Welcome to our blog, the digital brainyard to fine tune "Digital Master," innovate leadership, and reimagine the future of IT.

The magic “I” of CIO sparks many imaginations: Chief information officer, chief infrastructure officer , Chief Integration Officer, chief International officer, Chief Inspiration Officer, Chief Innovation Officer, Chief Influence Office etc. The future of CIO is entrepreneur driven, situation oriented, value-added,she or he will take many paradoxical roles: both as business strategist and technology visionary,talent master and effective communicator,savvy business enabler and relentless cost cutter, and transform the business into "Digital Master"!

The future of CIO is digital strategist, global thought leader, and talent master: leading IT to enlighten the customers; enable business success via influence.

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Inspiration via Knowledge & Understanding

You can learn from different channels, and transcend information to knowledge to insight and ultimate wisdom for professional maturity.

In the fast-paced digital society with abundant knowledge, learning is a constant process. The professional workforce today needs to become self-driven, demonstrate the attitude to keep learning; learn fast and smart. How effective professional learning is depends on the information it absorbs, the insight being abstracted, and the capabilities being developed.

Knowledge is a garden, not a trophy: Learning is a continuous journey, not a destination. Cultivate curiosity and a thirst for understanding. “Knowledge is the garden” means we can use our knowledge to create different sceneries and generate unique value, for helping us and society. It also means knowledge shouldn’t be static, but keep refreshing, and updating - just like we trim the plant and help them grow.

We absorb knowledge, so knowledge nourishes us to grow stronger, and wiser. Also, knowledge is not for showing off but is the power to solve problems. Being aware of how much we know is essential & applying it authentically in real life is more essential. With change increasing its speed, there is outdated knowledge that might drag us down to the past and move backward. So it’s important to keep refreshing knowledge and apply it at the right time in the right circumstance with the right attitude.

Learn from your mistakes and those around you. Experience is a harsh teacher, but the only one we can truly trust to embrace the lessons life offers: Failure comes to you, and you need to overcome it, using it as a launch point for improvement. LESSON LEARNED helps you learn quickly about certain techniques or methodologies; it also helps you to learn what not to do, so you can enhance an iterative learning-doing-learning continuum, to reach the next level of performance.

Learning from others doesn’t mean accepting others’ viewpoints completely, Due to the increasing speed of changes and abundance of information, if you have a static mind, experience most of the time leads towards Complacency, it’s important to integrate learning and practices, understand the pros and cons of diverse suggestions or solutions,

See the world through others' eyes as empathy is the bridge to deep understanding; connection fosters deeper meaning: When someone is sharing a thought with you, do you focus on what’s been told contextually and listen objectively with an open heart and mind? People with a learning mind see unique patterns and make fresh connections that others overlook.

Learn from each other via the empathic lens. Empathy means using the right language with the right people, it is the ultimate level of human cognition of being wise -nonjudgmental, active listening, and balancing between tolerance and respect to achieve that. Also, empathy conveys respect which is crucial in the binding of peer-to-peer relationships, connecting the minds and touching the hearts. Without empathy, there cannot be a rapport and thus, no sustainable business relationships and leadership maturity.

Learning is a journey with all sorts of options and goals. Learning is situational, and the learning styles can be rationalized and diverse. You can learn from different channels, and transcend information to knowledge to insight and ultimate wisdom for professional maturity.

Insight of Critical Thinking Worldwide

Critical Thinking is not just about overwhelming thinking chaos but about cohesive understanding and skillful reasoning. 

People, organizations, and human society are complex, the essence of critical thinking is careful deliberation, examination, and testing of assumptions, and consideration of opposing views. Critical thinking is the logical reasoning skills to figure out issues underneath the surface, also be open-minded to considering alternative perspectives, integrate new or revised perspectives into better ways of thinking and acting

Russian: "Trust, but verify" (encourages healthy skepticism): Respect for individuals means an open-door approach to valuing fresh ideas and constructive feedback. Trust means embracing divergent thoughts, respecting differences, and converging them into fresh ideas.

TRUST takes breadth and depth of collective cognizance & effort to build up a more creative working environment. Keep in mind though, trust but verify: the quality of the feedback giver is crucial to the quality of feedback being given. The quality is about the person’s reputation, cognition, character, integrity, insight, and intention. Be humane and fair while showing competence and character. To make sound judgments, it’s crucial to have critical thinking skills, sufficient knowledge, necessary experience, and contextual understanding. That’s why it’s important to put the right people in the right position to solve the right problems at the right time. 

Chinese: "A hundred hearings are not as good as one seeing.” It means seeing is believing. The world is a mix of real knowledge and misinformation. People perhaps only listen to one side of the story, trust conventional understanding, and they even spread rumors. So this idiom emphasizes the importance of evidence and observation.

Observe, observe, observe more, through your cool head, open mind, and sharp eyes, and don’t forget to leverage critical thinking and reasoning logic to understand things thoroughly to solve problems effectively. It is the best way to understand information contextually and present information objectively because it is in people's nature to receive visual information that helps to explain and portray one or more outcomes.

French: "To call into question" (promotes questioning assumptions): Questioning is both art and science.  The art of question is much more about open communication, we all desire to seek and participate in conversations. The science of questioning is about collecting enough quality information and figuring out the cause-effect, engaging in open-ended conversations. The art of questioning is to provoke creative thoughts and alternative solutions.

There is no such thing as a stupid question, although almost all digital professionals today understand the importance of asking the right question, applying critical thinking skills to clarify circumstances, and dealing with complex issues thoroughly.

It would be good to think critically more often than we do concerning our actions, as critical thinking is more accustomed to strategizing, objective problem-solving, determining outcomes, and probabilities. However, critical Thinking is not just about overwhelming thinking chaos but about cohesive understanding and logical reasoning. 

Insight of Sustainability

Understanding different levels of sustainability helps us develop comprehensive solutions to ensure a healthy planet and an advanced society for generations to come.

Sustainability is a complex concept with various theoretical approaches. The philosophy of sustainability goes beyond just the practicalities of maintaining our environment. It delves into the ethical and moral questions surrounding how we interact with the planet and each other. Sustainability challenges can be local (water scarcity in a specific region) or global (climate change). For all human beings, sustainability is the long-term maintenance of responsibility, which has environmental, economic, and social dimensions.

Economic Sustainability: Running a business is energy-consuming; waste of resources is costly. Focuses on maintaining economic growth and development without depleting natural resources. Companies strive to be profitable while minimizing their environmental footprint and contributing positively to society. Sustainability needs to be integrated into existing key processes for creating economic systems that function within ecological boundaries and distribute resources fairly. The management should communicate what needs to be done down the line to the various functional domains responsible for unlocking the sustainability potential of the organization.

