Sunday, October 25, 2020

Influence Competency and Professional Maturity

With influential intelligence, the contemporary leaders or professionals can inspire, innovate, improve, interact, interpret, exemplify, encourage, and orchestrate change.

Digital transformation is an evolutionary journey which means a renewed understanding of the future of business-what’re the disruptive trends; how your organization catalyzes the progressive changes and how much better you can do to leverage creativity and lead a seamless transformation. Influence competency is based on the leadership substances such as vision and purpose with effective styles such as participation, coaching or delegation. In order to make profound influence, you must demonstrate high levels of cognitive intelligence and various skills (as following), and have strong ethics, responsibility, integrity, and empathy.

Advanced Thinking & Real Critical Reasoning
: We are what we think. The advancement starts with a growth mindset. People with advanced thinking skills are forward-thinking, upwards, open-minded, and demonstrate multidimensional thought processes such as independent thinking, critical thinking, creative thinking, or systems thinking, etc. In specific, Independent thinking means you do not follow others' opinion blindly, but analyze and synthesize all sources of input and information to form your own opinion. Critical thinking is to make objective reasoning in order to form a judgment. It includes many thinking patterns, such as analytics, synthesis, deductive thinking, creative thinking, etc. creative thinking is an innate process to generate novel ideas, and systems thinking sees the interconnection between parts and the whole, etc.

Changing the game is a mindset. A mind with influential competence will be more flexible and less rigidly tied to a top-down, command-and-control environment. People with high intelligence can observe more completely and think more profoundly, climbing the Information - Knowledge - Intelligence -Insight -Wisdom hierarchy with continuous progress. Through such progressive journey, awakening is a realization that there is a greater power/intelligence than your own and tapping into that intelligence to make societal progress.

Clear vision & Profound Insight: Leadership is about the future and change. Today we are inextricably linked, in real time and in ways far more imminent than most realize. Visionary leaders and professionals are progressive; anticipate change and are proactive, rather than reactive to events. They are able to think about the past, perceive what is now and foresee the future, see possibilities before others, but they also need to tackle great challenges with grand consequences over long time spans.

Value based vision should advance humanity and drive progressive changes. A commitment to values is an outstanding characteristic of all visionary leaders, as value-based vision keeps leaders courageous, consistent, creative and concentrated. Visionary leaders and professionals can shape a clarified vision which then needs to be translated into the forward-thinking mindset and personal behavior from leaders to the rest of the organization, but also in business structure and processes, to provide for coherence to the organization in order to build up confidence for all stakeholders involved.

Versatile talent and differentiated professional capabilities: With unprecedented digital convenience brought by emerging technology and abundant information, blurred geographical or functional/industrial borders, and fierce competitions, today’s digital professionals need to develop versatile talent and differentiated professional capabilities. Each of these same capabilities may be combined in different fashions to yield multiple competencies, so they can become a sophisticated decision maker, a capable problem solver and an effective influencer.

Keep in mind thorough, modern world has many distractions. And sometimes, spreading time on doing too many things even turns out to be a distraction from developing talent or building strength based on innate talent. Often people have different hobbies to gain the skills, but it’s harder to build a set of robust and coherent professional capabilities for making progressive career advancement. solve complex problems or deepen leadership influence.

Embraces inclusiveness and diversity, including different thinking styles and cognitive difference: Today’s digital workforce is hyper-diverse, inclusiveness will be the mantra of the future. The business leaders must work with the right mindset to create an inclusive organization with every dip in the business lifecycle since different perspectives, and talent, lead to well-rounded ideas and solutions. Companies today should embrace diversity and inspire inclusiveness, bringing in new ideas and fresh perspectives to make new creations and build better futures together.

Digital diversity should refer to cognitive differences, culture intelligence, and varying experiences people bring to the team. It’s important to set up an innovative team with cognitive differences and diversified worldview, and its team members can proactively stimulate the new energy of fresh thinking. Always trying to be ahead of others, but in a constructive way. In fact, diversity will be transcendent to the next level of human advancement when having a common purpose.

Continue learning, innovating & coaching: With exponential growth of information and knowledge only clicks away, it is important to be learning agile, keep accumulating knowledge, but also fuel with passion about what you are doing, do not limit your imagination. Learning agility is the willingness and ability to learn, de-learn and relearn, and then apply those lessons to succeed in new situations. Now more often the business is inextricably connected with technology, and functional/processes barriers are starting to weaken, allowing digital leaders and professionals to pursue their aspirations and to apply their skills and expertise to their greatest effect.

We become wise when we are humble enough to be aware of and admit what we don't know and share what we know. Business leaders or professionals should continue learning, innovating or coaching to deepen their influence. Because often, high professionals today require an integration of different sets of knowledge and digital fluency across multiple disciplines, so the interdisciplinary business insight should lead them not only to understanding, but to dealing with tough situations, treading tough water, and leading the organization toward the uncertain future confidently.

The right balance of analytics and intuition for effective decision-making: With fast growing information, there is evidence that business professionals, managers/leaders who leverage fact based analytics with an evidence-based approach to decision making do better than those that don't. Your gut feeling will play a role in the decision making scenario. If the decision-making process is well designed & well executed, you have the highest probability of getting the best outcome. Keep in mind, analytics is historically backward-looking, and decisions are forward looking. So predictive analytics could be a useful tool for forward-looking projections, scenarios, and uncertainties. A good process can still get adverse outcomes. But an effective process does decrease the risk of the wrong choice, not eliminate it.

The art of decision-making is based on a sound judgment, mixing feelings and reflection, and self-regulation. In reality, many poor decisions are made by very intelligent people. There are also many senior leaders who fail to deal with blind spots because arrogance clouds their eyes; unconscious bias causes poor judgment, or having a very homogeneous team who always “think the same.” Good decision makers are system thinkers, being able to and not afraid to leverage contrarian views to shape a holistic picture, making decisions less biased. Breaking the "problem down," rather than making one big "gut decision," can reveal inappropriate bias, and creates an audit trail.

Consistent in both interpersonal and intrapersonal communication: Good communication is based on expertise, contextual understanding, and deep insight, to avoid “lost in translation” syndrome. People tend to need both interpersonal and intrapersonal communication to keep people awake, engaged and informed. The communication should tailor your audience, so the solution lies in changing what’s the goal of communication and how the message is delivered. In an open and progressive culture, open communication generates a digital vibe to inspire change, engage the variety of audience and streamline strategy management.

There are multiple causes for poor communication, but by far the problem most often is the inability of the "speaker" to adequately accept the real nature of the message or the environment. Being a digital professional doesn't just mean the face you post at work or the talk you have in the meeting. To build influence competency, it’s important to deliver consistent messages to gain minds or hearts, for getting work well done. Communication effectiveness sets culture tones and drives the long term business competency.

To "influence" means to be able to shape other people's views or opinions towards one's own views or perspectives and push for progressive changes. With influential intelligence, the contemporary leaders or professionals can inspire, innovate, improve, interact, interpret, exemplify, encourage, and orchestrate change. They have adaptability, consistency, profundity, and empathy to steer the business in the right direction and make a smooth digital paradigm shift.


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