Welcome to our blog, the digital brainyard to fine tune "Digital Master," innovate leadership, and reimagine the future of IT.

The magic “I” of CIO sparks many imaginations: Chief information officer, chief infrastructure officer , Chief Integration Officer, chief International officer, Chief Inspiration Officer, Chief Innovation Officer, Chief Influence Office etc. The future of CIO is entrepreneur driven, situation oriented, value-added,she or he will take many paradoxical roles: both as business strategist and technology visionary,talent master and effective communicator,savvy business enabler and relentless cost cutter, and transform the business into "Digital Master"!

The future of CIO is digital strategist, global thought leader, and talent master: leading IT to enlighten the customers; enable business success via influence.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

What’s the Magic Formula to Make the Right Decision?

The decision intelligence is putting together facts - own experience, other's experience, and analysis.  Having all the facts to make the best decision is a utopia we would all like. But as the saying goes, if you don't move swiftly someone may eat your lunch. Technically, how shall you weigh in the data and gut feeling to make the effective decision at the right time? Advanced Analytics (predictive and prescriptive analytics) plays a...

A Neurologist’s Mind View

The essence of who we are lies in those brain pattern- how & what we think... The human brain is perhaps one of the most mysterious things in the world. The concept of brain emulation has a colorful history, roughly 85 billion individual neurons make up the human brain, each one connected to as many as 10, 000 others via axons and dendrites. It’s the sum of those brain signals that encode information and enable the brain to process, associate...

Saturday, November 29, 2014

How to base your new innovations on known customer needs?

Digital is the age of customer empathy. For most of the organizations, innovation is still the serendipity, but being customer-centric is the ultimate goals of those organizations, so how shall you base your new product innovation on known customer needs?   Focusing on customer needs should be an easier path to grow the innovation fruit: Shaping "customer desire" is a different task from shaping or understanding "need"; and making...

Self-Awareness Mind: Know Thyself

A self-awareness mind continues to practice reflective thinking. We are all on the journey to self-awareness; some simply have a greater recognition of being on that road. There are different kinds of leaders and thus different forms of leadership. The one constant is the need to begin by leading oneself. A self-awareness mind continues to practice reflective thinking: Better understand yourselves and how knowing who you are and your own style...

Three Ps in Corporate Value

Corporate value, as a component of the strategy, is built on 3 Ps: Purpose, Passion, and Principle.  Corporate value is not just an abstract or oxymoron, but a multi-dimensional concept, from economic value, quality value to brand value or social value. Values are a component of Strategy, not the entire strategy, though. Strategy, in its entirety, must be at the center, and it is built on what being called the "three P's" of Purpose, Passion,...

An Excellence Mind: In Pursuit of Perfecting, not Perfection

An excellence mind has the wisdom to strike the right balance between two opposite forces.  A positive life is a progressive journey, from good to great; from fine to excellent; from important to significant, every leapfrogging takes altitude, attitude, and aptitude, and it all starts with mindset, is an excellence mind in pursuit of perfecting – the continuous improvement; or a perfectionism-being a perfectionist in chase of being perfect? An...

Friday, November 28, 2014

How to Build Analytics as Differentiated Business Capability

Analytics needs to permeate into the very fabric of organization.  Although analytics is at the top to-do agenda of any forward-thinking business today, still, most of them think analytics is one time project, not an ongoing business capability or embedded corporate culture, hence, their data are “floating on the surface”, not being filtered out and abstracted into the business insight that helps making effective decisions; so what’re the...

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Three Key Factors for Organization from Good to Great

There is no magic formula from good to great, first things first, doing these fundamental things right. Every organization, from industry bellwether to fast-growing niche player, or even startup tries to figure out the magic formula from good to great, besides talent, what are the other key factors that contribute to the business’s long-term success?  Vision: First an organization must have a vision that is well articulated and communicated...

A Prioritization Mind: How to Improve Productivity and Reduce Stress

 The prioritization mind can spend time and energy on strategic thinking and focus on result-driven activities. At today’s always on, always connected working environment, faced with ever-expanding workloads and endless interruptions, digital business professionals appear headed for a collective nervous breakdown. How to shape the thinking and action which can prioritize well, make work more effective, productive and fun? The ownership mindset:...

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

A Gratitude Mind: Leadership Contemplation in Thanksgiving Day

Be grateful to understand others and be understood. It is another Thanksgiving day approaching, regardless of which situation you are in, there’re still plenty of things to thank for, the sunshine, the moonlight, the season of changes and the abundance of information, etc. From a leadership perspective, what’s the breadth and depth of a gratitude mind? And how does it make the positive influence upon your surroundings? Grateful for Insight:...


The key to doing DevOp well is to realize that this is going to make everyone change perspective. With Agile emerging as a mainstream software project methodology and management philosophy, DevOps has also become the culture thing in many forward-thinking IT organizations, culture is the collective mindset, culture is the habit, culture is how people think and do things in the organization, so how does exactly DevOp influence IT organization’s execution...

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Is agile an engineering practice or management discipline

Doing Agile is perhaps the engineering practices, but being Agile is management philosophy.   Agile is designed for customers. Customers are the focus, and everything in Agile is designed to support delivering more value to the customer sooner than later; increased ability to realize a competitive advantage, be earlier to market - all of which translate to success for the business. It’s a win for everyone. Agile isn't primarily...

Leverage "SMART" framework to Set Goals Smartly

Every measure selected should be part of a link of cause-and-effect relationships, and ultimately affect the growth and long-term perspectives of the organization. S.M.A.R.T  (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely) goals play an important role in the modern management discipline, what’s the pros and cons of setting & measuring S.M.A.R.T goals, and how to manage it effectively? The bigger issue is that a good strategy...

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