Ecological Sustainability:
Prioritizes the health and balance of ecosystems for long-term human well-being. Emphasizes biodiversity conservation, resource management, and minimizing environmental impact. Unlike traditional economic models that value nature solely for its utility to humans, sustainability recognizes the inherent worth of ecosystems and biodiversity. In ecology, sustainability describes how biological systems remain diverse and productive over time, a necessary precondition for the well-being of humans and other organisms. Provides the foundation for understanding the carrying capacity of our planet and living in harmony with natural systems.

Social Sustainability: Aims to create a just and equitable society that meets the needs of present and future generations. We should keep pondering about: What does it mean to live well within the means of the planet? How much are we willing to change our lifestyles to ensure a sustainable future? How can we create a more just and equitable society that respects ecological limits? What is our responsibility to future generations? A core principle is ensuring we don't meet our present needs by compromising the ability of future generations to meet theirs. Focuses on issues like social justice, carbon reduction, and equal access to resources and opportunities.

An organization or a city aiming for sustainability should implement policies promoting renewable energy (ecological), energy-efficient buildings (economic), and job training programs in green industries (social). They should also have a multi-level perspective, analyze sustainability challenges across different scales, from local to global, and integrate environmental, social, and economic concerns into business practices constantly.

As we face environmental challenges, our actions have ripple effects, and we must consider the long-term consequences of our choices. Understanding different levels of sustainability helps us develop comprehensive solutions to ensure a healthy planet and an advanced society for generations to come. The philosophy of sustainability provides a framework for social justice and human well-being integrating to a sustainable future, making coherent decisions across the organizational hierarchy, and working towards a future where humans and nature can thrive together.

Anthropology from Eastern & Western Perspective

Though we appreciate diverse thoughts, it’s also the time to unify Eastern and Western viewpoints and co-develop a modern world.

The world has become much more complex and smaller all at once, thinking through anthropological dimension questions one’s assumptions, and opens one’s eyes to a spectrum of things with so many different shades and colors of the same world; Here's a glimpse into how Eastern and Western societies have historically approached the study of human societies and cultures, offering different perspectives to understand human society.

Individual vs. the collective: Western anthropology traditionally emphasizes individualism and the concept of selfhood. Eastern perspectives might prioritize understanding the individual within the context of the larger social group. Eastern philosophies often emphasize social order and collective well-being. Anthropological thought should deepen understanding of how individuals function within the society and contribute to a harmonious society.

Emic vs. Etic approach: Western anthropology often employs the etic approach, studying cultures from an external, objective viewpoint. Eastern traditions might lean more towards the emic approach, seeking to understand cultures from within their own unique frameworks and value systems. Anthropological studies in both the Eastern and Western worlds also delve deeper enough into the role of religion, rituals, and spiritual beliefs in shaping cultural practices and social structures.

Analytics vs Holistic view: Eastern Anthropology often advocates for a holistic understanding of human society and the universe from historical, philosophical, culturological, or religious viewpoints. Western approaches are more likely to analyze certain social phenomena, figure out how to create value, or migrate risks to improve humanity. Anthropological approaches should integrate various aspects like social structures, philosophical underpinnings, and the natural environment to comprehend the essence of a culture.

The world has become much more hyperconnected and interdependent, anthropology can help to discover our place in the world as regards our culture, world conception, style of life, mythology, and the common points among societies, to appreciate variety and embrace inclusiveness. Though we appreciate diverse thoughts, it’s also the time to unify Eastern and Western viewpoints and co-develop a modern world.

Philosophy of feizihan

By incorporating the different aspects of Feizi Han's Legalism theories, we highlight the potential benefits of a societal system based on clear laws, impartiality, and a focus on results.

Feizi Han, was a key figure in the Ancient oriental Legalist school. Unlike many Eastern and Western philosophy who believed in inherent human goodness, Han Feizi saw people as inherently selfish and easily manipulated by self-interest.

Law and Order: Han Feizi emphasized the importance of a strong legal system (Fa) with clear and consistent laws enforced impartially. This ensured stability and order in the nation and the world.

Power of the Ruler: The ruler, the ultimate authority figure, should be above personal relationships and emotions. They should govern through laws, rewards and punishments. The book is a manual for rulers, outlining strategies to maintain power and control. It emphasizes techniques like using advisors with specific skills ("Shu") and maintaining authority ("Shi").

Importance of Meritocracy: Unlike the hereditary system, Han Feizi advocated for choosing officials based on their ability and competence, not their lineage. This concept is very important to run modern society in today’s highly diverse and complex environment. From a management perspective, it’s also important to orient people make them appreciate the diversity of thought, and help them build their professional skills progressively.

The "Two Handles": Han Feizi advocated for using "reward" (li) and "punishment" (shi) as tools to control people. By strategically offering rewards for desired behavior and harshly punishing unlawful behaviors, the ruler could effectively guide the people to move forward. "Shu" refers to specific strategies and skills needed for governance, while "Shi" represents the ruler's overall power and authority. The ancient era Han Feizi lived was ruled by emperors, so his theories have been used to maintain those rulers' authority. That could be his limitation because normal people perhaps lack of representation, the rulers may control people rather than guide them through.

Controlling the Flow of Information: He believed in restricting access to information for the common people to prevent dissent and maintain social order. That was his limitation. In the digital era in which we live, I believe that the good principle is to keep information flowing rather than control and apply quality information to solve problems effectively, overly restrictive social hierarchy should be flattened down, to build a benevolent society.

By incorporating the different aspects of Han Feizi's Legalism theories, we highlight the potential benefits of a societal system based on clear laws, impartiality, and a focus on results. Legalism emphasizes efficiency and order in governance. Laws should be clear and easy to understand, and their enforcement should be swift and predictable. This creates a stable environment where people know what is expected of them and the consequences of their actions.

Zhuangzi Philosophy & Parable

In the modern world, we need to carry on those Ancestors’ heritage, understand their limitations, and use both hard and soft science to solve problems structurally.
Zhuangzi, an oriental philosopher who lived around the 4th century BCE, is a central figure in Daoism, a school of thought that emphasizes living in harmony with the natural world. Here are some key points of him, his female and male associates' philosophy in Ancient times.

Following Nature: Zhuangzi believed that humans should strive to live by following nature (the Dao way.)This means letting go of artificial social constructs and societal pressures, and instead, embracing a natural spontaneity. Think of a tree growing freely, rather than being pruned into a specific shape. The Dao is the underlying principle of the universe, an unknowable and ever-changing force that governs all things. It's not a god or creator, but the natural order and flow of existence. He saw the natural tree" that provides shade as more valuable than the one chopped down for lumber. This speaks to finding worth outside of achievement or productivity.

