Welcome to our blog, the digital brainyard to fine tune "Digital Master," innovate leadership, and reimagine the future of IT.

The magic “I” of CIO sparks many imaginations: Chief information officer, chief infrastructure officer , Chief Integration Officer, chief International officer, Chief Inspiration Officer, Chief Innovation Officer, Chief Influence Office etc. The future of CIO is entrepreneur driven, situation oriented, value-added,she or he will take many paradoxical roles: both as business strategist and technology visionary,talent master and effective communicator,savvy business enabler and relentless cost cutter, and transform the business into "Digital Master"!

The future of CIO is digital strategist, global thought leader, and talent master: leading IT to enlighten the customers; enable business success via influence.

Wednesday, November 30, 2022


Forward-thinking organizations have to take an iterative approach in prioritizing and managing business initiatives.Business is nowadays complex, uncertainty of outcomes or occurrences is inherent in numerous business endeavors. Any business initiatives should be viewed as an "opportunity" for solving problems. To manage business initiatives successfully, assess well-defined goals; quality information and logical scenarios are needed to achieve...


Organizations should tailor their principle, methodology and approach to manage various business risks effectively, and keep the organization intact by ensuring sustainability.Enterprises of the future are increasingly exhibiting the “VUCA” characteristics in various shades and intensity. Any company that fervently wants to be innovative must be willing to face risks and deal with risks effectively. Risk management is very useful for building a...


There is - a beginning point, in every meaningful movement, working scenario, life journey...Life is -like a jigsaw puzzle; there are- so many pieces, with blended colors,varying shapes, sizes. In the beginning, you feel confused,pondering how to -get started;calm down,search around,isn’t an exciting adventure to-unfold the future, gradually?Change is-intensive, inevitable;good beginning is -often half way of- success;with abundant information,...


“Real-time” corporate board leadership is not always on, but about practicing information savvy decision-making and enhancing “on-time, on-schedule, on-value” leadership influence consistently. The power of information is to empower the business with real-time insight across the organization in ways never possible before. This is more imperative when uncertainty, velocity, complexity, and ambiguity are major hindrances to decision-making. Real-time...


Digital enlarges the thinking and capability gaps because different organizations, functions, and individuals evolve with varying speed.“Digital Gaps -Bridging Multiple Gaps to Run Cohesive Business” is a guidebook to help digital leaders and professionals today identify, analyze, and mind multiple gaps with multidisciplinary insight and holistic understanding. Today’s digital organization simply just can’t stand still., bridging the gap of...

Tuesday, November 29, 2022


It takes the time to learn to feel confident, to be different, to be proud of who we are, authentically.Due to the exponential growth of information and frequent disruptions, authenticity is not only a leadership quality but a digital professional trait. To move forward from a knowledge economy to a creative economy, keep recirculating imagination and recycling knowledge. Authentic leaders have courage to think, decide and act independently;...


Science always needs- philosophy as - a guidance; philosophy can be expanded- into subject science, explorationally...Philosophy isthe foundation upon which- science has been built,continues to -put forth questions,move science,onward and upward,fluently;science is -grounded in philosophy;philosophy is -condensed soft science.Philosophy is to -contemplate -“why” behind -natural, human phenomenon;abstractly;Science is to -discover cause-effect of...


You cannot wait for - something to happen, keep inquisitive, learning agile, balancing "thinking & doing" to reach the state of - hardworking and effortlessness, ultimately.In the age of -rapid change, information abundance, working hard should go- hand in hand with -working smarter.Hardworking shouldn’t be- thought of -as being -exhausted, overwork only; but about -dedication, prioritizing, iterative learning-thinking-working cycle on-a rhythm...


The right dose of- ego is tied to- self-esteem, balance, agility; confident people with -“beginner’s mindset,” keep absorbing -fresh knowledge; share unique insight; eager to -update their viewpoint, constantly. make changes, progressively.Confidence is about -having the right dose of -ego to show -self-respect, self-worth, self-esteem, self-actualization; arrogance implies -overdose of ego- egotism.Arrogant people do not -follow golden rules,despise...


