Tuesday, May 7, 2024


So machine intelligence is not a replacement, but a complementary collaborator of people.

Today’s digital business environment is dynamic, complex, and uncertain. There are always different complexities at a different time or dimensions, Both human intelligence and machine intelligence count for advancing the global world. 

Artificial intelligence can be viewed as the ability of a computer to learn and reason. But so far people with strong expertise have better abilities to do interdisciplinary reasoning to make sound judgments

Process Transparency fosters trust: Machine intelligence is created by humans through programming algorithms and training models using vast amounts of data. It operates based on predefined rules and algorithms. So it’s good at collecting information and processing information at a much faster speed. Openness about AI's capabilities and limitations builds trust in its applications, fosters trust, and improves the effectiveness and efficiency of human-machine collaboration. Deep learning simulates the human brain’s information process scenarios at faster speeds But it also has limitations due to the accuracy of information and multifaceted reasoning. Therefore human experts still play a significant role in strategic decision making and complex problem solving.

AI reflects the data it's trained on: Mitigate bias to ensure fair and ethical outcomes. AI learns from data through processes such as supervised learning, unsupervised learning, reinforcement learning, and deep learning. It improves its performance over time by adjusting internal parameters based on feedback. Human experts make certain adjustments of “weight and bias” parameters on time to improve decision effectiveness.

Flexibility and Adaptability: AI systems excel in performing specific tasks for which they are designed. They can handle large volumes of data and perform repetitive tasks with high accuracy and speed. Human intelligence demonstrates greater flexibility and adaptability across a wide range of tasks and contexts. Humans can apply their knowledge and skills to diverse situations, innovate, and creatively solve problems.

So machine intelligence is not a replacement, but a complementary collaborator of people. At the current stage of AI development, Human ingenuity and judgment guide its power. The future is a co-creation: Human and machine intelligence working together to unlock possibilities for building better societies.


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