Things are not always black and white; there are many shades in between: Zhuangzi challenged conventional ways of thinking that relied on rigid categories like good/bad, and large/small, (Rejection of Duality.) He argued that these distinctions are ultimately artificial and limit our understanding of the interconnectedness of everything. 

Freedom and Acceptance: Zhuangzi promoted a carefree and accepting approach to life. He encouraged letting go of anxieties about success, and failure; which is seen as a natural part of the Dao's flow. When you don't have any compulsion, you are free, you don't worry whether it's positive or negative, you accept things, you don't judge, you don't worry about what others think, you don't get into a rat race, you are free to be self, convey authenticity, and grow as tall and strong you could.

In my opinion, Zhuangzi and associates advocate authenticity and freedom. They might lack sufficient scientific knowledge on how to promote equal opportunities for learning and changing the world. But in the modern world, we need to carry on those Ancestors’ heritage and use both hard and soft science to solve problems structurally.

Zhuangzi's philosophy can be expressed through fantastical stories, witty parables, and imaginative characters that illustrate his points in a thought-provoking way. Here is the one:

A magnificent cypress stood strong for thousands of years, a landmark for all. One day, a worried Willow sighed, "Don't you fear the storm? You'll be ripped from the ground!" The sared cypress chuckled, "By clinging rigid, you might break. I bend with the wind, like the Dao, flowing and unharmed."

A talented artist was obsessed with capturing the perfect image of a mountain peak with those sacred cypresses; frustrated by every line on how to reveal the natural spirit. One day, a traveling Grandma stopped by. "Why fight the mountain?" She asked. "Let your brush dance with its spirit, not try to control it. The Dao flows through all things, even mountains." The young artist was inspired and relaxed, seeing the mountain as a living thing, full of imagination. So let the brush follow the natural flow of the peak's form. Finally, a masterpiece emerged, not by force, but by following the way of nature.

Philippa Foot’s Philosophy

As the world becomes more hyperconnected and interdependent; if we can define a common set of values in the global society, that makes moral judgments more objective worldwidely.

hilippa Foot was a British moral philosopher, being known for her work on nature goodness, and objectivity in moral judgments. She criticized theories that saw moral statements as mere expressions of feeling rather than objective truths. Philippa Foot's work was highly influential in 20th-century ethics, focusing on Virtues and Human Flourishing, particularly in reviving interest in normative ethics and virtue ethics. Here are some key aspects of her philosophy:

Natural Goodness: Foot saw humans as having a natural capacity for goodness. Morality stems from fulfilling this potential and living a flourishing life. Reason plays a crucial role in ethics. Foot argued that being good involves using reason to guide one's actions and develop virtues like courage, honesty, and compassion. Foot's work delved into the nature of moral judgments, the importance of emotions in moral reasoning, and the relationship between morality and human nature.

Objectivity vs. Subjectivity: Foot challenged the prevailing view that moral judgments were purely subjective expressions of preference. She argued that moral judgments, like factual ones, could be true or false. We can give reasons for our moral judgments, attempting to convince others of their validity. This focus on reason-giving distinguishes moral judgments from mere feelings or personal opinions.

Naturalism and Moral Facts: Foot believed humans, like other natural objects, have a specific function or "telos." For humans, this telos is flourishing, a state where we use our capacities for good to live well. Morality arises from understanding this telos and acting accordingly.

Foot differed from some realists in her time. She argued that moral judgments, like factual ones, could be true or false. It’s always important to consider both hard and soft factors in making sound judgments consistently. Moral judgments often involve emotions like empathy and compassion, which guide us towards actions that promote human flourishing.

In my opinion, nowadays, we live in a more advanced information-abundant society, sequence-consequence, and cause-effect analysis become even more critical. As the world becomes more hyperconnected and interdependent; if we can define a common set of values in the global society, that makes moral judgments more objective worldwidely.

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Influence via Versatility

Professional capability and core competency development require character, determination, discipline, dedication, and practice in the present and a continuum.

In modern society, many industries and professions face difficulty in reinventing themselves. Organizations become more complex, and running a business is also more challenging, with heavy workloads, multifaceted tasks, and fierce competition. Professional capability is crucial for people to get the work well done, not only for surviving but thriving in the interdependent global society. 

The basic capabilities keep you surviving, and the differentiated capabilities allow you to stand out. All high professionals need to continue sharpening their skills and building their integral professional capability

Put many hats on: This describes someone who can handle a variety of tasks and responsibilities, showcasing their adaptability and versatility. Professional capability is something deeper that empowers or boosts skills. But how to identify it, acquire it, improve it, or stimulate it? It has to be identified and developed by discovering the strength, learning, and practice

Capability is usually underpinned by more hard and soft factors such as talent, process, motivation, special training, etc. People are always the most invaluable asset or human capital in organizations. Businesses need to cultivate more talented people who demonstrate integral skill, and cohesive capabilities to put many hats on, play multiple personals, and solve complex problems structurally.

Have their finger on the pulse: It’s the ability to catch the trends for either capturing opportunities or avoiding risks. With the increasing pace of changes and unprecedented level of uncertainty, the more accurate the prediction - the better chances for survival are. People who have their fingers on the pulse can be aware of current trends and developments in their field, highlighting their knowledge and awareness. They embody vitality, imagination, hope, predictive analysis, and a sense of energy.

Grasping growth opportunities requires the ability to decide times and act boldly to achieve. Preventing problems requires information, processes, and systems to analyze and predict the possibility of a problem. All of those capabilities are critical to surviving in the “VUCA” reality. Visionary leaders are effective in manifesting their vision, creating specific, achievable goals, initiating action, and enlisting the participation of others.

Be on top of their game: That describes talented people who are performing at their peak level, consistently delivering excellent results, and demonstrating their mastery of their profession. The one thing to differentiates talented people (either high performance or high potential) from mediocrity is MINDSET which further drives attitude.

If you want to create a truly high-performance team, you have to deal with the mediocre. You have to determine why they perform the way they do; help people overcome their deficiencies and become high performers consistently. High performer keeps engaging in their current positions with expanded knowledge, sharpened skills, and enriched experience. But more importantly, they need to have a “beginner’s humble attitude, keep learning, and explore their potential.

Every professional has their journey of growth either personally or professionally based on their perception, talent, skills, life experience, training, and refinement. Professional capability and core competency development require character, determination, discipline, dedication, and practice in the present and a continuum.

Insight of Presentation and Exhibition in Taipei II

People come and go; good exhibitions leave us with good memories to digest, ignite our passion to grow, and provoke our thoughts to keep reinventing our modern society.

There were quite a few professional exhibitions in Taipei this month. They were diverse and educational, providing information for people in different industries to learn and participate; they also became the catalyst to share knowledge, boost energy, ignite professional passion, and recover the economy in the spring days.

