Monday, May 29, 2023


Validate ideas; everything has -always started with- an idea; ideas come and go, freely; ideas are worth nothing unless- it's being executed, to -generate value, smoothly; validate them, keep them flowing, accelerate idea validation, implementation, seamlessly.

Global society is -

inundated with-

true knowledge,


common beliefs,

conventional wisdom;

validate common sense,

a common sense in-

a local group is-

perhaps totally odd,

in a global environment.

the validity of it,

depends on-

the degree of familiarity,

Where did you learn from it?

Does common sense lift you or fail you,


Validate true wisdom from -

outdated concepts, knowledge;


humanity argues as much or more about -

what we ought to do;

a good argument opens-

a new perspective;

refresh knowledge;

a bad argument causes-

confusion, frustration;

Is argument leading to -

discovery of truth,

or unnecessary pain?

are we able to -

learn the rules of -

logic, proof,

required to -

judge a valid argument from-

an invalid one,


Validate ideas;

Everything has -

always started with-

an idea;

ideas come and go, freely;

ideas are worth nothing unless-

it's being executed, to -

generate value, smoothly;

validate them,

keep them flowing,

accelerate idea validation,

implementation, seamlessly.


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