Welcome to our blog, the digital brainyard to fine tune "Digital Master," innovate leadership, and reimagine the future of IT.

The magic “I” of CIO sparks many imaginations: Chief information officer, chief infrastructure officer , Chief Integration Officer, chief International officer, Chief Inspiration Officer, Chief Innovation Officer, Chief Influence Office etc. The future of CIO is entrepreneur driven, situation oriented, value-added,she or he will take many paradoxical roles: both as business strategist and technology visionary,talent master and effective communicator,savvy business enabler and relentless cost cutter, and transform the business into "Digital Master"!

The future of CIO is digital strategist, global thought leader, and talent master: leading IT to enlighten the customers; enable business success via influence.

Saturday, April 27, 2024


The world becomes more advanced if humans and machines can keep learning and improving, work collaboratively, making breakthroughs to reach the next level of universal wisdom.

Due to the exponential growth of information and rapid change in the digital era, human intelligence and machine intelligence would interact and collaborate more smoothly to accelerate advanced society. As high professionals, we should keep learning deeper and pondering profoundly to develop our talent and unleash our potential. 

Also, Deep Learning is a hot concept in information computing and part of Machine intelligence which can be viewed as the ability of a computer to learn and reason. Learning would generate a hypothesis or output for a certain input data set. At the same time, reasoning can be seen as deciding whether or not to act upon those learned hypotheses. Nowadays, Deep Learning has been categorized into the following disciplines for building a more intelligent society.

Cognitive analysis: Cognition is a group of mental processes that includes the attention of working memory, producing and comprehending language, learning, reasoning, problem-solving, and decision-making. Machine learning is a set of processes that imitate human learning scenarios and simulate programable patterns for collecting information, retrieving information, and doing a certain level of analysis & reasoning.

Cognition is a faculty for processing information, applying knowledge, and changing preferences. Cognitive gaps will cause the blind spots for either defining the real problem or solving it. Deep learning is a subcategory of machine learning; it also simulates such a process, uses weight or bias and other analytics techniques to understand the nature of human language, and analyzes the large set of data to make better decisions. But in most circumstances, machine learning is good at collecting sufficient information about certain subjects at high speed. Human experts are better at analyzing, especially synthesizing for making sound judgments. They need to work collaboratively to improve cognitive abilities in decision-making.

Predicting & Forecasting:
The prediction of the future is based on the analysis of the past. Every single prediction depends on some kind of model. Machine intelligence is very useful to analyze historical data, discover patterns, and predict future events with a certain level of accuracy. So deep learning can be applied in various industries, especially for analyzing customer sentiments, doing certain industry trend forecasts, improving risk intelligence, etc.

The optimal prediction system based on deep learning should have the best results in different areas according to specific or customized quality criteria. However, machine intelligence has its limitations. Human experts with management skills should keep in mind, that some trends are more significant than others in their impact on business growth. Ultimately, they need to make sound judgments on critical issues with coherence.

Process Optimization: Due to information overflow and multidisciplinary human interaction, business processes are also becoming complex, and dynamic. There are all sorts of process complexities such as step complexity - the number of process steps involved; process flow complexity - the number of splits, joins, and human steps complexity. Deep learning machine intelligence enables organizations to do process optimization via analyzing, consolidating, modernizing, integrating, optimizing, etc.

Deep learning helps businesses improve process intelligence and develop intelligent processes. Also, the quality of processes impacts corporate capacity management. By embedding marching intelligence into process management, the process intelligence can be implemented to analyze the historical management data, estimate current inventory levels, and forecast future demands, so they can manage assets, resources, talent, IT, etc, with the primary goal of ensuring that the organizational capacity meets current and future business requirements cost-effectively.

Intelligence amplification is another digital phenomenon. For both humans and machines, learning needs to go deeper and deeper, and understanding should become more profound and interdisciplinary. (learning is essential to the function of the machine). Also, intelligence is multidimensional and subjective; Different people have cognitive differences and perceive things via different lenses such as moral, ethical, emotional, intellectual, promotional, etc. Different deep learning frameworks and models have their strengths and weaknesses, with technique limitations. The world becomes more advanced if humans and machines can keep learning and improving, work collaboratively, making breakthroughs to reach the next level of universal wisdom.


Frameworks add value as they are implementations of the patterns to avoid reinventing the wheel for every business initiative.

Frameworks are essentially reusable structures that provide a foundation for building something or dealing with certain issues step-wisely. Frameworks provide terms for communication and analysis, understanding & prioritizing. It is a widely used methodology for planning, monitoring, and evaluating initiatives, It involves creating structured methods and practices that outline the important steps of understanding and implementing. 

In a broader sense, framework logic refers to the underlying structure and reasoning that governs a particular framework. Understanding the framework logic allows you to tailor the framework to the specific needs and leverage its structure to achieve the desired outcome. The logic of a framework defines:

Components: It’s the basic building blocks of the framework to describe processes, methodologies, or approaches to deal with a sub-category of issues. The goal of defining abstract components is to

-abstract the concerns;

-reduce development times;

-reduce the scope of errors;

-reduce bugs in the system;

-make code easy to understand

-hide complexities

-help in making the system testable

How these components interact and relate to each other. Trustful relationships are the foundation of open culture: how to well manage different dimensions of relationships will directly impact his/her effectiveness and leadership influence for the long term. Without good business relationships, every decision becomes an argument. The deeper the trust - the more valuable the relationship. With a well-designed framework, the business can re-purpose well-designed systems and components for change purposes, to ensure that change can be accomplished timely and consistently.

Business is changing and the need for networking is based on building relationships. Relationships are critical to business - both internally, and externally. But for those relationships to matter, to add value, the relationship component in the framework enables the organization to manage relationships systematically for harnessing trust, improving empathy, and increasing organizational effectiveness and harmony.