The Taiwan Machinery and Tool exhibition was held recently. Most of the tools exhibited were heavy hardware tools being used in various manufacturing industries. Besides local manufacturers, there were enterprises from overseas organizations coming to participate in the exhibition. Most machines and tools are large-sized heavy-duty hardware. I didn’t see software-led digital technologies tools or gadgets on display. I saw robot hands were spinning around there, but lack of fully functioning robots to execute more complex tasks via machine-human communication and interactions.

I saw some student boys come to visit the show, but girls didn't come, perhaps girls and ladies like myself, were pondering about how to make those tools lighter, nimber, and multifunctioning, using less material, but adding some digital themes and advanced information technology in them. How shall we keep reinventing tools and gadgets, improving productivity, creativity, and sustainability?

“Let gear turn, so does the world” I like this slogan posted on the wall. Good tools and machines help to improve productivity, process efficiency, automation, product quality, and precision in the industrial era. So people can build skyscrapers, advanced transportation tools, and all sorts of manufacturing solutions. How about other industries, and how to generate more creative tools and create more opportunities for unleashing “humans+tools” collaborating potential, to reflect the digital era we live in?

In this very “hard” machine and tool exhibition, surprisingly, a few exhibitors took a moment to sing and play instruments to entertain the audience with some soft touches. I had my first laugh while participating in so many serious professional events in Taipei recently.

Every exhibition provided a platform with opportunities for buyers and sellers to share knowledge and enforce communication. But every exhibition has its limitations. So as participants, we should gain knowledge, but more importantly, break down constraints, let our imagination fly, apply critical thinking to dig deeper, and generate new knowledge & solutions.

A while ago, I also visited the travel exhibition and home furnishing exhibition at different conference centers, to get to know the local businesses and culture better. Those exhibitions are consumer-friendly. People went there to pick their favorite leisure solutions. Organizers offered some goodies to cheer up their prospective customers. We participate to support organizers; we should also practice critical thinking to suggest how to improve the presentations. If I saw lots of traditional services, my thoughts would be how to integrate different pieces of services into more personalized digital solutions.

People come and go; good exhibitions leave us with good memories to digest, ignite our passion to grow, and provoke our thoughts to keep reinventing our modern society

Laws in Laozi Philosophy Revealed in a Brief Story

 By applying Lao’s philosophy, wise ones carved out a niche in the ever-changing market. They won’t fight the current, but become the stream to grow customers by understanding them better, and providing more value-added solutions.

Laozi and their associate, the revered philosopher and author of the Tao Te Ching, placed central importance on nature and its inherent laws in their philosophy. Those principles are critical to striking the right balance of creativity and standardization; process and flexibility, change and stability. Being effortless doesn’t mean not working hard, but about following your interest, discovering your talent, achieving more with less, and inspiring a benevolent, advanced society.

Living in Harmony with Nature: According to Laozi and the team in their time, humans should strive to live in harmony with nature. This means observing nature, understanding its principles, and aligning our actions with its natural order and flow. People in modern society are usually busy and feel exhausted. They should take a break, and go to new places, at which they can interact with nature, recharge themselves, keep the environment green, and develop creativity.

Simplicity and Humility:
Laozi & associates emphasize simplicity and humility as virtues. They believed that humans, by following the example of nature, should strive for a life free from unnecessary complexities, follow their hearts to do things they are good at, and shape their minds to respect nature, keep things simple, and show humility and good attitude to get things down resourcefully.

Influence on Social Order:
Laozi's ideas extended beyond personal conduct and influenced the views on social order. They believed that rulers should govern with a light touch, following the natural order and allowing things to unfold organically, rather than imposing rigid rules or processes. On one side, modern society needs to enforce the law and governance discipline, and provide a framework for running a modern society; on the other side, increase flexibility - give people a certain level of freedom to break down conventional thinking, over-rigid social hierarchy, and advocate authenticity.

Lao’s philosophy builds a foundation to drive changes without brute force; cultivate talent without too much push or unhealthy competition; and run an advanced society with natural harmony. Here is a short story on how to apply Lao’s law to overcome business challenges.

A business owner of a struggling company had a very difficult time running their business continually due to fierce competition, and new emerging trends. So the managers start to explore different approaches for improving business models or taking more aggressive marketing strategies. They participate in local entrepreneurship events and learn different philosophies for brainstorming ideas. One of the Laozi researchers shared her knowledge of Laozi’s law of nature order. She explained how forceful marketing, like pushing water uphill, could backfire. "Perhaps," she said, "focusing on what you do best, like the steady rhythm of your operation, will attract the customers who value it."

So they invest in some lightweight digital technology, and do a certain sentimental analysis of their customers, discover their purchasing patterns, gain more customer insight, and offer customized solutions to fit their needs naturally. Instead of bombarding customers with promotions, let the quality of the products/services speak for themselves as well.

By applying Lao’s philosophy, wise ones carved out a niche in the ever-changing market. They won’t fight the current, but become the stream to grow customers by understanding them better, and providing more value-added solutions. They become a source of nourishment to improve customer experience and achieve people-centricity.

Descartes’ Quotes & Lessons Learned

We learn from those male and female ancestors and use their theories to doubt, and enhance understanding.

ené Descartes was a French philosopher, mathematician, and scientist in Ancient times. He & associate is famous for the skeptical method of doubt, which he used to question everything he thought he knew to find a foundation for certain knowledge. Descartes' most famous statement is "Cogito, ergo sum" ("I think, therefore I am").

René Descartes wasn't known for writing a large volume of books, but his ideas were highly influential. Here's a breakdown of his key works and some famous quotes:

Descartes’s famous quote was: "Cogito, ergo sum" ("I think, therefore I am"). It expresses the idea that the very act of doubting one's own existence proves that one must exist as a thinking thing. So as intelligent human beings, we should ponder deeper about ourselves, who are we, where we come from, and how about our consciousness, subconsciousness, unconsciousness, or superconsciousness. What we know about ourselves is only the tip of the iceberg.

"Doubt is the origin of wisdom.": This quote highlights Descartes' emphasis on questioning important things, and seeking clear and distinct knowledge. Doubt like conscience is a regulator of our mind: A doubtful mind has its positive side, it is our natural endowment to create, to invent, and to change. If doubt is a brief precursor that stimulates questioning and learning then it is a positive state of mind. When doubt turns to overly self-doubt and begins to erode one's self-confidence, then it is a negative state of mind.

The quote: "The greatest minds are capable of the greatest vices as well as of the greatest virtues," reflects Descartes' belief in the power of human reason, but also acknowledges the potential for its misuse. We are all individuals with different grades of humanness.

The profundity in thinking at the philosophical level helps people develop virtues like non-egoism, tolerance, self-sufficiency, self-reliance, uprightness, gratitude, etc.

