Thursday, February 17, 2022


Effective innovation requires a comprehensive framework, tailored approach, suitable process, as well as talent with multiple core competency as part of the wider holistic system for innovation.

Today’s organization is the mixed bag of old and new, order and chaos. Organizations, like individuals, need to be in flow to communicate fluently and change frictionlessly. Innovation is to have a new perspective on things, and it is the process that transforms novel ideas or knowledge into business value. 

Innovation is the core human activity to change the environment for reaching high performance, you have to manage it strategically and systematically to achieve a consistent business result.

Innovation and insight: Knowledge is power; knowledge is based on refined thoughts; insight is refined knowledge. The more you know, the lower probability you get manipulated, the better opportunity you can practice critical thinking which has creativity embedded in it, connect deeper dots to come up with fresh perspectives or generate great ideas all the time. However, don’t let what you know stifles your imagination; don’t allow outdated knowledge to block innovation and decelerate business progress both individually and collectively.

It's important to organize some activities for knowledge re-invention, refurbish some old knowledge and encourage new knowledge generation. Knowledge can be useful in trying to understand if what's imagined can be achieved. The goal to gain knowledge is to deepen understanding, becoming insightful- swim in the knowledge river without letting outdated knowledge block your way and reach the destination courageously.

Innovation & Interaction: In today’s “VUCA” digital dynamic, organizations face both unprecedented opportunities to grow and fierce competitions or great risks to survive. Innovation usually happens at the intersection of business and customers; people and technology; or process and technologies. Observing, thinking, and social interaction are all crucial to spur creative ideas and catalyze innovation.

Digital is the age of people-centricity; people are encouraged to explore who they are, communicate and collaborate across-boundarily; listen & tell enchanting and engaging digital stories, complement each other’s cognitive difference, experience, skillset, cultural backgrounds, etc. Business leaders establish compelling teams, help people navigate through difficult changes, overcome their challenges; facilitate creative activities to nurture creativity, look for passion for work, accountability, and build the culture of learning and innovation.

Innovation and Change
: Innovation is the most desired change; also, every innovation includes a change process, and successful management of this change process is vital for the successful innovations. Statistically, innovation failure rate is very high, there are quite some terms that are vital for innovations that are misinterpreted, misunderstood, overused/misused. Some organizational processes, structures, or culture are outdated, not adapting to the ever-evolving business environment. Thus, change management becomes an important discipline to enhance systematic innovation.

Change is inevitable, organizations act as complex and unpredictable systems, amplify or ameliorate the effects of their change efforts. For well-established organizations across the boundaries, innovation practices might be different across organizations, the key is “context.” Innovation shouldn’t distract strategy management, in fact, innovation strategy is an integral part of strategy; change management needs to go hand in hand with strategy management.

Effective innovation requires a comprehensive framework, tailored approach, suitable process, as well as talent with multiple core competency as part of the wider holistic system for innovation. The abundant insight, creative working environment with robust processes and tools that enable any entity to generate winning concepts and implement great ideas on a consistent basis, is the prerequisite for catalyzing innovation, sustaining business advantage and growth.


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