Rules and Constraints: Business rules describe the operations, definitions, and constraints that apply to an organization. The goal of setting rules and constraints is to ensure things are under control, setting disciplines, and taking practical steps in producing certain results.

Business rule as one of the important architecture artifacts, helps organizations improve performance, reduce risk, and encourage good behavior. They can apply to people, processes, corporate behavior, and computing systems in an organization, Rules or constraints can either protect or restrict business operations; encourage or demotivate certain human behaviors; and balance the right mix of centralization and decentralization.

Frameworks add value as they are implementations of the patterns to avoid reinventing the wheel for every business initiative. The logical framework approach emphasizes the logical relationships between these elements; demonstrating how the activities lead to outputs, which contribute to the purpose, ultimately achieving the overall goals.

Pondering about Universe

Who is she, what’s the purpose of- our universe; how broad can we reach; how deep are we able to - dive in?

We watch the stars blinking,

in the fantastic sky;

navigate through-

mountains, oceans;

deserts, oasis;

hills & valley;

plateaus & meadows;

Isn’t everything and everyone -

part of the grand universe?.

things are so connected,

interdependent in-

such an amazing ecosystem;

we explore the knowns,

ponder around unknowns....

Science is -

what we know about -

our universe through-

interactions with her, 

observe her closely;

recognizing patterns & paces,

rules and rhymes;

time & space;

spirituality is-

what we know through -

our connections to-

the universe,

carrying through -

unconscious instincts, motives, intuition, fluently;

Isn’t what we know,

compared to-

what we do not,

perhaps the tip of-

the iceberg...

Who is she,

what’s the purpose of-

our universe;

how broad can we reach;

how deep are we able to -

dive in?

Can we truly imagine -

the footprints of-

our universe?

Cosmo examines-

the Universe,

at the largest scale;

quantum physics examines-

the Universe,

at the smallest scale;

isn’t our consciousness -

the element already there;

Aren’t our bits of intelligence-

part of universal wisdom?

Thursday, April 25, 2024


Professionals today should be self-aware of their role in problem-solving, show professional maturity, and clarify strong logic of cause-effect reasoning.
Nowadays, with the exponential growth of information and hyperconnectivity, there are multiple, interrelated dynamics in societal circumstances. Change is inevitable, and problem-solving is complex. It’s important to make extensive observations, do deep analysis, and gain an in-depth understanding of tough issues that should be handled.

 Highly effective problem-solvers are capable of doing effective cause-effect analysis, with the goal not to complicate the situation, but to optimize problem-solving.

Understanding interrelationships is essential for comprehending how events unfold and whether our actions have predetermined consequences: With blurred boundaries and unprecedented interdependence, it’s not so effective to use linear logic to understand highly complex, nonlinear cause-effect relationship scenarios to solve complex problems. We all bring different perspectives and our boundaries might have changed based on open conversations.

It takes time to think about the specific issue of boundaries thoughtfully. It is critical to 'step outside' the system and adopt different perspectives to deepen understanding of the exact cause and effect to handle them smoothly. It’s important to analyze how actions cause unexpected issues; how to produce good results; or in which circumstances, your decisions or actions lead to undesired results:

Nonlinear reasoning often engages in brainstorming and thought experiments to analyze cause-and-effect relationships and delve into the logical underpinnings of causality: As the world becomes more complex and dynamic, multidimensional understanding and interdisciplinary approaches can be taken for effective problem-solving. So constant reasoning and brainstorming is a necessary step in cause-effect analysis. The line of human development is cognitive complexity, which is a multifaceted issue -relating to people’s thought process coherence, information fluency, variety of experience, levels of decision/problem-solving maturity, etc.

For complex problems, causation and correlations need to be analyzed thoroughly. If correlations are confirmed as real, every possible causative relationship should be systematically explored. Otherwise, it is easy and even tempting to come to premature conclusions based on the preliminary appearance of a correlation.

While the initial effect (tasting bitter) might be unpleasant, following good advice (cause) ultimately leads to better outcomes (effect):
Although the global world becomes interdependent, many managers today still apply old silo management mindsets to new ways of organizing; or linear thinking to understand complex issues, that create a multitude of gaps blocking the way of solving problems thoroughly.

As linear often implies cause & effect with no feedback, A -> B, and a nonlinear relationship implies feedback where A -> B -> A with the admission that there may be numerous other elements in between. The excellent advice and collective insight give you accurate information to improve, and insightful questions provoke thoughts and think about alternative solutions. Brainstorming to stimulate digital mining is an important step to leverage information and collective wisdom, and take a structural approach to handle problems smoothly.

Professionals today should be self-aware of their role in problem-solving, show professional maturity, clarify strong logic of cause-effect reasoning, learn from each other, build a high-performance team with complementary mindset skillset, and toolset, develop a good reputation as the problem-solver.


To unify common beliefs, bridge differences, and explore the emerging digital horizon,we need to connect the right dots.

Competitive uniqueness makes you shine even on a raining day. It provides the opportunity to think of new ways to do things; it helps the individuals or organizations to differentiate themselves from competitors. 

It’s important to create or nurture an inclusive environment in which people will genuinely feel good, willingly get involved with commitment, and demonstrate unimaginable contribution, so the working environment also becomes healthier, happier, and creative.

"The world needs the symphony of all instruments, not just the melody of one." - This proverb showcases the beauty and strength in diversity of thought and perspective. Digital now opens a new window to see through the complexity from different angles, based on the latest social collaboration tools and technology maturity. Optimistically, the digital nature of hyperconnectivity and cross-boundary collaboration can stimulate the next level of ‘diversity in thought.’ Diverse groups spark collective creativity and discover higher-quality solutions.

To produce a high-performing team, we need cognitive differences, levels of capabilities, complementary experiences, a spectrum of skills, unique competencies, cultural perspectives, and a variety of personalities. So collaboratively, we could solve problems that each one of us couldn’t handle completely; but everyone makes a certain level of contribution.