"To live without philosophizing is in truth the same as keeping the eyes closed without attempting to open them": This quote expresses Descartes' belief that philosophical inquiry is essential for understanding ourselves and the world around us. The quintessential of Philosophy is the history of ideas and an ongoing inquiry into the nature of things based on abstract reasoning. Philosophy is the discipline of seeing beyond the visible, understanding things underneath the surface, in pursuit of wisdom.

"The reading of all good books is like a conversation with the finest men of past centuries.": This quote reflects Descartes' appreciation for learning from the ideas of collective wisdom. Learning is a journey; on one side you learn from others; on the other side, you doubt, challenging common beliefs. Seasoned persons in life become aware when some of the long-acquired knowledge is no longer applicable in certain situations. You have learned to no longer apply that knowledge in those specific cases. So learn, delearn, and relearn all the time.

Descartes' writings and ideas continue to be studied and debated by philosophers today. We learn from those male and female ancestors and use their theories to doubt, and enhance understanding. It’s also important to leverage advanced technology and methodology to break down outdated knowledge and tradition, generate common values and virtues, and advance humanity.

Value-Added Seven-Eleven Stores in Taiwan

 Those people-centric convenience stores provide a small window for people to understand local culture, food, and people, allowing them to take a break, and focus on their goals.

Seven Eleven is a brand named convenience chain stores across continents. Most 7-11 stores are open for people to buy some daily items for their convenience. But Taiwan Seven Elevens are much more customized and thoughtful. They are located in tourist hot spots, museums and libraries, residential areas, colleges, and communities. They provide hot water, utensils, microwaves diner tables and chairs, and convenience for people to take a break, and have simple meals or snacks. They also provide other value-added services to customers such as adding funds to their transportation cards, offering phone-related services, etc. Here are a few 7-11 stores I visited in Taiwan and why I was impressed by their thoughtful services.

7-11 in the conference center: Taipei hosted quite a lot of trade shows annually and attracted numerous tourists globally. When I participated in the international book fair in Taipei last month, it was very crowded, and there were not so many restaurants nearby. I saw quite many people waiting in lines to buy lunch in the 7-11 inside the building. I joined them and figured out their value-added service. Not only you could heat your lunch box but could you also sit in the restaurant-like dining room to enjoy your meal and take a break. It was very thoughtful for conference participants to take a rest, save time & cost, and focus on professional activities with a tight schedule.

7-11 as a cafe in the workplace area or city center: Taiwan does not have many chain store cafes in which you could sit down to surf or study. I saw a few professionals sat down to sip their coffee and used laptops in a spacious 7-11 store for quite a while in the community center. But most stores have small capacity without such facilities. Almost all convenience stores here offer some breakfast items, and the residents come here to buy them frequently

7-11 in the parks and resort centers: Taiwan has many mountains and resorts. Unbelievablely you could find 7-11 convenient stores on the top of mountain peaks. That is truly value-added for tourists to buy food, drinks, and other handy items, instead of carrying them over when they do exercise. You could also taste locally made snacks in those stores in the resort area. That gives the tourists a good impression on their visit to hot scenery spots by soothing their exhaustion and deepening their understanding of local cultures.

7-11 in libraries & colleges: People come to study and those convenience stores offer the facilities for them to take a break or have a simple meal to save time and energy so they can become more productive, focusing on learning, and creating.

Global tourists are coming to visit Taiwan every year. Those people-centric convenience stores provide a small window for them to understand local culture, food, and people, allowing them to take a break, and focus on their travel goals. It provides an anthropological touch with warm tones to welcome global guests and optimize their experiences thoughtfully.

Libraries in Taiwan

Modern libraries have centuries of history and are established across modern societies all over the world.

In large metropolitan areas libraries are nice places for people to explore different knowledge disciplines and enjoy being modern human beings. Compared to other urban cities on other continents. Taiwan has fewer libraries. I visited the National Central Library and Beitou Library in Taipei

On one side of the Zhongshan S Road, we can pass through the Liberty Square & Gate - implying we all have opportunities to make achievements. On the other side of the wide Zhong Shan Road, we can study in the national central library -learn grow, and innovate, building a solid knowledge foundation to achieve our goals and fit our purposes.

The library staff there were friendly, checked my ID, and gave me a permit to visit the library. It is a mid-sized library with a few floors. Besides adult readers, quite many students come here to do studies. On the second floor, there were book collections of different genres such as business, literature, science & engineering, history, linguistics, religion, etc. Besides desks and chairs in the hallway; there were some sofas in one small room, so people could take a rest if they felt tired.

On the third floor, there were periodic magazines and old newspapers from the last five years, which were bound together like large-sized thick books. I didn’t see very enriched content in the magazine session. Should they digitize the old newspapers rather than keeping the paper version?

On the higher floors, there were laws and other research sections. On the underground floor, there were reading rooms, a cafe, and 7-11 convenience store. Overall it’s a reader-friendly environment, the book collection is limited though.

Weeks ago, I also visited the Taipei Library Beitou branch, near the subway station. I like a set of books to introduce ancient culture history and philosophy there. The collection and space are also limited, some tourists visited there and a few locals sat there reading. I also saw some mini libraries located in the underground shopping center, parents brought their children there for borrowing and returning books.

Besides libraries in Tainpei, I visited the small community library in Hualien and saw some libraries in Taichung. Although the library was small near Hualian train station, it provided a place for people to sit down and find information.

Modern libraries have centuries of history and are established across modern societies all over the world. They are undergoing digital transit to generate value continually.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024


The digital paradigm that is emerging is the sociological organization which is holistic, vibrant, energetic, fluid, creative, and resilient with a hybridity of knowledge, processes, workforce, and competencies.

The organization consists of an amalgam of bio-systems, socio-systems, techno-systems, and econo-systems. Understanding that real-world development is multifaceted. Organizations that are skilled at managing people complexity, organizational complexity can gain advantages by pushing the boundaries of a more holistic integration that provides opportunities to accelerate performance and unleash collective potential.

It’s important to understand people or society from a biological perspective, which enables leaders or professionals today to dig deeper into the context of their environment: Humans are a remarkably diverse species with variations in physical identity and spiritual beliefs. This diversity arises from mutations and adaptations throughout our evolutionary history. They evolve four things; body, mind, emotion, and energy. Everything is energy and the human condition is the conditional form of our energy signature, and it moves from one conditional state to another. Such a biological mind implies change and develops creativity.

Humans can adapt to various environments through biological and behavioral means. The human nervous system is incredibly complex, there is still a mystery about our consciousness and superconsciousness. Not only do we only know the tip of the iceberg about what’s going on in our environment, but also we know so little about ourselves: Who are we? Are we more than just body and mind? If so, what's behind the wheel? By understanding our origin, and biological characteristics, we can appreciate our place in the natural world, and strive for a future where technology and biology work in harmony.

