Welcome to our blog, the digital brainyard to fine tune "Digital Master," innovate leadership, and reimagine the future of IT.

The magic “I” of CIO sparks many imaginations: Chief information officer, chief infrastructure officer , Chief Integration Officer, chief International officer, Chief Inspiration Officer, Chief Innovation Officer, Chief Influence Office etc. The future of CIO is entrepreneur driven, situation oriented, value-added,she or he will take many paradoxical roles: both as business strategist and technology visionary,talent master and effective communicator,savvy business enabler and relentless cost cutter, and transform the business into "Digital Master"!

The future of CIO is digital strategist, global thought leader, and talent master: leading IT to enlighten the customers; enable business success via influence.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Strategic IT thinking in One Sentence

The strategy like GPS, Guild you through Change and Transformation Journey. The strategy is like GPS, it zooms in vision as a destination, leads the organization in the right direction, leverages resources, and executes effectively. The strategy is the business direction: If you have a very good idea of where you are going - what your systems will be like and how they will work - then it is much easier to choose quickly between immediate...

A Measurable Board

Modern Boards set key tones in building a fact-based business culture. The corporate board as one of the most critical high-level governance bodies plays a crucial role in business advising, monitoring, and setting key tones in corporate culture, does modern board also need to be good at numbers, what are KPIs should be communicated at Board level? How to build a ‘measurable’ Board? The one common denominator of all organizations is an...

Corporate Performance Management

Performance Management methods embedded with business analytics provides perspectives of business capacity. Corporate Performance Management (CPM) has many descriptors and understandings globally. However, there is universal agreement that best practice performance management frameworks should inform the board, management, staff and key stakeholders on the performance of the organization in delivering services/programs efficiently, its effectiveness...

Thursday, February 27, 2014

The KPI Promises & Pitfalls

The KPIs are indicators of your progress towards achieving business objectives. You can only manage what you measure, defining the right set of Key Performance Indicators is important for managing project or business effectively, and measuring KPIs to keep track of progress makes a certain level of promise for success.  However, there are also big pitfalls when selecting or measuring the wrong KPIs. What is a good process to determine the...

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Big Data’s Big Interest: Profit Maximization or Revenue Maximization?

Reading Big Data, just like reading the mind of organization, is for capturing the  perspectives of business.  Big Data attracts big interesting across the industry sectors, but why are so many companies interested in Big Data, for profit maximization or revenue maximization? Profit or revenue is a byproduct of the successful use of big data. Big Data, should be used to generate improved products and more advanced services based on...

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Is Agile a set of Principles or Practices?

The interactions between Agile values, principles, and practices are tightly coupled. Agile originally started out as a revolution against rigid, dogmatic practices, but the ironic is that the way some people practice Agile has come full circle back to that rigid adherence to the mechanics of how practices are implemented and have lost sight of the original intent of Agile. So here is an interesting debate: Is agile a set of principles...

Change Agents for Digital Transformation

A change agent is not a title, but the game-changing mindset and the well-tuned skill sets. Many organizations are at the tipping point to digital transformation journey, but what’re the most effective factors to transform businesses? Is it sponsorship, change agent, public relationship or incentives? The most successful organizations have a very clear vision and understanding of why they exist and the value they bring to customers and...

Monday, February 24, 2014

IT Dilemma: Is Customer Always RIGHT

IT Needs to Play as Advisor & Solutionary, not a Controller.  IT has always gone through this dilemma of "customers is always right" vs. "rational approach in designing a solution." If IT always see this as two conflicting forces pulling in opposite directions, you are most likely to get caught and always fall short of expectations. So what’s the right attitude in the face of such customer dilemma? Listen and have a good discussion...

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Why is the CIO Struggling to Build IT Reputation as a Better Business Partner?

Communication, collaboration, and creativity are the keys to run IT as a better business partner. Many IT organizations are at transformation journey, from an industrial model to digital leap; from a cost center to value-added; from 'T'-technology-driven to 'I'-Information focus, from alignment to engagement. But more specifically, how shall IT leaders run IT as a better business partner? Language influences perception: Without a clear strategy...

Is Data Visualization ‘Big’ or ‘Small’

 Big Data visualization can be big enough to show executives big picture but needs to be nimble enough to stay focus. Data Visualization will change how you think about the world. Right now there is a significant knowledge gap between having the data, interpreting it, and finally being about to visualize it. It demands multiple skill sets which are rarely present in most of the analytics team. So what is the focal point for data visualization,...

Saturday, February 22, 2014

An Original Thinking Mind

Be original, the world worships the original. -Ingrid Bergman. The word, Original, comes from 'origin.' What we probably mean when we say original thinker is to be the origin of our thoughts. In other words, make our own mind up, or formulate our own conclusions, or ideas, or expressions. Original thinking is independent, creative, original, special or different. This world needs more of an original thinker than ever to handle the ever-increasing...

Interview Questionnaire Set for New CIOs

The Well framed Questions can Help Leaders Contemplate their Role More Profoundly! It’s the time for planning, change, and transformation, either you are a current CIO or prospective CIO; CIO promoted through IT rank or an unconventional CIO taking the different path, here are set of the questionnaire for interview preparation or contemplation more profoundly upon CIO role.   Q1: Why do you want to be a CIO? It is based on the...

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