also situational, based on the business initiative flavors and scale; it usually takes systematic discipline with cross interdisciplinary expertise in implementation and adaptation.

Understand where you are "coming" from and know where you need to go logically: Keep in mind, behind many critical business initiatives, there are numerous points-of-view and reference points of varying stakeholders. Thus, it’s always important to clarify the vision and ensure different parts of the organization ar pulled in the same direction and become more people-centric. In this way, the organization remains relevant to its customers and employees, and there is no gap between business planning and implementation.

If business vision is more art than science, then realizing such vision is more science than art. There is an alignment between strategic goals and business initiatives management; and there is a road mapping from vision to implementation with the logical scenario: Strategic objective – Strategic goal – Capability – Initiatives– (People, Process, and Technology). Because a particular business initiative could impact multiple capability increments. So it’s always important to predict or estimate that the investment in the organization is directed at certain goals and maximize return on investment. The business initiative management should be proactive and continue the progress on the roadmap to implement the company’s strategic objectives.

Chart a course to how you achieve the strategic goals with intermediate objectives over time is pivotal to success step-wisely
: It’s always important to build a balanced business initiative portfolio with achievable short, mid, and long-term goals. Often strategy management, change management, performance management need to go hand in hand; insights are transformed into strategic initiatives and the assessment of portfolio management in a systematic way will significantly increase the success rate. For large-scale business initiatives, it’s important to establish intermediate goals for the team to work towards and have key indicators of success to assess along the way.

Make your strategic planning flexible and implement changes based on staff feedback. For some initiatives, retrospective management could be a better fit - working backward from the end state, taking each objective or goal and breaking it down into incremental objectives is important to the strategy implementation. The business management processes shouldn’t be static, in fact, s processes need to be optimized for improving flexibility. This is particularly important in those innovative organizations or industries as they usually have extensive innovative product/service development regimes.

Leverage quality information and logical scenarios to manage business initiatives for achieving high performance
: Information is one of the most invaluable business assets which can be refined into business insight. Information such as customers’ feedback, and employee’s opinions is important; one voice maybe a noise, but collective quality data is chorus, and statistical analytics such as sentiment analysis (discover the positive and negative opinions about a product or brand), gap analysis (compare actual performance with potential performance) will directly drive business progress. Information-based business initiative management makes a significant impact on every aspect of the business such as sales/marketing exploration; customer experience optimization, working force planning & management, etc.

Business management is complex and multidisciplinary. If you are going to be "data-driven," you also have to be aware of data quality control and reliability on the methods that you propose to use. You have to listen to the system data from the outside in and bottom up analytically. This helps to identify root causes to negative complexity with the objective of driving simplicity, so corporations become agiler to achieve the goals.

Any initiative, even a very technical one should have a business objective associated with it. Barriers can be daunting, yet overcome them. This means that there is a need for actual work to be happening to understand the basics. In today’s business reality, you have to work against all odds, deal with lots of resistance or change inertia, continue making appropriate adjustments to build a strong business initiatives portfolio for achieving high performance results with quality and consistency.


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