Welcome to our blog, the digital brainyard to fine tune "Digital Master," innovate leadership, and reimagine the future of IT.

The magic “I” of CIO sparks many imaginations: Chief information officer, chief infrastructure officer , Chief Integration Officer, chief International officer, Chief Inspiration Officer, Chief Innovation Officer, Chief Influence Office etc. The future of CIO is entrepreneur driven, situation oriented, value-added,she or he will take many paradoxical roles: both as business strategist and technology visionary,talent master and effective communicator,savvy business enabler and relentless cost cutter, and transform the business into "Digital Master"!

The future of CIO is digital strategist, global thought leader, and talent master: leading IT to enlighten the customers; enable business success via influence.

Friday, January 31, 2014

A Customer-Centric Strategy

Digital is the Age of Customers. In essence, the digital era is the age of the customer; customer-centricity becomes the goal to right fit the business’s purpose –to create more customers. However, since there are many elements to customer-centricity, the key to success is to focus on something that will "move the needle." For some companies it's the customer experience; for others, product excellence. And some can build loyalty through...

Thursday, January 30, 2014

The 900th Blog to Ring in the Year of Digital Horse --- Are We Turning the New Page of Human Progress?

May the Year of 'Digital Horse' Accelerate the New Level of Human Progress! The world is entering the lunar New Year-The Year of Horse today, a wood horse or a digital horse. The spirit of horse is recognized as energy, authenticity, charm, progress, and intelligence, to be able to make efforts to improve themselves. It is energetic, bright, warm-hearted, intelligent and capable. Ancient people liked to designate a talent as 'Qian Li...

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Digital Knowledge Workforce

The digital knowledge workforce has innovation potential. The idea of 'knowledge worker' was first described by Peter Drucker in his 1959 book 'The Landmarks of Tomorrow.' He also pointed out that knowledge worker productivity is the most important challenge for management in the 21st Century. After being through more than half of the century, what’re the criteria for today’s digital knowledge workforce, when the business is transforming from...

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Collective Intelligence

Harness the Collective Intelligence.  It’s evident that large businesses are increasingly using crowd-sourcing to brainstorm new ideas and solve thorny business problems in their business practices. Collective intelligence is an emerging business SMARTNESS to overcome business challenges and stretch out company goals. Crowd-sourcing is an attitude: New generation of social business empowered by digital technologies such as social platform,...

Monday, January 27, 2014

What are the ‘Right Tools’ to Follow Up Strategy Execution

 Humans are still the Masters for any Tools. Statistically, more than two-thirds of strategy execution fail to reach the expected result. Execution excellence is difficult to achieve because it is both art and science, hard and soft; decisions and acting, quantity and quality. What are the right sets of tools to keep track of strategy execution? Business Architecture: The goal of Business Architecture is to enable execution of the...

Sunday, January 26, 2014

How to Assess Business Capability Maturity

There are two sets of business capabilities: Competitive Necessity and Competitive Uniqueness. Organization’s capabilities are business competency to execute its strategy and deliver value to its customers. Every surviving business has certain capabilities; however, only very few high-performing businesses have a high mature level of capabilities, for not only running the business today but also competing for the future. Hence, from the management...

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Common Denominator for Transformational Change

Transformation is the momentum from quantitative accumulation to quantum leap. For many organizations, digital transformation is on the way. Transformational change implies something that is deep and broad and gets to the heart of the business or person. As the effects are meant to stick, the change has to have gone to the root of what people do, how they do it and how they think about what they do. Transformational change is that an organization is...

Innovation & Simplicity

Innovation is progress, and progress is in simplicity.  Innovation is the light every forward-looking organization is pursuing now; however, very few companies can well articulate their innovation process. Effective innovation requires a suitable process as part of the wider holistic 'system' for innovation, encompassing other key aspects such as culture, leadership, and strategy, but how to follow the simplicity principle when managing...

Friday, January 24, 2014

A Popular Process

Process thinking is more fundamentally an architecture thinking, it need to be holistic, cohesive, and balancing Process is more often not popular, because many people either do not understand the value of process, or they believe processes do not directly contribute to their own functional needs. Process is unpopular also because it makes people think. But nobody is educating them as to why thinking about it is good. There are many other valid...

Agile Team Velocity

team velocity shall not be the goal, the real business goal is how to improve project quality, manageability via well-tuning team capability & capacity, effectiveness & efficiency.  With Agile gaining momentum, the techniques upon how to make it more successful also become hot topic.Velocity is an indicator where you may need to do something; the options like adding people, team building or to take other actions. So does a high performing...

Thursday, January 23, 2014

An Objective Board

Independent directors practice independent thinking. The modern corporate board plays critical role to exemplify digital leadership and influence corporate culture as well, how do boards ensure they remain objective even when members are/or become friends? Check the friendship at the door: The smart thing to do is to understand and agree to the following when someone joins your Board: Friendships are great, but they should be checked...

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

A Strategic CIO

Strategic CIOs wear many colors: the color of their thoughts; the color of their character, the color of their role and the color of their talent.  Modern CIOs have to wear multiple hats nowadays, from business strategist to tactical manager; from customer champion to talent master. A qualified CIO has to be a strategist, but what image comes to mind when you think of strategic CIOs? A strategic thinker is a big picture person and set...

Monday, January 20, 2014

Innovation Agility: How to Accelerating Idea Validation

Innovation agility is a critical capability to strive your business.   Innovation agility is a critical business capability to manage innovation life cycle with speed, Idea validation is a crucial step in managing innovation with effectiveness and agility. The idea evaluation is a critical part of successful new product/business development. The basic goal of Idea Evaluation should be to quickly and thoughtfully weed out potential...

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Digital Balance: How to Strike it Just Right

Like running up to the string, keeping digital balance is critical in reaching the digital high. We are experiencing the dynamics of the most significant business transformation since the industrial revolution. The majority of us will work in an organization that is somewhere between old and new; at both industrial speed and digital speed; in the physical building and remote environment; or will remain to be a mixture of old and new. It is the...

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