"What sets you apart can sometimes feel like a burden, but it is often your greatest strength." - This highlights the potential power and value of one's unique qualities: Contemporary organizational leaders and professionals need to frame the new mindset to see the ever-changing world via multi-dimensional lenses and share their unique viewpoints to make an influence. To discover the unimaginable uniqueness of people, you need to look at all aspects of their individual traits and strengths, work ethic, influence, creativity, experience, capability, achievements, and performance, as well as their hidden potential.

The competitive necessity and competitive uniqueness are both important, the maturity of a business capability would be based on its ability to deliver on either customer needs or to achieve the desired capability outcome, but also importantly, to build the differentiated brand and the long-term business competency.

"Be a mirror that reflects the best in others, but don't become a windowpane that allows the storm to pass through you unchanged." - This proverb encourages learning from others while staying true to your own values and perspectives. We are limited by time and space, and learning from each other helps to surpass one's own limits; through someone else's experience, we can gain a lot without much price/loss to ourselves. People with a learning mind see unique patterns and make fresh connections that others overlook.

In addition, learning with each other shows a good attitude to learning and being open-minded for catching new perspectives. Still, everything has two sides; learning from others doesn’t mean accepting others’ viewpoints completely or following others blindly.

To unify common beliefs, bridge differences, and explore the emerging digital horizon,we need to connect the right dots, learn from our ancestors, from each other, apply an effective framework approach to structural problem-solving, and enhance innovation.


Great designs consider environmental sustainability, resource efficiency, and nature-human harmony.

As the world makes the digital paradigm shift based on overflowing information, emerging technologies, and global workforces, forward-looking organizations, and talented professionals, focus on people-centricity; they intend to design personalized solutions to meet customized needs and improve customer satisfaction, build a strong brand name and organizational reputation. 

What are the principles behind design and what’s the science behind the art?

Think about intention: What is the intended purpose of your design work? Knowing the purpose can help to guide your design choices. If art is a sort of expression or decoration, then design is how to make things not only functioning but also delightful. If art is more liberal, imaginable, spontaneous, and personal; then a piece of design work needs to consider the intention underneath the surface, practicality rather than just decoration.

Great designers ask insightful questions: Who are your potential users, what value do you intend to generate, and what kind of brand effect do you expect to create, etc? Modern society is reaching the phase of people-centricity; different people have different tastes and habits; so elegant design has both art and science ingredients in it to move toward the uplevel of humanity.

Increase contrast:
You can increase the contrast between different concepts such as big and small, abstract and specific, bright & dark, hard and soft, simple and complex, frame & frameless, etc, to create holistic effects. People have their cognitive spectrum, favorite patterns, shopping appetites, and aesthetic tastes, so how to create an eye-catching scenery; create impressive phenomena; make things elegant, but not fragile; sustainable but not stale; encourage people to pursue uniqueness, select customized design to demonstrate their personality.

Explore different color combinations: If people who live in the industrial era with information scarcity are more used to “black & white,” choices; then in the hyper-diverse and connected digital era, people prefer multiple options. If each color means the charm of differences, then our beautiful natural world is an amazing design artwork of the universe.

So good design usually has different color & texture themes. For example, if purple usually means spiritual value) and gold usually means economic value. Purple plus gold is a value-added combination of design patterns, you might explore other color palettes to see if there are ones that resonate more with you as value is multidimensional.

We all should generate diverse social values and pursue our own ideas and ideals. Experimenting with cooler themes and warmer tones could also produce great results. The design work with brilliant color patterns perhaps analogizes that a group of people with complementary talent and skills can build a high-performance team to produce excellent value-added results.

Add highlights and shadows: We live in a multidimensional world with a lot of complex circumstances; either doing design work or taking the initiative to solve problems, emphasize important values and details, and also be cautious of potential distractions or pitfalls.

Adding highlights and shadows to the art texture can provide more depth and dimension of designs. This will make it look more sophisticated, eye-catching, and even thought-provoking. But keep in mind: the other important design principle: Simplicity is the key. Do not make things over-complex.

Consider external lighting, just like how critical the outliner leadership means for innovation:
How the light interacts with the art can significantly affect its appearance and impact. Experiment with different lighting scenarios to see how they impact the overall aesthetic effect and delightful psychology.

People have a shadow mindset due to their confines of knowledge, negative past experiences, or victim mentality. A great piece of design perhaps cures them by changing their mindset, thinking positively; awakening their inner self, and inspiring them to discover their meaning & purpose, so they are able to interact with nature authentically and become more optimistic human beings.

It takes time to reimagine the future, broaden perspectives, and do empathetic goal-driven design to delight customers. It’s important to get feedback from users; not only analyze customer sentiment, their needs and what, but also think ahead of them, and think beyond them. Great designs consider environmental sustainability, resource efficiency, and nature-human harmony.

Monday, April 22, 2024


The capability view helps us identify “actuality and potentiality,” constantly discover talent, build strength, and improve capability coherence.

Today’s information-exponential world is often more dynamic and complex than ever; digital professionals shouldn’t stop learning and growing. But you need to keep building unique professional capabilities. You become what you do, and you improve when you reflect and rectify what you have done. What are important factors in developing professional capability?

Mindsets and attitudes to shape professional capability: Change happens when mindset turns into mind flow. People change for a reason, it is a mind that manipulates the reasoning and logic behind their attitudes and actions. However, developing a learning wheel to shape a growth mindset can be a very long process to develop. It occurs only through a curious mindset, great learning attitude, interactive process, and culture of learning.

Work ethic, dedication, a willingness to learn, and a commitment to excellence are key drivers of professional growth. Taking initiative, demonstrating ownership of your work, and going the extra mile can set you apart. The shift from the reactive learning mentality to the proactive learning attitude enables people to look forward, improve learning intelligence, take full advantage of opportunities, and improve learning agility.

