Monday, May 1, 2023


Organizations should update their management philosophy from controlling to autonomous; from “built to last,” to “built to change.”

Information mundane, complexity, uncertainty, disruptive changes, and interdependence are the new normal facing business today. Organizational leaders and professionals should realize that breakthrough business success requires not only forward-thinking planning, but also fine-tunes underlying functions and processes, soft business factors, to build the differentiated sets of business capabilities, for improving organizational agility, innovation, and maturity.

Finding an answer to increase business competency takes quality information, collective insight and collaborative innovation effort: Knowledge is power, information is one of the most important business assets. The critical information which we so often miss, though, is in the gaps of professional development and business management. Nowadays, perhaps, we cannot find any professional who does not have the knowledge or uses information to work. Certainly, as work is different, he or she needs different knowledge and expertise. In the organizational environment, it’s important to identify how information is associated with the tangible value of the business, products, and resources; and then, refine information to capture business insight for exploring growth opportunities and preventing risks effectively.

Information is not static, it could be outdated sooner than what you thought of. Information could be personal, based on an individual's interest and perception. You will have your own collected data, information that you trust and understand; you also learn what to ignore. It’s important to develop an effective set of filters that help you find fresh information which interests you. Information-savvy people are both problem finders and problem solvers. So always challenge your own thinking by asking questions which often lead to discovering situations others cannot see at first. That will give you the confidence to make decisions; help you stand your ground when others have less well-considered ideas. Always be flexible to understand the other's point of view. It takes quality information, collective insight and collaborative innovation effort to build business competency.

Finding the leverage points, guide, direct, own the strategy people hold themselves accountable for, finding the point of failure to avoid it in the future
: For many business leaders, there is no surprise that they will see the mixed picture of “old and new,” from the mindset, business model, process or management practice perspectives. The challenge for business management is to reinvent business by looking forward, looking underneath, and being proactively looking for opportunities to improve constantly.

If anything is wrong, businesses should take the time to analyze the process to find the point of failure to avoid it in the future. Listen, communicate, and rally the team for the cause to accelerate change; connect the dots across the various management disciplines, and glue up all crucial ingredients to manage performance as an iterative continuum.

Organizations that have taken the steps to mature management practices find the soft success factors making significant impact on the business success:
So many companies and "managers" focus on the tangible, but they lack an in-depth understanding of the intangible business success factors such as communication, culture, leadership, as well as how to manage them effectively. In the business across vertical sectors, especially those strictly hierarchical large organizations with bureaucratic culture, there are over-rigid hierarchy, functional/process silos which cause communication bottlenecks or dysfunctional management.

It is important that business management has objectivity and humility to realize that their weak point, they need to keep modernizing, integrating, innovating, and optimizing. The real impact of making the invisible visible, and then measurable, comes when companies find ways to leverage business sentiment to initiate business transformation dialogues, open communication across the enterprise to orchestrate change, empower people and enforce across-functional collaboration to unleash the collective potential. It’s important to integrate soft business success factors into hard business capabilities and build differentiated business competency.

With faster pace of changes and continuous disruptions, to improve its maturity, high-performing organizations should be complex, but flexible social-eco systems that start to appreciate business attributes such as open communication, ownership, creativity, integration, customized structuring, and multifaceted partnerships. Organizations should update their management philosophy from controlling to autonomous; from “built to last,” to “built to change.”


Freeman Logan is the finest M&A advisory nationwide. We offer executive business coaching to our clients to help them grow and prosper. We have a team of expert acquisition consultants and lean portfolio management intellectuals.

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