It’s important to understand people from an anthropological perspective: We live in a complex society in which a variety of people think, work, and live in their own way. The anthropological discipline can help people expand their vision of society, traditions, and cultural diversity, shift their thinking to a variety of perspectives, and enable them to navigate a variety of cross-cultural situations.

The digital workforce is multigenerational, multicultural, and multidevicing. Thinking through the anthropological dimension questions one’s assumptions, which tend to oversimplify other cultures. Anthropology presents every aspect of the human world and elucidates the cultural traits, complexes, and motives of specific human behavioral aspects. People with anthropological perspectives can experiment with different ways of doing the same things and are more tolerant of cultures and customs other than one’s own. They can become more inclusive, unifying us and others, and collaborate seamlessly.

It’s important to understand people and their minds and actions from a sociological perspective
: We learn how to behave, think, and feel through a lifelong process called socialization. Sociology studies humans and their relationships. According to social constructionism, the mind would be more between people, in their interaction. If the mind is a characteristic of living creatures, then it is highly related to what makes a living creature. How deep your understanding is based on the mindset, knowledge, experiences, lenses, and methodology you leverage to interpret things.

So make thought-provoking inquiries about the Social System: Where the whole has purposes of its own as well as the parts. where the organization has purposes of its own and the people working there maintain purposes of their own. Sociologists of work and economy study the social organization of work and the economy. They are interested in how work is changing, how the economy is structured, and how these changes affect people's lives. How to design an organization, that is a socio-technical system, is the order of magnitude more difficult than designing a "data-driven mechanistic system"; and a "data-driven mechanistic system"? And ultimately, how to run an advanced society to unleash collective potential.

In today’s complex business environment, there are all sorts of circumstances and different perspectives and there are many variables in problem-solving. The best we can individually do is to start breaking chains of habitual thinking, perceiving, willing, and feeling, continue updating knowledge, skills, and capabilities, to drive the change we want to see and lead the journey of business transformation. From an interdisciplinary management perspective, the digital paradigm that is emerging is the sociological organization which is holistic, vibrant, energetic, fluid, creative, and resilient with a hybridity of knowledge, processes, workforce, and competencies.


A contemporary organization's success is, in large part, driven by how wisely it takes risks and how effectively it manages the risks.

Enterprise-wide risk management intends to manage enterprise risk systematically and effectively. Assessing and managing risk effectively is an important step in improving organizational maturity and achieving high-performance results. In reality, most organizations are not perfect but they are inching their way to full agility. Identifying, mitigating, preventing risks, and improving risk intelligence are the keys to running high-performance organizations. The main pillars of a Risk Management Framework can be summarized in five key areas:

Risk Identification: This is the foundation of any risk management practices. It involves systematically identifying potential risks that could threaten your organization's goals, assets, or reputation. This includes internal risks ( human error, process ineffectiveness, system failures) and external risks (economic downturns, cyberattacks).

Sociologically, the major risk overlooked by Risk Practitioners arises from a fundamental misunderstanding of human behavior and human nature (the Social Element). There are "human factors" such as irrational, cognitive, or behavioral aspects. We can't and won't be able to manage or predict completely, but methodologically, by mapping and measuring complex interactions in real-time can gain early warning (anticipatory awareness) of possible/plausible negative impact...NOT reflexive or post-loss.

Risk Assessment:
Once risks are identified, they need to be assessed for their likelihood of occurring and the potential impact they could have. This helps prioritize risks and allocate resources for mitigation strategies. Techniques like probability and impact matrices are often used in this phase. Attitude and experience of the risk manager ask questions; and do the pre-work before risk assessment in the correct manner.

Risk Management Strategy: After assessing risks, the next step is to develop and implement strategies to reduce their likelihood or impact. This can involve various methods like avoidance, reduction, transfer, or acceptance. Team and leadership "buy-in" is extremely important for any risk strategy to get off the ground and to maintain effectiveness and efficiency. It's not possible to "set and forget.". Strategies for governance and risk management must be woven into the fabric and aligned with the business culture and process.

Integrating risk into resource prioritization and planning processes. It’s important to define the organization’s appetite for risk and then to identify whether the risks identified are above or below risk appetite which gives a priority list. The risk management process helps to prioritize the activities they are committed to resourcing in addition to serving as a cross-check for anything that they may have missed or are doubling up on.

Risk Monitoring and Reporting: Making the exercise comprehensive yet simple at the same time; to ensure it is not taken as a burden by employees responsible for it and truly adds value to the organization. Be able to identify risks and report to the corporate board in a manner that brings about the right conversation about risk management among the board members.

Risk management is an ongoing process. It's crucial to monitor the effectiveness of mitigation strategies and continuously identify new risks. Regularly reporting on risk management activities to stakeholders, keeps everyone informed and ensures accountability.

Risk Governance: This pillar establishes the overall structure and ownership of the risk management process. It defines roles and responsibilities for risk management activities, ensuring clear communication and decision-making throughout the organization. Leadership commitment to risk management is vital for its success.

An integrated GRC discipline enables organizations to enforce their management disciplines. Governance artifacts include such as planning, policies, processes, etc to reduce risk. Risk management artifacts include identifies, quantifies, and evaluates risk in part to determine where more or less governance is appropriate.

A contemporary organization's success is, in large part, driven by how wisely it takes risks and how effectively it manages the risks. These elements work together to create a comprehensive and effective Risk Management Framework. By implementing the best and next practices, organizations can proactively manage risks, minimize their impact, and achieve their objectives.


Profundity is important to connect the mind, close gaps, and unify the difference.

With the increasing pace of changes and hypercomplexity, today’s organizational leaders and professionals need to increase their cognitive agility, cultivate a discerning mind, explore alternative viewpoints, and enforce cross-disciplinary reasoning. It’s always important to demonstrate authenticity by thinking, speaking, and doing things that are aligned with your inner self. It’s also critical to think beyond the surface, break through conventional understanding, enhance trust; and become more profound in understanding, communicating, and problem-solving.

Seek the root, not the surface:
Don't chase surface-level solutions. Understand the underlying causes for issues that need to be solved. The problems usually have many causes and can be very complex, you can't figure out the exact cause and effect so the solutions are vague. Challenge assumptions and delve deeper into hidden complexities.

It’s not so effective to use linear logic to understand highly complex, nonlinear cause-effect relationship scenarios to solve complex problems. If you only fix the symptom, not the root cause, then it perhaps causes more problems later on. So it’s crucial to apply multifaceted logic and structural processes to diagnose the real causes, in order to solve a set of issues thoroughly.

