Welcome to our blog, the digital brainyard to fine tune "Digital Master," innovate leadership, and reimagine the future of IT.

The magic “I” of CIO sparks many imaginations: Chief information officer, chief infrastructure officer , Chief Integration Officer, chief International officer, Chief Inspiration Officer, Chief Innovation Officer, Chief Influence Office etc. The future of CIO is entrepreneur driven, situation oriented, value-added,she or he will take many paradoxical roles: both as business strategist and technology visionary,talent master and effective communicator,savvy business enabler and relentless cost cutter, and transform the business into "Digital Master"!

The future of CIO is digital strategist, global thought leader, and talent master: leading IT to enlighten the customers; enable business success via influence.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

How is EA Related to Information Management and to What Extent

Information Management is a Governance Activity which is within the Scope of EA. Information is the lifeblood in the digital organization, the effective information management will directly impact an organization’s business capabilities and capacities, so what’s the correlation between information architecture and information management, information and process; as information architecture is sub-set of EA, how is EA related to information management...

Knowledge Management approach - Bottom up or top down

Knowledge is Power via Varying Directions.  There are basically two themes in managing information and knowledge, the maintenance of information and the activities with emergence of new information. With exponential growth of data and information, what is the better knowledge management approach-bottom up or top down. A better question may be- “To what degree and where do you use a bottoms up approach and to what degree and where do...

EA as Innovation Framework

The framework of innovation is to highlight, not to restrict creativity.  A systematic innovation approach is to depict innovation as a system (rather than a traditional process) whose performance depends on the alignment of its various components (people, actions, controls, resources, etc.), EA as something to describe enterprise, helps to optimize all aspects of the enterprise to increase profitability. All innovations mean change, and...

Friday, November 29, 2013

“Out of the Box” Thinking

"Out of Box" Thinking is really just shaping a Bigger Box, a New Box of Thinking. Out of Box Thinking implies a certain level of creativity or unconventional problem-solving. While the box is usually conceptualized as an intellectual boundary, it is most often an emotional one, with fear as the dominant emotion, because fear is the glue that holds the box together. With fear gone, people don't suddenly become creative, but you have a shot. Try...

Risk-Intelligent Culture

Risk-Intelligent Culture shapes Digital Enterprise. Risk-awareness culture, which in practice means a culture where thinking about managing risk as part of "how things get done around here”. What is the importance of risk-awareness culture in order to successfully implement, support and sustain risk management? Without a strong risk-awareness culture, you will be unable to accomplish much in the way of a successful risk management implementation....

Thursday, November 28, 2013

To Celebrate 800th Blog: ‘Thankful Thought’ on Thanksgiving Day!

Be Thankful for a beautiful day! And it’s Thanksgiving Day!  Be Thankful as the Sun is rising every morning; and the stars are shining in the sky; Be Thankful as the flowers are blooming every season and the bees are dancing around; Be Thankful as the birds are singing on the trees; and the clouds are flowing above; Be Thankful for being who you are, as every life is special and purposeful; Be Thankful for what you have, though...

A Strategic Board

A Strategic Board has a view of looking ahead, an insight of looking deeper, and a competency to looking beyond. One of the most important responsibilities of the Board is to oversee the business strategy; however, it doesn’t mean Board itself is being strategic enough. In some cases, Board members time is stretched thin so they do not allocate enough time to understand key issues and in many cases board members are not motivated; others...

Can Big Data have Big ROI

Look at Big Data ROI from all different Angles.  Though Big Data is the big trend every forward-looking organization intends to catch, as it enables business to capture insight & foresight upon their customers or products service offering, however, from industry study, the return on investment for big data is far lower than promised. What’re the root causes, how to measure Big Data investment more effectively, and can Big Data have Big...

Informative & Intelligent

Digital Leadership is authentic, influential, insightful and more.  The business world is in the face with such new normal of digitalization, urbanization, and globalization, with the characteristics of VUCA-Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity, so what are the core leadership principles to fit in such digital era?   Authenticity: At the age of digitalization, ‘being who you really are as a leader’ is more...

The Architectural Assessment Checklist

 Enterprise Architecture is not one dimensional, but multi-dimensional.  EA is not one thing, but many things; EA is not one dimension, but multi-dimension, therefore, how to assess EA is perhaps much tougher than what you think of, but what is the architectural assessment checklist? EA assessment needs to have a clear purpose first, is it for evaluating EA, or EITA, if it's at logical or implementation level maturity, or is it for...

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

A Systematic Innovation

The Spark of Innovation needs a Framework to Shine Through and Focus upon.  There are many forms of innovation - technological, application, product, design, business model, process, communication and customer experience -- just to name a few. Each has its own unique pathways. Also, as innovation can and should occur at different and ALL levels of the corporate structure: from C-level to the shop floor, to make any entity slimmer and stronger....

The Top Five Challenges in Effective KM Management

Knowledge Management is the First Step to Cultivate Organization's Learning Capability.Knowledge Management refers to a multi-disciplined approach to achieving organizational objectives by making the best use of knowledge. With information only a click away, and knowledge life cycle is significantly shortened at digital era, what are the top challenges in effective Knowledge Management (KM) today.  Transparency:  Transparency of internal...

Monday, November 25, 2013

Information Management vs. Knowledge Management

Information comes from Machine Power, and Knowledge comes through Brain Power.  Information Management is to connect people with the right information at the right time & location, to ensure that accurate information is accessible and shared within relevant business units. This information is open to interpretation in accordance with the level of knowledge one has. Knowledge Management safeguards a full understanding of...

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