Welcome to our blog, the digital brainyard to fine tune "Digital Master," innovate leadership, and reimagine the future of IT.

The magic “I” of CIO sparks many imaginations: Chief information officer, chief infrastructure officer , Chief Integration Officer, chief International officer, Chief Inspiration Officer, Chief Innovation Officer, Chief Influence Office etc. The future of CIO is entrepreneur driven, situation oriented, value-added,she or he will take many paradoxical roles: both as business strategist and technology visionary,talent master and effective communicator,savvy business enabler and relentless cost cutter, and transform the business into "Digital Master"!

The future of CIO is digital strategist, global thought leader, and talent master: leading IT to enlighten the customers; enable business success via influence.

Tuesday, February 28, 2023


The very goal of business initiative management is to set the right priority, streamline business resources, process, capability, capacity to improve organizational competency.Digital disruptions are inevitable, and business transformation is unstoppable. Organizations shouldn’t just respond to them in a reactive way. Businesses today need nothing less than a paradigm shift in their thinking about the fundamentals of how organizations work to create...


The flavor of GRC practices depends on the nature of the business and the level of the organizational maturity.Due to the “VUCA” characteristics -Complexity, Uncertainty, Ambiguity, and Velocity of the Digital Era, the directorship in any organization must have the agility to adapt to changes and build abilities to advise, inspire and motivate a group of people toward accomplishing shared visions and goals. The important characteristics of digitalization...


It is only when all individuals challenge themselves and then come together as a group will we see real human potential achieved and create a phenomenon amazingly.People are intelligent creatures. It's an interesting personalized world emerging ahead of us. To unleash professional potential, people think, create, and improve by reengineering themselves, developing creative mindset, and experimenting with new ways to do things. Collective human potential...


Associations and relationships are what turn the spark into an expressible idea.Business change is accelerating, especially as it relates to the people and value creation dimensions and it is more important than ever to engage business leaders to reimagine, architect, design, and help the enterprise chart the course and set a better sail. So assessing organizational personality, managing company performance and maximizing business potential...


Can we capture - “aha’ moments when -discovering unknown, connect the dots boldly, create flashlight of insight to- explore the world, adventurously.Inspiration is moments of -insight with -a sudden flashlight of -understanding, propels a person from -apathy to possibility; from sympathy to empathy, transforms the way we perceive -unleashed potentiality, essentially.A creative mind is-lightbulb-alike able to flash on, spark up,illuminates pattern...


One of the good reasons for change is to keep the organization fit, and a fitting business has better changeability and higher performance.The purpose of “Digital Fit: Manifest Future of Business with Multidimensional Fit“ is to share insight about multidimensional enterprise fit from digital characteristics, organizational structure, change, knowledge, and talent perspectives; evoke critical and paradoxical thinking about digital “fit vs. misfit,”...


The purpose of running businesses is to generate customers, thus, customer delight is one of the critical goals to ­­­­run a people-centric business.The information abundant and interdependent digital era upon us is about people. Therefore, organizations need to get deeply immersed in designing, developing and delivering intuitive products or solutions to delight customers. It takes a fairly interdisciplinary personality type to be interested...


Intrapreneurship is a good practice to catalyze innovation and unlock business potential.Running an innovative business doesn’t mean everything goes rogue, practicing intrapreneurship in a large organization also doesn’t mean getting rid of all rules and doing things spontaneously. It is about creating the future via constantly learning, experimenting, discovering, and improving. A high-innovative business has more discipline, not less, promoting...


Keep our emotion ebullient; it's a whole spectrum of -emotion from- the depths of -exploring internal self to -the passion for -solving problems; from constant negation between- inner essences to -exhilaration of -self-actualization…Being a human being is great;as we can imagine, criticize, create with full cycle of emotions;can we observe- emotions from a distance,are we able to -express them, accurately?Humans are not perfect; emotions work for...


Innovative global professionals should shape their perspective of value proposition, life experience, world view; culture quintessential, as well as education viewpoints.The effects of an increasingly digitized world are now reaching into every corner of businesses and every aspect of organizations. Digital is the age of creativity and innovation, creativity is the most desired trait for digital leaders and professionals today, and innovation is...

Monday, February 27, 2023


A truly innovative "story of the future" can literally revolutionize a culture, optimize innovation processes, select innovation indicators and improve innovation success rate.Innovation is a managed process to create business advantage; the best point of view is to see innovation as a differentiated competency to deliver business value. Innovation ecosystem or the methodological environment should cover the whole innovation process, including the...


Organizations can reach the next level of responsiveness and maturity if their business system can function more seamlessly, people, process and technology can be integrated into differentiated capabilities…Nowadays, in the global organizations with multi-generational, multi-cultural and multi-tasking workforces, corporate leaders and professionals at different positions across the organizational hierarchy should take shared responsibilities, enforcing...


Our global system is- simply not advanced enough, we should do the best, we could, in whatever capacity -we responsible for; come together in- an effective way, bringing about change, we want to see, in the world. systematically.System is - this side,that side;the interaction between- the two side;Isn’t our world a system,East and West,with interaction, interdependence of-the two sides?System has -the parts interconnected to- the whole;the whole...


The tides of change, waves of - disruptions indicate- we couldn’t predict- the future with - a certain degree of accuracy...People all have- different perceptions,It is always beneficial to- communicate, interpret-what you see, accurately,to grasp reality, objectively;when multiple heads with -cognitive differences, come together to- interpret outcomes, collectively.There’s no “perfect” data in -Big Data world, accuracy, compromise will continue...


In practice, innovation focus and capabilities an organization demands depend on the circumstances the business is in.Digital makes a significant impact on every aspect of the business from people, process to technology, both horizontally and vertically. It is like a gigantic puzzle with many misplaced pieces, you have to put them all in the right places to discover the real meaning and unleash its full potential. The purpose of the book “Digital...


Professional coherence is conveyed via consistent outlooks, step-wise actions; strong disciplines; solid practices…Our co-share world is -an informative, interlaced, hyper-connected ecosystem,with increasing pace of -change, continuous disruptions.coherence is about -logic, consistency, lubrication;the coherence of- internal state is supported by -the coherence of-outward consistency;coherence of change is -achieved via -coherent thoughts, ...


The truth is that-things could change, with time flowing ahead, slowly; can we keep- peeling back the layers, discover the real cause, address it logically?Every inspirational being is -clinging to- enlightenment;if the world is really open. we don't believe in -any dogmas, we just seek; our mind is not cluttered, we are free, really.The real goal of -original thinking is to -unlock unlimited imagination, generate fountain of ideas, fluently; the...

Sunday, February 26, 2023


Leadership competency is multifaceted, interrelated with the trait and experience to improve its maturity.Organizations are complex, societies are complex. In today’s “VUCA” new normal, leadership and management practices are complex. Leadership is not just soft skills, but hard capabilities. There are all sorts of gaps that need to be closed. Organizations not only need good managers to take care of today’s business but also have to grow the...


Prioritize things, make use of clear targets, communicate effectively, set the right priority, bridge resource and investment gaps.With the faster pace of changes and continuous disruptions, organizations today have to be learning agile, continue developing dynamic capabilities for leading their business forward. Thus, planning and forecasting become challenging, and often planning fallacy turns to be a business reality. The degree of planning...


Riding ahead of the change curve takes vision, strategy, courage, methodology, principles, and practices.Digital makes a significant impact on how we think, live, and work. There is the mix of old and new, physical and virtual, order and chaos. We are in a time of tremendous change, the dawn of the digital age, the path to the next level of digital maturity, also in the era of confusion and information overload. Therefore, it’s critical to identify,...

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