Can you-communicate-Just Right? set criteria to -discern -“Right vs. right,” objectively? Are you able to- do the right thing, and do it right, consistently?The world is- full of -old & new;truth & myth,brightness & darkness,people debate -what is right,what is wrong, all the time.Can you-communicate-Just Right?set criteria to -discern -“Right vs. right,”objectively? Are you able to- do the right thing, do it right,consistently?Every...


 Visions inspire; strategies compel..Vision is -your point, on the horizon;strategy is how -you will get there,smoothly.Vision is -where you want to go; who you want to be; strategy is -which route you take to-reach your destination,successfully.A vision is how- you see the future, unfolding,forethoughtfully;a strategy is a way, you will carry -yourself out, to make your vision- a reality. As circumstances are -changing, rapidly; an unclear...


Organizations need to improve business fluidity, flexibility, and overall organizational fit by continually tuning underlying structures and processes, to improve business agility and maturity.In the rapidly evolving businesses and complex digital economic systems, today’s digital business is complex and dynamic. It's important to develop the process of a corporate pulse that identifies where the passion, motivation or commitment of the organization...


It takes - immense amount of time, hard work to- develop talent. Can we evoke- imaginative thoughts, shape innovative mindset, discover, develop - unique competency, continually?We all have -some innate strength, a set of talents; when people understand -their raw intelligence, their gift to -the world,they can be-themselves,in the truest sense,authentically. People need to- live a fulfilling life, self-reflect -who they are, ponder deeper about-...


For global citizens who live in today's knowledge economy, the good time comes if you are a relentless learner, a persuasive communicator, a knowledge expert or an advanced influencer. Influence is the cognitive ability to understand; communication skill to inspire and persuade, or “can do'' attitude to motivate. Regardless of which stage you are at the professional growth cycle, forethoughtful leaders or professionals should continue to learn,...


The broader you view, the deeper, you understand, the better you can - uncover linguistic logics, articulate true meanings, clarify the world of - difference, insightfully.The world is -the blend of -diverse thoughts,dynamic changes,diluted viewpoints;communication is- the bridge between -thoughts and wordsCan you clarify thoughts,express with words, persuade others,articulately?There are -gaps, friction, conflicts,all over the place;communications...


The flavor of GRC practices depends on the nature of the business and the level of the organizational maturity.Due to the “VUCA” characteristics -Complexity, Uncertainty, Ambiguity, and Velocity of the Digital Era, the directorship in any organization must have the agility to adapt to changes and build abilities to advise, inspire and motivate a group of people toward accomplishing shared visions and goals. The important characteristics of digitalization...

Monday, November 28, 2022


Building an evolving ambidextrous organization is to ensure that the business is complex enough to act intelligently and nimble enough for driving changes promptly.When jumping into the diverse, ambiguous, and dynamic “VUCA” digital new normal, business leaders need to envision and focus forward; judge the upcoming curves and obstacles on the path to go digital with unpredictable outcomes. An ambidextrous organization can strike the right balance...


People like-brightness, fear darkness, because-brightness reminds us of -sunshine, love, optimism..The world is -the mix of -truth & myth,yin & yang,“being bright” -is the view of- looking for -the best, coming with -a positive mentality, impressive appearance,influential competency.Can you think of -the bright side, come up with -brighter ideas,all the time? Are you part of -natural scene to brighten- the surroundings,brilliantly?People...


 The purpose of running a digital corporate board is to direct the organization in the right direction.The business environment becomes so volatile and uncertain, governance is to establish a consensus of what is normal for your organization; manage exceptions as they arise; update your consensus of normal as the organization changes. There’s a correlation between corporate governance and business performance, and there's a clear connection...

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