Welcome to our blog, the digital brainyard to fine tune "Digital Master," innovate leadership, and reimagine the future of IT.

The magic “I” of CIO sparks many imaginations: Chief information officer, chief infrastructure officer , Chief Integration Officer, chief International officer, Chief Inspiration Officer, Chief Innovation Officer, Chief Influence Office etc. The future of CIO is entrepreneur driven, situation oriented, value-added,she or he will take many paradoxical roles: both as business strategist and technology visionary,talent master and effective communicator,savvy business enabler and relentless cost cutter, and transform the business into "Digital Master"!

The future of CIO is digital strategist, global thought leader, and talent master: leading IT to enlighten the customers; enable business success via influence.

Wednesday, November 22, 2023


Appreciate the great phenomenon around us- the multitude of points of views, fresh ideas or alternative pool of talent; appreciate the abundance which is to have enough to share: resources, time, energy, ideas, creativity, insight, vitality, etc., to lift the spirit of Thanksgiving.Although not all families celebrate Thanksgiving holiday, the weather becomes chilly, the day turns shorter, the decoration light is already lit on the street, we know...


The contemporary professionals are authentic, creative, and confident, acquiring new thinking and fresh insight.We live in such a diverse world with hyper-connectivity, unpredictability, and fierce competitions, visionary leaders and professionals are progressive and proactive, anticipate change, have cultural cognition, acceptance of complexity and its contradictions, the tolerance of ambiguity.They need to become more learning agile, flexible,...

Monday, November 20, 2023


Logic is often nonlinear and multidimensional in today’s “VUCA” world, but it is important to realize that there are basic principles and rules that make it work and there are different types of business logic and methodology behind problem-solving scenarios.The world is becoming hyper-connected and independent, in order to deal with complex problems today, people need to learn how to apply nonlinear logic over linear thinking, and take an interdisciplinary...

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Global Strangers who help out in Paris, France

Interdisciplinarity, we continue to explore the world, learn, grow and influence the world. We need each other, to bridge the difference, close blind spots, to lift up humanity.It was raining in Paris on Nov 17 last week. I was planning to Visit the biggest library – National Library of France(Bibliothèque nationale de France), as well as an interesting place – Paradox museum, to satisfy my intellectual curiosity. Both places are not so far away,...

London’s Manner

Live like a local, grow like a global citizen.When I arrived in London in the early morning, London was still half-sleepy, half-awake. When I took off from the subway, emerge up to the ground, the rain was drizzling, the light and shadow were mixed, fewer pedestrians, the majority of shops were not open yet. Walking around the street which was quiet and chilly, I’ve had a traditional English breakfast, with flat white coffee, and sandwich in a small...

Visit Berlin with Classic Architecture and Great Botanic Garden

 On the Journey of visiting Frankfurt and Berlin, I can see and feel the modern world shaped by the European Industrial Revolution more than two centuries agoI took a high speed train from Frankfurt to Berlin in late October. The train is modern and high speed, very relaxing, it only took three and half hours to arrive in Berlin. In the early morning, Berlin starts waking up, you can take the subway to get to the downtown or small towns....

Botanical Garden in Singapore

Singapore is a modern global city mixing with contemporary skyscrapers and green plants, well-designed architectures and ocean harbor views.In mid-October, I had a chance to visit the international garden city- Singapore, surrounded by diversified and dynamic people in this metropolitan city, I felt global and delightful. The blossom of flowers and shadow of trees cool down the still hot weather here. I Immerse myself in the nature of green, the...

Six Vista Point to View YangtZe River

In numerous regions and nations all over the world, there are mother rivers that nourish people and the environment with their enriched ecosystem.In the midsummer of August, , I flew from Hong Kong to NanKing – another modern metropolitan city in Asia, participating in some trade shows, and also visiting quite many great sceneries there. It is the city which was the capital of six different ancient dynasties, full of legendary history and cultural...

Hong Kong-Pacific Harbor View

Hong Kong is a city that embraces the Pacific Ocean, mixing the east and west style fluently, and welcomes guests from all over the world with her open arms and unique charms.On August 7, I flew from San Francisco on the west coast of the Pacific Ocean to Hong Kong on the east coast of the Pacific Ocean. Hong Kong is an international metropolitan city that combines the old and the new, with the Eastern charm and the Western manner, integrating business...

Thursday, November 16, 2023


To move forward, we have to be determined to not get limited by conventional wisdom, negative mentality, unconscious biases or a variety of gaps.People have enormous potential;  vision of potential discovery is never "achieved" in the sense of being "completed." Potential management takes a structured talent development process via breaking down silos for utilizing collective potential at organizational or societal level. Diversification is...

Wednesday, November 8, 2023


It’s important to clarify the difference between local rules and global rules, common beliefs and universal wisdom, encourage creativity but discourage unhealthy competitions, in order to harmonize a global society.The world has become much more complex and smaller all at once due to blurred territories, virtual & physical mixed interactions, interdependent business relationships, and an informative societal environment. Global leaders and professionals...

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