The task of leadership is to create an alignment of strengths, making our weaknesses irrelevant. --Peter Druker
- Micro-management -- inability to delegate.
The leaders don’t truly understand the difference between management vs. leadership; which therefore translates to micro-management, arrogance, lack of trust etc
- Most Leaders won't and don’t share the whole picture.
Not all leaders can articulate the “overarching” vision or mission. The definition of vision has always been… “Beyond what you can see… to what can be” - the odds are against a shortsighted leader without any foresight, who wants to be great
- Lack of self-awareness as a recurring theme
Becoming a legend in one’s own mind and taking oneself too seriously, while good leaders are on the "still learning" curve
- Insufficient and inconsistent levels of value-driven personal discipline
Insatiable hunger for power at the cost of peace of mind
- Lack of balance of confidence & humility
Not all leaders can find the right balance, doing the “Right Thing” and being the catalyst to business success
- "Stifled leader paradox"
It means that "leadership" is constantly "on" (the "being") but "strategic leadership" (the "doing") can be switched "on/off" at will. It also means that the "stifled leader" is either a willing participant of the stifling (if he/she has strategic skills) or a stressed victim unaware of strategic potential of his/her leadership
- Narcissism is one of the most common negative characteristics among leaders.

An effective leader will eliminate those negative characteristics, cultivate the positive traits of good leadership such as delegation, trust, self-awareness, setting clear expectations, fairness, listening, decision making, providing feedback and respect…
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