How much is -enough to - overcome difficulties; how much is fine -to survive from suffering; how much is fair to- make a deal in- negotiations; how much is too much, make you feel overwhelmed; how much is great to- think, speak, act coherently, lead innovation, progressively.
Watch over -
mother rivers flowing -
forward tirelessly,
pondering how much water is sufficient to -
nourish -
Immerse ourselves into nature,
feeling sunlight,
beam up,
spill around,
wonder about-
how much energy,
we consume,
all day long…
Perhaps, we believe in-
the first sight of love,
but how much trust,
it can build up;
how long,
it would last,
to close the gaps in mind,
bridge differences of -
all kinds…
Problems are tough,
reality is uncertain,
with untangled knots,
unrecognized patterns;
how much stuff,
we could understand,
how much time,
we can spend;
how much effort,
we could put in;
how hard,
we would like to try…
Global society is -
vast, vibrant,
we experience it,
at very moment;
how much,
we can see, listen,
feel, taste, touch,
read and write,
to shape brilliant design,
refresh unique style…
There are -
ups and downs,
on the journey to -
go further;
how far,
we can envision,
how much,
we could determine;
how fast,
we could run,
how soon,
we can arrive…
How much is -
enough to -
overcome difficulties,
how much is fine -
to survive from suffering;
how much is fair to-
make a deal in-
how much is too much,
make us feel overwhelmed;
how much is great to-
think, speak, act coherently,
lead innovation, progressively.
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