Both hard and soft skills interwoven into differentiated capability: A strong foundation in the specific knowledge and skills required for your chosen field is essential. This could involve formal education, industry experience, and training. In today's world, proficiency in relevant technology is often crucial. This could range from applications specific to your industry to general digital literacy skills. Soft Skills count. Beyond technical knowledge, strong communication, teamwork, problem-solving, critical thinking, and time management skills are vital for success in any profession.

Integration of capabilities via continuous learning and refining:
The ability to adapt to change, embrace new technologies, and keep learning is crucial in today's fast-paced world. Demonstrating abilities to take initiative, and going the extra mile can set you apart. Keeping up-to-date with industry trends, new technologies, and advancements in your field is crucial for maintaining your expertise and improving the level of capability maturity.

It's also important to develop an ability to bounce back from setbacks, handle pressure, and stay motivated in challenging situations is important. Professional communication is the threshold to integrating capabilities. Effective communication skills are essential for interacting with others. This includes written and verbal communication, active listening, and clear presentation skills.

Different people and organizations have different inner strengths, management capacities, and differentiated capabilities. Capabilities typically require a combination of organization, talent, processes, resources, and technology to develop. The capability view helps us identify “actuality and potentiality,” constantly discover talent, build strength, and improve capability coherence.

Anthropological Roots and Blooms of Taiwan

People here have a sense of responsibility for building better communities. But it still takes a lot of effort to build a truly global society by integrating different structures, languages, cultures, and management styles seamlessly.

I encircled Taiwan island, enjoyed the beautiful scenery, tried to discover its anthropological roots, and observed its social phenomenon. Taiwan is proud to be called “the island of the world” What is its character and how charismatic is it to attract global visitors

Friendly locals with good manners: Local people across the strait are very friendly to tourists when I ask them for directions or visit museums. People of all professions seem to be respect each other. In almost all public places they line up and favor order rather than chaos

Eastern and Western cultural themes co-exist: Taiwan had a history of being administrated by the Dutch, Japan, and China. There are modern architecture and traditional buildings; palaces temples, and churches co-existing in cities and suburbs. In eastern and southern regions, there are fewer tall buildings because they try to preserve a better environment and protect the ocean coast The slopes at the edge of pedestrian lanes, or facilitation in the parks or waterfront brought thoughtful convenience for people to move on, or take a break. But overwhelmingly large numbers of food stalls and vehicles sometimes also block the way for people to walk safely.

Active communities and considerably convenient transportation
: There are quite lots of anthropological activities going on each month, especially on the weekend. Local people I guess can easily find their zones and participate in different exhibitions and events. I recently went to a variety of shows such as a healthcare show, gift trade show mobility exhibitions, etc; on the weekend, the artists performed on the street of the night market and local people parade to celebrate their festivals; they are busy with different cultural gatherings.

Also, people living in different cities take trains or buses conveniently and move around frequently. That also blurred the line between urban and rural areas.

People here have a sense of responsibility for building better communities. But it still takes a lot of effort to build a truly global society by integrating different structures, languages, cultures, and management styles seamlessly.


I got lost, once in a while, then found myself, nature inspires me to keep thinking ponder around; discern truth from myth, convey unspeakable holism, in the universe.

Stand on -

the mountain peaks

watch sun rising

from horizon splendidly,

bring us hope

as a new day unfolding

making us ponder around

what could be happening

who we would be meeting

where we are going to

in this big world

at the next moment.

Sat at the seaside,

watching the tide up & down,

water cleansing surroundings,

pondering what’s underneath;

besides colorful corals,

known creatures;

are there unknown mermaids,

swimming around,

hidden treasures,

waiting us for discovering?

Hang around at -

hustling streets

observe people come and go


are they in their hometown,

or exploring new surroundings?

Ponder around -

what’s in their mind,

guiding their way;

we met in -

this small big world,

experience the life at -

different stages;

do we perceive -

things the same or differently;

can we tell our stories vividly?

Walk along the promenade across -

the city;

smell of aroma diffused from

flower trees;

pass through-

crosspoint of -

vibrant nature,

diverse society;

walk along-

the roads called-

multidimensional streets;

try to -

see invisible,

listen to unsaid,

are we on the path to -

reach the level of -


Let it be,

leave us alone;

does our global world become-

more nature-oriented or

human-machine controlling?

Ride on the train,

hop at buses;

watch city views,

moving faster & slower,

like slideshows flicking over,

with mountain oceans as


ponder around -

human nature;

Our origins and destiny,

what’s the thread interweaving humanity?

I am with crowds,

then wander alone,

observe fresh things,

wonder around-

unusual phenomenon;

I got lost,

once in a while,

then found myself

nature inspires me to -

keep thinking,

ponder around;

discern truth from myth,

convey unspeakable holism,

in the universe.

Impressive landscapes with mountain ranges and ocean strait

It’s time to say goodbye to “the island of the world’; the beautiful mountains and sea, friendly global strangers, variety of creatures, colorful plants, and flowers, and interesting food, all of which left me many memorable moments and added a great theme to my global trip.

I am very impressed by the beautiful ocean strait coast and elegant mountain ranges I visited recently. after encircling Taiwan island from west to east, north to south, I headed back to big Taipei for a couple of more days to wrap up my trip in Asia

I revisited one of the most popular mountains Yangmingshan as I only went to the Camila garden and smelled the flowers on an early spring day. This time I gathered enough information and planned to visit a few tourist spots there.

On the warmer mid-spring day, the Camila garden became more colorful with purple red white, blue flower blossoms. I headed to the observation pavilion. It has a very greenery environment Because it was a weekday, I only saw a group of senior people coming here for hiking. After walking down steps for about fifteen minutes, I arrived at the other tour spot “flower clock” which was a plant and flower-made round clock that not only decorated the surroundings but also functioned and ran the bell.

After another five-minute walk, I reached another waterfall tour spot, at which the lucid water fell down from the mountain peak and created the phenomenon. In the city of “New Bamboo,” I didn’t see the bamboo lands. But here on this mountain, there were bamboo forests.

