A free mind is neither full nor empty; neither over thinking nor stop pondering!
Free = without limits; Mind = Individual Consciousness. A free mind is like the cloud, flowing over; like a river, running forward; like a seed, sprouting up; like a butterfly, dancing around; like seasons of change, with shape and shapeless; visible and invisible; color and colorless; tangible and intangible, nature and nurtured.

If you empty your desire to accept something, your mind will be free: The “desire” is defined as a strong inner urge or an intense feeling of attraction to something. That could be constructive or destructive, not because of the feeling itself, but based on what that attraction or urge is towards.
A free mind can make a free choice: A free mind is proactive and flow; your mind has a freedom to think everything even though someone tries to make you have no thought or impose their thought on yours; and if there’s peace in your mind, you know you may make the natural choice through mindful contemplation but free of thought.
A free mind is an independent mind: If you think just like many others’, your mind may not be free; nobody can limit your mind even though someone can limit your body. You can enjoy the freedom of hands even though your feet are in shackles. You can enjoy the freedom of mind even though your body is in the limited space. Your mind can fly low and high; flow fast and slow; in the shape or shapeless; lightening up or silent down.
A free mind is peaceful but powerful: You can complete the purpose of desire without desire. You can complete the purpose of the fight without a fight. Your mind can give your body "the power to complete the purpose of desire". You can give the other people "the power to complete the purpose of the fight". . . You may know there are many ways to complete the purpose of desire without desire. You may know there are many ways to complete the purpose of the fight without a fight.

Everything depends on your mind: Nothing is good or bad, our thinking makes it so. If your mind loves logic, everything remains in logic. If your mind hates logic, everything remains beyond logic. . . Your mind has no duty to be in logic. Your mind has no duty to be beyond logic. Your mind has a free will to be in logic. Your mind has a free will to be beyond logic.
Your mind leads you to the destination of life, not your body: “Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become the habit. Watch your habits; they become the character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.” –Lao Tzu
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