Listen to the whispers, not just the shouts; sometimes silence speaks volumes: Pay attention to subtle cues and quiet voices. Sometimes the most profound truths are unspoken. "listen to what is not being said." Listen and hear what people are saying or trying to say, even try to figure out what’s in their mind, is not being said yet. you are not profound.

Respect other people as if you were in their position. Learn to listen beyond words and listen to both sides of the story. If you only listen to one side of the story, you are not profound. Listen to both the “Naysayers” and “Yay sayers” when it comes to deep and far-reaching change.

Question the obvious, and explore the unseen: Doubt is the seed of growth; question your own understanding. Challenge yourself to think critically and evolve. True critical thinkers are able to see things underneath and around the corner, perceive the invisible, catch “implicit” elements, and recognize connections and interdependencies.

If you only read the content without contextual intelligence, you are not profound; if you only believe what is being told, you are not profound. It is important to encourage critical thinking, open attitude, constructive behavior, and collective wisdom

Wisdom can come from unexpected places. thinkers of consequence, not thinkers of convenience. You become wise when you are humble enough to be aware of and admit what you don't know and share what you know. Profundity is important to connect the mind, close gaps, and unify the difference.

Fable to Reveal Aristotle’s Thoughts and Unleash Human + AI Potential

The potential of AI for good depended on the purpose we gave it, the "telos" we designed it to fulfill.

Aristotle (384–322 BCE) was a student of Plato and is considered one of the most influential thinkers in Western history. He and his associates - both female and male thinkers in their time wrote on a wide range of topics, including logic, metaphysics, ethics, politics, physics, and biology. How can professionals in contemporary societies apply his philosophy to deal with real-world issues insightfully?

Rain pattered against the window of Fay’s cluttered apartment. A self-proclaimed "digital nomad," Fay had spent years chasing the next viral trend online, flitting from one passion project to another without ever mastering any. Today, however, a notification from his favorite philosophy forum piqued his interest. A heated debate raged about artificial intelligence (AI). Some argued for the creation of "superintelligent" AIs, while others feared the consequences. Fay, ever the observer, scrolled through the arguments, none resonating with him.

Suddenly, a new post caught his eye. It was titled "Aristotle and the Missing Telos." The writer argued that the current debate missed the mark. AI, like any tool, needed a purpose, a "Telos" as Aristotle called it. Intrigued, Fay delved deeper. Aristotle, the writer explained, believed everything had a natural purpose, a function it was meant to fulfill. Similarly, AI shouldn't be an unmoored intelligence, but one designed with a specific goal.

The idea struck Fai. He'd been treating his life like a formless blob of potential, lacking any clear purpose. Maybe, he thought, it was time to identify his own "telos." He spent the next few days reflecting. He realized his true passion wasn't the fleeting fame of viral trends, but the joy of creation. He loved building things, taking ideas, and turning them into tangible products.

With newfound focus, Fay began crafting educational apps, and tools designed to make learning engaging and accessible. Slowly, he found his niche, his "telos." His apps weren't instant hits, but they brought him a sense of fulfillment he hadn't experienced before. Years later, Kai was a successful designer, creating AI-powered learning platforms. He believed AI wasn't a threat, but a tool, just like a well-designed app. Its potential for good depended on the purpose we gave it, the "telos" we designed it to fulfill.

Fay's journey, from a scattered nomad to a purposeful creator, became a testament to the enduring relevance of Aristotle's philosophy in the digital age.

Philosophy of Mozi & Associates

Mozi’s ideas on universal love, non-violence, and meritocracy had a lasting influence on Chinese thought and societal revolution.

Mozi, was a philosopher who lived in the 5th century BCE China. His contemporaries, both female and male thinkers offered a unique perspective on how to promote peace and cooperation by encouraging people to consider the well-being of all; and how to manage a civic society by promoting the worthy based on merit and ability, rather than solely on social status or hierarchies.

Universal Love (Jian Ai): Mozi's central concept is "universal love," which goes beyond familial ties or social obligations. He believed everyone should be treated with impartial concern, regardless of their origin or social hierarchy.

Harmony & Frugality: Mozi strongly condemned warfare, and advocated for resolving conflicts peacefully through diplomacy and reasoned arguments. Additionally, he promoted a life of moderation and criticized excessive rituals or extravagant activities that drained resources.

Utilitarianism: Mozi's philosophy aligns with a form of utilitarianism. He believed actions should be judged by their outcome; actions that benefit the most people and promote social order are considered good, while those causing harm are bad.

Science & Logic: Mozi and his followers placed a strong emphasis on logic and reason in their arguments. They were also known for their advancements in science and technology, particularly in areas like engineering used to deter warfare.

Mozi's philosophy faced criticism for potentially undermining traditional social structures and hierarchies. However, his ideas on universal love, non-violence, and meritocracy had a lasting influence on Chinese thought and societal revolution.

Monday, March 25, 2024


Responsibility is everyone’s business: Be responsible for what you say, decide, and do and set the right goals to generate value for not only ourselves but also our global societies.

As uncertainties are a common occurrence in any walk of our progress, the business leaders and their teams cannot afford to be unprepared for the challenging task of facing the “VUCA” digital realit. Business transformations are generally associated with high-cost initiatives around risk, uncertainties, sourcing, and capability enablement. Either at the individual or organizational level, people need to take responsibility for making sound judgments, solving the right problems, and achieving more with less.

We are responsible for the choices we make: "Every action has an equal and opposite reaction": Any action taken (cause) will have a corresponding response or consequence (effect), even if it's not always of the same magnitude or directly opposite. People or organizations are different, they have different mindsets; they have different goals and expertise, they compete in different areas, and they have a different scale. So they set different goals and make different choices.

In a modern and fair society, people need to be responsible for their decisions and actions to create order from chaos, and build a collaborative society. Collaboratively, if we all work towards common goals, it becomes far easier to achieve. We have a problem to solve together to build on morale and real productivity; advocating open leadership, professionalism, and mutual sharing in successes.

Our actions have a ripple effect on the world around us: "You reap what you sow": This proverb emphasizes that our actions (cause) have direct consequences (effect). If you plant good seeds (positive thinking and actions), you can expect good results (positive outcomes). Conversely, negative mindsets or actions will likely lead to undesirable consequences.

The truth is that each of us is a complex blend of contrasts - positive and negative; intuitive and analytical with imperfect judgment. So it’s important to define a set of common values, but also appreciate fresh ideas, unique insight, and bold actions to achieve value-added high performance. Accountability needs to be well-embedded in the organizational culture. Responsibility is everyone’s business: Be responsible for what you say and do and set the right goals to generate value for not only ourselves but also our global societies.