Then I took the mini shuttle bus to another tourist attraction a few miles away. Bamboo Lake on the mountain top. People sell mountain-produced goods such as bamboo shoots, mushrooms, different fresh fruits, or other packaged foods. You can also visit a hidden blossom farmland garden. It’s already late afternoon, I didn’t enter it. It was a great mountain that had been a bit overly developed and now become a transportation hub at which you could take the buses going towards different directions of the metropolitan city.

On the other day, I also visited Yeliu Geographical Park on the coastline of Taipei. The exquisite oceanfront with different shapes and sizes of rocks with green mountains as background created unique landscapes. I think that’s an impressive representation of the ocean coast of the Taiwan Strait.

The town of Danshui meaning “light water” also attracted lots of tourists and local people to visit. They held religious events on the weekend. You can sit at the coast, tasting local snacks bought from the nearby food stalls, watching ships running through promptly, and enjoying a wonderful day here.

Our natural world is fantastic so on my last day here, I visited the Taipei Zoo and met varying animals to say goodbye. It was a spacious park with strong plants. Lots of colorful flowers blossom on the trunks of tall trees and look lovely.

I hung around for a couple of hours here to visit the birds' garden where peacocks, swans, turkeys, and many others walked near the shrubs or stood at the lakeside. There were giraffes elephants camels monkeys black bears etc, at the African animal park, and some small animals at the Australian zone. A group of squirrel-sized golden monkeys played around on the trees, very cute. But the large-sized animals such as apes, giraffes, and horses seem to look sad as they lose their freedom and are locked in the fence for a long time

There were lots of giant turtles, fish, and many ocean creatures in the aquarium. Although it was the subtropical climate locally, we could see penguins inside their igloo home. They seem also a bit sad as they were so far away from their homeland or their ancestor's land.

Of course, the pandas’ home was one of the most popular spots to visit, it was crowded there but people lined up and moved forward to meet two pandas. each of them lives in their glass home eating bamboo; climbing up and down; taking naps; are they happy there? Can we hug the pandas in the peach blossom village in their hometown someday?

It’s time to say goodbye to “the island of the world’; the beautiful mountains and sea, friendly global strangers, variety of creatures, colorful plants, and flowers, and interesting food, all of which left me many memorable moments and added a great theme to my global trip.

Influential Voyage

Voyage is often not going so smoothly. It was Rocky Road, with Perils, tough lands full of trickswe have to-be cautious of our surroundings, the adventure has unknowns, we need to pass through it in discovering ourselves and the universe, constantly.
Voyage is the vision;

we follow our gut feelings,

Guide through our mind,

to go far far away..

pass through mountains, oceans, deserts

sometimes we can control

other times we can’t.

Voyage is the journey

we put lots of effort on,

Pull up our hopes and wants

push us out of -

comfort zones,

the further we go

the loner we may become

the bitter we might taste;

do not give up too soon

as the sceneries could change -

our perspective at any moment,

refresh our energy unbelievably.

Voyage is -

a spiritual sublime,

through enriched experiences,

Soul-discovery movement;

Be authentic,

stay focus,

explore talent,

Unleash potential,

We become more mature,

when our thoughts flow with translucence,

our words and actions convey-

coherent messages.

From vision to -

see beyond reality,

to the determination of -

moving towards the destination,

Voyage is often not going so smoothly

It was Rocky Road,

with Perils,

tough lands full of tricks;

we have to-

be cautious of surroundings,

the adventure has unknowns,

We need to pass through it,

in discovering ourselves and the universe,


Taiwanese ‘Baba"

What is father nature anthropologically? And in which nation do fathers play the best role model for their adolescent children and which lessons do they learn to enrich their lives with the role of being a parent?

“Baba” means father in Taiwanese. Recently I visited mountain tops, oceanside parks, and vibrant zoos; passed through big roads and narrow streets; observed local people and learning cultures and customs. I like to share new phenomena and analyze them a bit from anthropological perspectives and societal development angles.

Overall speaking Taiwanese are very polite and treat tourists friendly. I saw fathers seem to have close enough relationships with their children than in many other nations I visited. Parents play with their kids patiently in different places such as museums, parks or zoos, etc.

One day, I saw a father playing soccer with his teenage daughter in the park and having lovely conversations; I saw parents accompanying their kids to all sorts of activities and had family fun together frequently.

In the zoo, many young parents took their toddlers here to watch animals. Quite a few young fathers felt very comfortable holding their babies and shared different chores with moms., They seem also to enjoy being qualified parents.

Usually, the mother plays a more critical role in bringing up kids and the mother's role gets respect from all over the world. But the father's role is a bit controversial as they often spend little time with their children. The affection of good fathers enables kids to grow more healthy psychologically and advocates an advanced society with equal opportunities for both genders.

I heard that schools here usually ask fathers to participate in activities for the growth and development of school children. So fathers can become good mentors to their kids, and they could also become more mature. I think that is the right way to gain different life experiences and play multiple personas more seamlessly.

I wrote a lot about mother nature What is father nature anthropologically? And in which nation do fathers play the best role model for their adolescent children and which lessons do they learn to enrich their lives with the role of being a parent?

I have had a good impression of Taiwanese “Baba” for playing the father’s role proactively; maybe they can share experiences and educate more great fathers of the world.

Taiwanese Snacks

My favorite local snacks include colorful sweet rice ball soup, bamboo stick rice cake, steaming mini buns, purple rice wrap, fried dumplings, and sugar cane lemonade juice.

When visiting Taiwan, besides the beautiful ocean views and elegant mountain scenery, the numerous night markets with an overwhelming number of food stalls and restaurants create and interesting scenes.

