Saturday, December 16, 2023

London Hyde Park Winter Wonderland Amusement Park

You can discover places you would like to visit and have a good life experience here. So learn to be a sophisticated Londoner.

As my hotel in London this week is nearby Kensington Gardens so I decided to visit the winter wonderland in the Hyde Park. I passed through the spacious Kensington garden in which lots of people were doing exercise there. 

It is winter time, the trees turn yellowish. You can see the castle tip far away surrounded by dark clouds remotely. It is quiet and slightly chilly there, compared to my last visit a month ago - Winter is truly coming, the day becomes shorter and chilly.

Then I passed through the road going to the Hyde park across the street. Because of holiday activities, there are more tourists there. There is a swan sculpture greeting people near the gate And walking on the lake bank, there are quite a lot of swans and other breeds of birds swimming around. That makes the park look energetic and full of energy.

Tall Swans with pigeons playing around on the river bank: Unbelievably near the winter wonderland on the other side of the lake bank, there are quite many tall beautiful swans standing on the shore along with a group of pigeons. That really creates unique scene and brightens the winter day, they cheer up tourists, full of holiday delight. Birds catch up the food residues the tourists spilled on the ground. But smaller birds got them all, elegant swans didn’t get enough. The taller, beautiful swans feel unhappy, but they didn’t bully little birds, and still stand there calmly, greet tourists friendly. So I put some chocolate cake pieces into the coffee cup, brought to Swans, who have their long necks to reach it. We all have a responsibility to make the world fairer, happier, especially in the holiday season.

Winter Wonderland Amusement Park: After that, I went to the Winter wonderland. It is actually the amusement park similar to Six Flag with Christmas lighting and ornaments. There are lots of gift shops, restaurants and game booths spread around; rolling coasters, ice skating, magic spinning wheels, etc. Both kids and adults can have some fun activities here. The organizers are thoughtful. Lots of people out of London come here to have holiday entertainment. When they exit the park, there is a long distance bus station right around the corner. So they can go back to Oxford or other nearby cities conveniently.

London winter is chilly and warm at the same time. Days become shorter and shorter but when the lights are lit in many places, you can feel the holiday theme; restaurants or coffee shops are always very warm. You are tourists but feel at home; you are alone but not lonely. You are cold but can always find some places warm enough. You can discover places you would like to visit and have a good life experience here. So learn to be a sophisticated Londoner.


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