Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Positive Thinking

It’s the journey for us to reach the high maturity level of emotional intelligence as it depends on the person who faces a situation, how he/she understands it, how he/she understands him/herself inside out...

Positive thinking encompasses a positive mental attitude, helping us conquer the current barriers in order to embrace the brighter future. It is much broader than trust, empowerment, competitiveness and personal responsibility. It’s an idealistic realism or a cautious optimism. 

Such a mindset focuses on the upside and upwards of issues and outcomes; focusing on strength, opportunities, and inspired actions. It is about striving to be your best, developing your unique competency based on your innate talent, not beating another in a negative or unprofessional way, to reach your goal professionally, fairly, and elegantly.

Being positive is within yourself, reflects your personality, thought process put into action: When it comes to the human mindset, there is an inner balance as well; your conscious mind is positive and your subconscious mind is negative. This means that your conscious mind is intended to direct the messages passed to your subconscious mind for creation. As humans, it’s understandable to experience negative emotions.. but do not let the negative emotions stay for longer than a moment or two..People with a positive mindset demonstrates emotional excellence to let their conscious mind control the situation, be cool-headed and logical, think the bright side of circumstances and how to deal with things effectively.

True intelligence comes from self observation and self management. You do have to feel the emotions and live with them through. Emotions work for you, not the other way. Technically, you need to observe emotions as true force, help to move with energy in the direction of your purpose, and cast a picture of a preferred future for the goals you need to achieve, rather than becoming mired in a perpetual blame game of focusing on the past. Being positive doesn’t mean you don’t consider and calculate risk carefully; learn to deal with contradictions and embrace incompatible forces, rather than choose between them; focus on doing your best to solve problems in a constructive manner, rather than becoming overly-emotional and cause more issues aimlessly.

Positive thinking proactively stimulates the new energy of fresh thinking and nurtures creativity: Creativity is an innate process to generate novel ideas. Positive mindset recharge energy, create colorful aura to stimulate great ideas. Knowing who you are and how you react and respond to different situations can help you understand and improve the cognitive, relational and assertive actions you take on a day to day basis to flex your creative muscles and solve problems innovatively. Learn to abide by nature and let the positive dominate the negative. Positive mentality is the grist for our creative mill. It enables us to connect seemingly unconnected items to build something new.

In practice, creativity is a combination of something currently non-existent, thoughts, acts and with or without constraints. To be creative, you need to be conscious, curious about things that surround you. Positive emotions such as passion, curiosity, etc, improve our inner consciousness, enabling us to learn, share, and connect more dots for generating fresh ideas. To be conscious is to be aware and engaged with both the inner world of thought, feeling, choice, and the exterior world of experience and relationship, so your mind can flow, release the positive energy, out of this comes a beautiful thing, the freedom of choice and the plenty seeds of creativity. Still, fair to say, sometimes, the negative emotions such as the right dose of anger - can stimulate creativity; as all things in the world, the point is to make it RIGHT - neither too much or too little, balance is the key.

The correlation between positive culture and good policies: Collectively, positive culture is the soil to develop an innovative organization. The core of culture has to do with the way people are treated. For example, a positive culture requires respect, responsibility, self-discipline, autonomy, mastery, and purpose. To maintain a positive environment, a set of guiding principles can be written on a page. It will be supported by the bulk of employees in defining the boundaries they also wish to maintain. As the world continues to change with updated knowledge, the policies and rules also need to be updated accordingly.

Experience between positive performing cultures and mediocre or negative cultures is that they evolve from the platform of trust and respect that cascades from the top. The high performing culture is built through trust and being agile (self-management, interactive communication and continuous improvement). Setting principle guidelines, grounding rules and policies is important to shape a positive culture. However, overly restrictive policies will lead to micromanagement or too much control which leads to business bureaucracy, inefficiency and stifling innovation. The healthy workplace culture decreases the need for restrictive policies.

We have that choice each day to wake up to be positive or negative. A positive mental attitude is focused on strengths, opportunities, and inspired actions, striving to make the impossible possible. It’s the journey for us to reach the high maturity level of emotional intelligence as it depends on the person who faces a situation, how he/she understands it, how he/she understands him/herself, harnesses/leverages the right attributes within him/herself and moves upwards. Ultimately, creativity, along with a positive mentality leads the world forward effortlessly.


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