Although I am not a gourmet exper,t I did spend quite a lot of time finding the food that fit my tastes and also reflected the local snack culture

There are different types of snacks; some taste sweet; and some have spicy flavors with all sorts of shapes and sizes

Round snacks. I like to taste different sweet soups such as small or large sticky rice balls wrapped up with different beans, sesame, or taras. A bowl of colorful rice balls looks very pretty and sweet. A lot of food stalls also sell huge balls with meat inside. Some people eat them as formal meals. There are round-shaped pancakes fried with oil vegetables or eggs

“Bao” means buns.
People across the world also like steam buns” The juicy mini buns are very tasty, and they are popular in both the Eastern and Western world. People in Asia also have big buns with vegetables or meat for breakfast

Cube type of rice wrap called “fantuan”: Usually made of purple or white rice with traditional or sweet and many other flavors some ingredients inside include such as meat or fish floss pickles flour sticks you can also add frying eggs or others I like the purple one the best People had it for breakfast

Some small restaurants sell rice cooked in bamboo containers, adding mushrooms or other flavored ingredients; it tastes fine. I guess in the pre-porcelain era, our ancestors used different natural materials-made containers to cook food.

Oval or rectangle-shaped rice cake: That is just the rice mixed with fish or meat floss or sources with a few more ingredients Local people order them for meals

Cylinder-shaped “ Zong zi
”: Itls the sticky rice with all sorts of ingredients wrapped by lotus leaves Many nations have traditions to eat Zingzi for certain holidays

Arc-shaped dumplings:
People all over the world can taste dumplings in Asian communities

Toufu-made snacks: Some are sweet; some are spicy, and stinky tofu is a popular snack here.

Frying sea foods: There are bird eggs or sausages with all sorts of shapes and colors.

Fruit snacks and fresh fruit juice:
Taiwan has sub-tropical weather patterns, so it produces a few different tropical fruits other nations might not have. I tasted Bale, Lianwu, and Binglang the first time. Binglang tasted bitter, I am wondering why local people like it as lots of movies, and newspapers mention it frequently. I also tasted fresh-made sugar cane mixed lemonade juice, it was sweet and sour and tasted great.

My favorite local snacks include colorful sweet rice ball soup, bamboo stick rice cake, steaming mini buns, purple rice wrap, fried dumplings, and sugar cane lemonade juice.

People do spend lots of time tasting different snacks; a few are healthy and nutritious; but some are perhaps not; there are some local snacks and quite a few are popular in many places. How does the culture of snacks impact people’s lives and modern society?

Thursday, April 18, 2024


A harmonized global society has a huge potential to become a highly innovative system in which all sorts of components and ingredients are dynamically integrated into the global capacity to generate value constantly.

We live in a more ambiguous and globally distributed world, with exponential growth of information and frequent disruptions. Being global and shaping a world-class organization is all about crossing not only geographical borders but also cultural divides between business, industrial, government, and social sectors to make a leap in growth and improve organizational maturity.

Address global challenges effectively through common understanding:
Global perspective is important in a more hyper-connected and globally distributed world as it deepens a holistic understanding of circumstances. Developing world-class insight and global foresight requires holistic thinking, strategic reasoning, systems understanding, and forecasting capability.

Appreciating and Protecting Cultural Diversity: While acknowledging the interconnectedness of humanity, a global perspective of wisdom also values and inspires cultural diversity. It recognizes the richness and unique contributions of different traditions and worldviews. This fosters tolerance, respect for differences, and the understanding that diverse perspectives can coexist and enrich each other.

Embracing Interdependence and Collaboration: Recognizing our interdependence on different parts of the world and its resources is a crucial aspect of global wisdom. It encourages collaboration and collective action to address global challenges and promote the well-being of all. This requires effective communication, shared responsibility, and the ability to find common ground despite existing differences.

Cultivating a global perspective of wisdom can empower individuals and communities to solve tough problems creatively: The global leadership effectiveness is not only based on the rising and expandable horizon but also based on forethoughtful leaders’ very intention or effort to dig into the root causes of varying issues in the global scope, connect the wider dots and advocate innovative solutions. It’s important to understand a variety of global dialects, demonstrate cultural empathy and emotional excellence, and communicate the possibility of generative behavior changes in organizational structure, patterns, and processes.

Navigate the complexities of an interconnected world:
Global leaders and professionals should sense, feel, read, and imagine, set tones to enhance cross-boundary communication and collaboration. Contextual navigation helps businesses generate fresh ideas, enabling them to scale up innovation efforts across geographical boundaries. Global teams with innovation navigation ability usually demonstrate conceptual diversity based on independent thinking, diversity of opinion, imagination and knowledge, decentralization, aggregation, etc, to identify or generate fresh ideas and implement selected ones for benefiting global society.

It’s always important to promote a more just, sustainable, and peaceful world for future generations. Global perspectives are important in a globally distributed world with complexity, uncertainty, and ambiguity. A harmonized global society has a huge potential to become a highly innovative system in which all sorts of components and ingredients are dynamically integrated into the global capacity to generate value constantly.


Guanyin continues to inspire and uplift people around the world with her message of purity and benevolence to advance humanity.

Guanyin is typically portrayed as a graceful and benevolent figure, often depicted as a female goodness with powerful influence, symbolizing her ability to perceive the suffering of sentient beings and to extend compassion to all. 

Guanyin is sometimes invoked as a symbol of unity, tolerance, and inner peace. She is often referred to as the "Goddess of Mercy" or the "Queen of Compassion,"

Symbol of purity: Guanyin is frequently depicted holding a vase of pure water, symbolizing purity and the ability to purify suffering. This fluidity reflects her ability to transcend worldly distinctions and connect with beings on a deeply compassionate level. Guanyin is renowned for her vow to remain in the world until all sentient beings attain enlightenment. This vow reflects her boundless compassion and commitment to alleviating suffering and guiding beings toward liberation and harmony. Statues of Guanyin have been built in many towns, and cities in different nations.

