Tuesday, September 3, 2024


Reputation, reputation. When the false storm rolls in,  can you stand your ground? Uncover hidden vulnerabilities; break down -conventionalism?; lighten up our true selves?

In the shadows of people's minds;

negative psyco echo,

in the dark;

rumors were spread all around;

make innocent people feel fragile, inside.

Reputation, reputation,

we all want you to stand up,

keep us decent humans strong;

let our talent shine, 

make bad things gone;

Every word we say,

every move we make;

bridge or divide;

reveal who we are,

shape the world with,

right & wrong.

Reputation, reputation;

we weave you into a fresh thing.

In the echoes of silence, 

in the noise of the crowd,

please do not let others rip you,

bad mouth bite you,

piece by piece;

make us feel painful sadness.

Each one of us is unique,

every life is a journey,

left the footprints of all kinds;

Through the highs and the lows, 

we rise and fall,

In the mirror of truth, 

we see through the norm;

reputation, reputation,

When the false storm rolls in, 

can you stand your ground?

uncover hidden vulnerabilities;

break down conventionalism,

lighten up our true selves?

Let's work together, 

cleanse up -

the atmosphere, 

share value,

build trust;

dig underneath the surface;

understand each other deeply;

recover delicate reputation,

reinvent ourselves constantly.


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