Thursday, October 7, 2021


Being professional means you present a certain quality that shows a high level of excellence & value, peculiar and essential character.

Generally speaking, a professional is an individual with the expertise of specific areas, who earns his or her livelihood from that expertise. Being professional means that the individual not only has the skill but also presents a set of professional capabilities and traits to get the work done with acceptable quality. Being a digital professional inherently and inextricably linked with high levels of “professionalism” with following characteristics.

Informativeness: We live in a world with abundant information, but scarce insight. Almost all knowledge works involve processing some information, and refine it into fresh knowledge to achieve certain value. The challenge for today’s business professionals is whether they can swim in the information sea smoothly, know how to discern quality information they trust from information overflow, discover how and where to find invaluable information, as well as how to use it to make effective decisions and solve problems effectively.

Information drives awareness, triggers a sense of confidence, confirmation, validation, verification, allows you to build an actionable insight as for how to move from one level to the other. Information based communication is not only about telling the “facts," but also about clarifying those facts that improve decision maturity. Information savvy professionals can make their decisions rich in information and significantly different from the available data. It is the step-wise scenario of information –insight – decision-making.

Skillset: Professionals have a set of skills to accomplish certain works and deliver high quality. Organizations across the vertical sectors are faced with rapid changes, fierce competitions and frequent disruptions, thus, business professionals need to keep sharpening their skills and improve professional capabilities to adapt to changes. Professional skill development is something that depends on the individual's wish as per the organization's standards. You can provide opportunities for someone to learn and hone a skill. Ultimately, it is up to the individual - to decide whether to learn and to what extent he/she decides to learn and practice to build their unique skill sets.

A professional presents high mature professionalism; besides technical skills, the “VUCA” reality requires digital professionals to have the following skill set to be heading in a professional direction such as willingness to think differently and acquire new patterns of behavior; learning agility with humility to acknowledge what you don't know; appreciate and communicate respect for other people's ways; see the big picture and tolerance of ambiguity and uncertainty; have the ability to provide and receive feedback. Learning, experiencing, training, are all important to keep professional competencies nowadays.

Responsibility/accountability: A professional is often defined by title with a set of responsibilities followed by consistent execution to deliver certain quality results. In any organization, opinions of a professional do not just weigh on titles, but how effective a person is in their respective role within the organization. There are strategic and tactical roles, and there are also professional roles that need a hybrid set of skills to deal with different pieces of responsibilities effectively. Thus, more responsibility doesn't always mean to keep your hands full, or keep your schedule extremely busy, tactical performance at the operational level is very much different from strategic practices at the higher strata. Contemporary professionals today need to take responsibility for what they do, harmonize their mind, hands and hearts to make effective decisions, be accountable to deliver quality results, and make improvement.

There’s no such universal formula to be an accountable professional. What works for one may not be as effective for the other. At the end of the day, you define the role you play and how to accomplish it, as well as the level of responsibilities you've progressed to. In the team setting, the chain of accountabilities needs to be reinforced or should be shared, and those who act on and rely on your advice have a responsibility and typically accountability for their decisions and actions, too. A professional is responsible for their actions; they should be accountable to their organization, as well as societies.

Credibility: credibility is one of the critical factors of developing professionalism and building good work relationships. Credibility is not the same thing as being likable. It is a perceived quality that others assign to you based on the interplay of a number of elements, such as integrity, trustfulness, competence (expertise), sound judgment, accountability, relational sensitivity, and likeability.

Credibility allows people to build trustful relationships by earning and holding the trust of each other. You know people with high credibility do what they say, and deliver what they do. So you trust them, that will keep improving their credibility. Credibility also requires competence as one of the factors to do the work, solve the problems and make continuous deliveries.

Problem-solving: Technically, every professional work is to solve problems large or small. A high quality professional needs to be an excellent problem solver, who has the breadth of understanding of the issues, the depth of technique expertise, and the creativity to see things from different angles to frame the right problems and solve them effectively.

The higher professions you have, the more complex problems you need to deal with on a daily basis. Complex problems require high perception intelligence and a coordinate solution which requires integration of different sets of knowledge, skills and fluency across multiple disciplines  Great problem-solvers are the ones who can think and work independently, have excellent problem-solving skills to achieve higher than expected business results.

Being professional means you present a certain quality that shows a high level of excellence & value, peculiar and essential character. Besides above, there are high-quality traits of professionalism such as positive mentality and attitude, fair judgment and good behaviors. A digital professional can be ripened to maturity via the combination of quality, authenticity, capability, and potentiality.


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