Guanyin's influence extends far beyond East Asia and has touched various parts of the world, particularly through the spread of cultural exchange. During my global tour recently, I saw many statues of Guanyin in museums located in England, France, Switzerland, Singapore, Taiwan, China, US, etc. Temples dedicated to Guanyin can be found in countries worldwide.

Cultural Influence: Guanyin is one of the most beloved and widely worshipped female goodness in East Asia. Guanyin's influence extends beyond religious contexts and permeates various aspects of East Asian culture, including art, literature, music, and folklore. Guanyin's universal message of compassion and mercy has resonated with people of diverse cultural and religious backgrounds, fostering interfaith dialogue and understanding. Her image and teachings are often used as sources of inspiration for meditation, self-reflection, and personal growth.

Guanyin’s universal appeal transcends cultural and religious boundaries, embodying the timeless virtues of compassion, kindness, and love. She is often depicted in paintings, sculptures, and poetry as a symbol of compassion and spiritual guidance. Guanyin is associated with numerous miracles and acts of compassion, such as rescuing beings from danger, healing the sick, and guiding souls to enlightenment.

Artistic Representations and Literature Appreciations: Guanyin's iconic image has inspired artisans around the world, leading to the creation of diverse artistic representations in various mediums, including paintings, sculptures, and all different artifacts. These artistic depictions often reflect local cultural influences and interpretations of Guanyin's compassionate nature.

Guanyin's presence can be found in literature and poetry from different cultures and languages as well. Writers and poets have drawn inspiration from Guanyin's compassion and wisdom, incorporating her imagery and symbolism into their works to convey themes of love, empathy, and spiritual enlightenment.

Cultural Exchange and Tourism: Guanyin's popularity has led to increased cultural tourism, with pilgrims and travelers from around the world visiting temples and participating cultural events. This exchange of ideas and experiences contributes to the global dissemination of Guanyin's teachings and values.

Guanyin's emphasis on compassion and service to others has inspired philanthropic initiatives and humanitarian efforts worldwide. Individuals and organizations committed to social justice, environmental conservation, and humanitarian aid often draw inspiration from Guanyin's compassionate example in their work.

Overall, Guanyin's influence transcends geographical and cultural boundaries, touching the hearts and minds of people from diverse backgrounds and beliefs. Whether as a symbol of religious devotion, artistic inspiration, or moral guidance. Guanyin continues to inspire and uplift people around the world with her message of purity and benevolence to advance humanity.

A twist of journey

We are so far away, also close; in this co-shared world, I take my path, to meet global strangers, all over the place…

Strangers before,

Suddenly we met,

In deep alleys,

narrow streets;

Lost in the city,

I found you, 

in surprise;

Your friendly road guidance,,

point me in-

right path..

Global strangers,

I met all over places,

we had a few words,

a laugh, a joke,

to share your local,

my strange place,

felt like a familiar thing,

an old pal’s sweetness.

The world might be vast,

but connections are -


Turns out,

we're closer than-

we thought we were..

Maybe it's chance,

or a coincidence,

threads that connect,

A twist of journey;

Leading me here-

this great place,

kindness of locals,

Refresh my spirit;

Small world,

big universe,

Global strangers,

a little surprise;

lost in the city,

I found my path,

the connections open -

my eyes,

bridge differences;

We are so far away,

also close;

In this co-shared world,

I take my own path,

to meet global strangers,

all over the place..

Wednesday, April 17, 2024


It’s always crucial to demonstrate resilience if ever making mistakes, think, rethink, learn, relearn, move forward courageously, and lead to transformative changes step-wisely.

With rapid changes and continuous disruptions, either individually or collectively, people need to keep learning from the past, from others, and from all sorts of trustful resources to keep knowledge updated, sustain a positive mentality, and take initiatives to drive progressive movement proactively, rather than just adapting to changes reactively. 

 The value of resilience is how you respond to failure, and how you respond to setbacks is dependent upon what you learn from it; and how to make it a critical step in leading to ultimate success.

"Learning is a treasure that follows its owner everywhere." - It emphasizes the enduring value of knowledge and self-improvement: In the world of people-centricity, there is always one clear issue: the issue of self-people Awareness is at the level of the energetic connection between heart and mind. Knowing who you are or being self-aware, allows you to discover your talent and strength, keep learning to sharpen your skills, build dynamic capabilities, and become a better human being.

In practice, it’s so hard to look inward and make an objective assessment. But being self-conscious is the first step in making self-improvement. You sense yourself and become self-conscious. That's all you need to let your thoughts and actions work coherently; keep you motivated for self-improvement. Improvement is more likely to be sustained if there is a platform that takes an entire system-based approach.

"Fall seven times, stand up eight." It highlights the importance of perseverance and learning from setbacks. Failure is often viewed as falling backward instead of leaning forward. When you reframe the word "failure" to be more positive, you open the door to learning. The reality of failure is that it is also a way to learn. It takes a lot of time and energy to experiment, learn and relearn, show resilience to learn from failures; and demonstrate perseverance to keep pursuing goals without giving up too soon.

It’s important to gain a balanced viewpoint about failures and risks. Be positive and cautious at the same time. You can make a transition from failing bitter to failing better only if you learn from the failures, and then failing is something that prompts you to move ahead. Otherwise, you will go too far one way and become risk-averse, or go too far the other and fail too frequently without learning from it. Resilience helps individuals or organizations bounce back from setbacks. It's about being able to keep working and focusing, even during stress and disturbances

"They who learn but do not think is lost. They who think but do not learn are in great danger." It emphasizes the importance of both acquiring knowledge and applying it scientifically. Knowledge does not stand still but needs to be kept realigned, and refined to generate values. Knowledge could be stale sooner than what you thought about. It’s always important to learn new knowledge, think it through, and capture fresh insight from it.

Data, information, knowledge, and wisdom are the different stages of the information life cycle that we all need to manage effectively. Filter the information that comes your way, so you can build your knowledge foundation on topics that interest you. Different people use knowledge to do their activities informatively. Knowledge is the first step to gaining expert power, Only through multidimensional thinking, you can capture fresh insight, and apply knowledge to deal with a variety of problems effectively.