Careful planning and anticipating potential outcomes can lead to better results: "Failing to plan is planning to fail": This maxim emphasizes the importance of planning and strategizing (cause) to achieve desired outcomes (effect). Without proper planning, individuals or businesses are more likely to encounter challenges and experience setbacks. Appropriate planning and estimating should be done on the front end of the initiatives.

However, those initiatives, especially the large-scale ones, never go from being well managed, on budget, and on schedule to outright failure overnight. There is always a transition period when the business initiative is “troubled.” If you can get through the noise to see the real issues, you have a window of opportunity in which the initiatives can potentially be rescued. So things are dynamic, planning is crucial, but be flexible on the way of making appropriate adjustments.

In the face of the increasing pace of changes in, a more hyperconnected & interdependent global society, there is no “one-size-fits-all” approach to addressing the different psychological responses to changes happening in our professional and personal lives. So it is important to try to find ways to make people feel involved in the design and implementation of the change. The more transparent a change effort, the less uncertainty, and consequently less fear. All people should take a certain level of responsibility for their judgments and behaviors, and work in building a contemporary organization or society.


Liberty is- not just a slogan; freedom is - neither about free falls nor undisciplined addictions; it’s the way to -listen to -your inner calling, follow your passion, and live an authentic life, coherently.

Wander around in -

Zhongshan roads;

stand in front of -

square of liberty;

ponder around -

the global standard of-

common value,

capture ancestors’

collective philosophy.

The ivy-white arch gates

are grand enough

allow a crowd of diversity

to pass through;

the blue ceiling with -

printed characters of liberty,

inspire us to -

watch beyond the reality,

contemplate the future,

in solitude.

Sunshine spills -

the light on -

the flower blossoms -

soaks us in the warmth of -

energetic garden;

birds sing loudly at -

the top branches of-

strong trees,

people come and go, wishfully;

breeze touches -

our souls

boost our energy to -

fight for freedom, tirelessly.

Liberty is-

not just a slogan,

freedom is -

neither about free falls

nor undisciplined addictions,

it’s the way of -

listening to -

your inner calling

follow your passion,

live an authentic life, coherently.

A Fable to Learn Laotzu "Effortless" Philosophy

The philosophy teaches us to become less meticulous, and more insightful through effortless understanding, discovering the rule of nature, inherited the spirit of Mother Nature.

ao Tzu and his philosophy about following nature's patterns & rules, rather than using forte forcing to solve problems had gained respect by both the Eastern and Western societies. Regardless of the verified historicity, Lao Tzu is revered as the founder of Taoism, a major philosophical and spiritual tradition in China. The Tao Te Ching (or Daodejing), a foundational text of Taoism, is attributed to Lao Tzu. Modern scholars believe it was likely compiled by various authors over time, but Lao Tzu remains the symbolic source.

 Although due to historical limitations, some named philosophers in Ancient times were males, I believe their female associates (family members, team members, etc) had made significant contributions to sharing collective wisdom. Here is an interesting fable to teach us the philosophy of Laotzu.

In the deep valley, where mist clung to the forests and wisdom whispered in the wind, lived an insightful philosopher named Lao. Unlike other gardeners who meticulously pruned flowers, Lao's garden was tangled, vines snaked through crooked branches, wildflowers bloomed naturally, and a single, gnarled peach tree stood resolute in the center.

One day, a group of students, both ladies and gentlemen were eager and ambitious, approached Lao. "Master," they bowed, "why is your garden so untamed? Lao chuckled, with a sound like wind chimes, and said, "Nature thrives when left to its course. The river doesn't force its way to the sea, it simply flows. The peach tree doesn't strain to bear fruit, it blossoms when the time is right. We need to respect Mother Nature, isn't it?" "The Master's power is like this. They let all things come and go effortlessly, without desire." [Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching]

The students frowned. "But how can we achieve greatness without effort?" Lao led them to the gnarled peach tree. Its branches, though twisted, held fat, juicy peaches, basking in the sun. "See," Lao said, "the tree expends no energy on its appearance. It focuses its strength on what truly matters - bearing fruit. That is the way how our mother nature nourishes our world. Effortlessness is not about laziness, but about focus and harmony; how to align your own strength with the natural flow." When we respect nature, capture the quintessential of life, and discover patterns of the natural world, we can achieve more with less.

The garden demonstrates the beautiful natural world, with butterflies and bees dancing effortlessly from blossom to blossom to pollinate the flowers, and birds singing around cheerfully. The young girls asked a lot of interesting questions, they cultivated a lot of flowers and plants at their home, and now they knew the butterflies and bees dance with purpose -doing pollination for the plants, and they became better natural scientists in Ancient times. "The wise person is the one who knows what thy does not know." "Knowing how to yield is strength."

Suddenly, all the students understood. True achievement wasn't about forcing a result, but about understanding the nature of things and acting in harmony with it. From that day on, they learned from the effortless flow of the wind, the unwavering strength of the mountains, and the wisdom of the untamed garden.

In time, lady naturalists became less meticulous but spent their energy on nourishing a great environment to reap what they sow, not through struggle, but through effortless understanding, discovering the rule of nature, respecting their ancestors, and inheriting the spirit of Mother Nature.

"In dwelling, live close to the ground. In thinking, keep to the simple. In conflict, be fair and generous. In governing, don't try to control."


Ideals emerge, or fade away; ideals expand, or shrink; ideals converge, or diverge; ideals got isolated, misunderstood, distorted, can we clarify them, spark the right focus, on reimagining, refining, resonating, blending in, mixing up, tearing down the outdated commonality, reinvent the ideal world, ultimately.

The ideal is the threshold,

stringing up our visions, hopes,

personal goals;

shaped by -

past experience, personal history, 

cultural heritage; individual taste;

the ideal path has less friction,

more passion to-

thrive on the journey being called life

Ideal friendship is more supportive, honest,

understand each other, empathetically;

ideal society has-

more freedom, less chaos, to-

generate common value, harmoniously;

allow us to -

become fulfilling human beings.

Ideals could be -

happiness, love, achievement,

ideas focus on purpose, justice,

make differences.

The world is diversified with -

vast ideals,

a broad spectrum of beliefs;

some pursue individualism;

others advocate collectivism;

ideals could be -

as grand as an ecosystem;

small as -

a moment of freshness.

Ideals are like -

the remote mountain peaks,

either far away, or approachable,

should you pursue them, persistently;

Would ideals be like the mirage-

the shadow of plants,

reflected on the water;

not so real anyway?

Ideals emerge, or fade away;

Ideals expand, or shrink;

Ideals converge, or diverge;

Ideals got isolated, misunderstood, distorted,

can we clarify them,

spark the right focus on,

reimagining, refining, resonating,

blend in, mix up,

tear down the outdated commonality,

reinvent the ideal world,
