Monday, December 12, 2022


It is imperative that leadership can be refined to create value interdisciplinarily.

As change is often a difficult, yet necessary part of reaching the future and sustaining success. The intention of becoming a leader is to inspire, innovate, improve, influence. There are many ingredients in building great leadership. 

The ultimate criterion of "high-influential leadership," is the ability to groom more authentic leaders with differentiated competency, strong logic and discipline to make influence coherently.

Leadership & logic: Leadership is induction & deduction; methodology & practice. Leadership insight is an understanding of cause and effect based on the identification of mindsets, relationships and behaviors within organizational context, or problem-solving scenarios. The thread holding leadership competency is based on strong logic for problem-solving and advancing human society.

Highly effective leaders take logical approaches to identify the right problems and align teams to tackle great challenges with sequence-consequences over long time spans. Leaders without vision and logic cannot influence progressively for the long term. Leaders see possibilities before others; their Inferential prediction can complement the vision, helps to clarify what the possible outcomes of making a certain choice are, as well as how to handle different change scenarios step-wisely.

Leadership & levels:
People lead at the different level and subject domain of the organization based on their innate talent, knowledge and expertise. Leadership is a skill within itself and the greatest leaders are authentic to continue discovering who they are; how to grow themselves, others, as well as take leadership as a tough journey for making influence.

There are local or global leadership; junior or senior leadership, which are based on the level of cognitive understanding, knowledge fluency, expertise & experience, capability & capacity, etc. There are reasons why leadership is ineffective today because many times you don't understand the people you are leading and lack the professional competency to bridge the differences. The more complex problems become, the more specialized generalists leaders are in demand to broaden viewpoints and deepen the cross-domain knowledge for shaping insightful leadership holistically.

Leadership lucidity
: Leadership is fluid and solid; natural and nurtured. Leadership lucidity is about being fluid and transparent; and in a social context implies openness, multichannel communication, trustful relationship, and accountability. It is, in fact, a fundamental factor for performance achievement. The top executives' learning appetite to push the transparency button will keep them apprised of what new trends are going to impact the company, as well as what the business assets, resources, and associated tooling are for the company.

Leaders need to keep their thinking fluid, streamline ideas flowing, enforce collaboration, harness changes, and unlock collective potential. Leadership lucidity means being clear, but not lacking profundity; open, but not lacking strategy; being inspired to tell a real-life story of the journey from current state to future state, of influence, of accomplishments.

Because today’s business workforce is hyperdiverse with multigenerational, multicultural, multi-divicing perspectives. Leadership is complex because there’re so many variables in it. It is imperative that leadership can be refined to create value interdisciplinarily. Great leaders are expected to demonstrate interdisciplinary expertise for bridge differences, closing blind spots, possess an innate potential to transform vision into reality and become the true source of inspiration, in order to lead effectively and influence persuasively.


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