At the dawn of the digital era, global professionals and organizations need to shed the tendency to bridge differences, shape a holistic mindset to perceive a more complex and complete picture, to handle critical issues smoothly. It’s always crucial to demonstrate resilience if ever making mistakes, think, rethink, learn, relearn, move forward courageously, and lead to transformative changes step-wisely.

Ocean Strait Charming

We are wondering about -nature; nature nourishes us; our co-shared world has- long-lasting beauty, vibrant energy.

Waves pushed by waves

ripple spinning around-

 the ripples;

the Taiwan Straight demonstrates

strong character,

shows her charming


the sea has -

different faces,

ebbs & flows

Swirl and swoop;

drive changes,


Walked across -

the Ruifang Old Street,

watched the sea waves,

underneath the hill,

rolling over,

flowing forward,

cleansing environment


Passed through -

the Tarok Gorge,

sat at the ocean bay of-

Seven Star Pond,

built stone towers,

make our wishes come true, 


remote mountains embrace -

blue ocean,

shining through -

the sunlight,

inspiring us to-

pursue our ideals,


Stood at -

the peak of -

the Alishan mountain. 

Drift on the Sunmoon Lake,

The Pacific Ocean makes an impact on -

the island,


Pondered at -

Kaohsiung piers, 

Watched the ocean,

flowing over, calmingly;

Captured the grandeur view of-

mother nature,


Ran through the East coastline

with foggy mist,

drizzling rain,

the ocean water rolled-

up and down,

back and forth,

Influenced the surroundings,



Taitung blurred the line of-

Urban and rural

nature and worldly,

we can discover -

peach blossoms

culture villages,

hidden at the sea coast, continually.

Tainan took its own paces -

to develop, reinvent,

mix old and new,

carry on -

Its southern cultural heritage;

watched over the seashore, 

tide up and down,

made splashes all the time, 

Observed the sun,

rise and down at

Sunset platform, amazingly.

Circled around-

this island of -

the world;

took an adventure across-

ocean strait,

strolled at -

the bustling and hustling streets

took a glimpse of -

the Pacific Ocean at -

different moments, regions;

we were wondering about -

the nature;

nature nourished us;

our co-shared world has-

long-lasting beauty,

Vibrant energy.

Visit to Chiayi

Chiayi connected to nature but also looked worldly. It had some global tourists but also demonstrated traditional Taiwanese cultural themes.

I took the train from Tainan to Chiayi on the warm Spring day. A while ago last month, I stopped over here for only a few moments and then took the bus going up to the Alishan mountains.

It’s a middle-sized city and an important transport hub connecting mountains and seas, urban and rural regions. People know Chiayi as the hometown of Alishan Mountain. How about its city heritage and culture quintessential?

On the first morning, I headed to the Chiayi Museum. But I just casually strolled through the nearby cultural village on the way. It had a garden-like scenic setting; a small pond, and interesting cartoon sculptures. There were quite a few gift shops that sold local-produced merchandise, food, or drinks inside. So tourists enjoyed this culture-enriched park and did some gift shopping.

Looking up, there were strong mango trees with many fruits hanging on the branches. With the staff's approval, tourists shook the tree to let the mature fruits fall on the ground, so they could pick up and taste them. I also tasted a small one; it was honey-sweet, but the core in the middle of the fruit was huge.

After this early morning refreshment, I found the Chiayi Library and museum buildings. Local people sat in the library reading quietly. The Liberians showed me the directions to the nearby museum, at which I could understand this southeastern city a bit deeper.

There were local art sessions that exhibited paintings, pictures, and video introductions to Chiayi’s geography and history. A few stone-made groups of monkey sculptures were cute and vivid, presenting the harmony and love of the animal world.

On the second floor, there were presentations on local cultures such as traditional costumes, local food, and cooking. In the night market of Chiayi, I did taste a few interesting snacks such as rice cakes, and flavoring soups, they tasted fine.

There was a short session to introduce a local female celebrity and former Chiayi Mayer, I checked the city website and figured out that the current Mayer of Chiayi is also a female. When I visited the Alishan mountains last time, a female driver drove the tourist bus a few hours long, ascending to the top of the mountain on a foggy day safely. We should be impressed by the city’s cultural enrichment and proud of those daughters of Alishan Mountain wholeheartedly.

On the third floor, there were comprehensive introductions of local art - Koji pottery. The artwork of the different legendary figures such as Guanyin, looks cool and bright.

Besides the famous mountain does Chiayi have a pond, river, or ocean view? The second day morning, I went to Lantan Dam. It’s a charming lake surrounded by mountains with a quiet, greenery environment. The campus of National Chiayi University was not so far away. A team of local residents came here to organize the cycling competition that morning. Besides hiking, I guess local people like all sorts of exercise. They are lucky to have great mountains and lucid lakes surrounding the cityscape.

Then I stopped by Chiayi Park, at which local retirees paired up and danced around as the weekend activity. They broadcasted the Waltz, a Western style of music and songs loudly. Perhaps in different parks or recreation areas, there were some social events going on on the weekend, attracting residents and tourists to participate, the booths were set up to sell green products or services for protecting the environment

In the late afternoon, I also visited the art museum with a limited collection of art. The unique experience I had there was to wear 3D glasses, fly inside the bodies of blue-green-white butterflies, and observe them closely. Also, the visitors could walk around the nearby cultural center and buy books, and gifts, or sip coffee or tea there.

Like all other cities, Chiayi had many food stalls and small restaurants. At night, the lights were lit up, and the tourists came out to experience the city and recharge their energy. Chiayi connected to nature but also looked worldly. It had some global tourists but also demonstrated traditional Taiwanese cultural themes. Can they keep reinventing the city, bringing us fresher feeling constantly?