Rigid thinking: A strong blockade is rigid thinking, relying only on how things were done before. If one only looks at a problem or situation based on some parallel or formula of the past, the "options" for self-expression are limited. If the situation requires a new formula or option, rigid thought prevents the ability to create a new expression from manifesting at that moment. Narrow/closed-mindedness also block creativity, as to be creative, one's mind needs to be open to new concepts.
Lack of 'FOCUS' is an impediment to creativity: Particularly for most of the people whose natural bent is to perhaps be all over the place. Being focused can harmonize your brainpower with natural energy in stimulating creativity. Whether you focus for a brief period to accomplish one thing or set aside specific times to do specific things, it's the key to success for innovators. Curiosity and a sense of adventure are parts of the creative process, and not necessarily at odds with the word 'focus.’
Static Mind: Creativity requires openness to new experiences or opening your eyes to see old things in a new and different way. Keeping growth mind, learning from every experience lets you be cognizant what is creative for you. But, learn to unlearn your experiences, creativity starts with a knowledge base, and the openness to a new experience or detecting thing you didn't know or applying knowledge from other domains to a new one, results in creativity in the new domain sometimes in contexts like that you end up being creative by accident. Lack of humility, which is a form of rigidity and is closed to new ideas, is indeed an impediment to creativity.
Fear: Fear of change both personal and in organizations, fear of disruption, the existence of chaos. Nothing driving a need for creativity, the status quo, inertia, having a limited notion of what creativity is, finding an alternate route around a roadblock is a creative act though many people would not recognize it as such...Another inhibitor is overextension and physical/mental fatigue. Emotional problems such as stress and sadness, or vice versa, can impede creativity as well, depending on what emotions inspire the individual, and what emotions don't.
Risk-averse: People tend to be "risk averse." With creativity, "change" is made." With every "change," the risk is involved. The more dramatic and powerful the change is, the greater the risk would be. If these studies are correct, then a general tendency to avoid "making waves" or "causing change" should be the norm. If an individual is also plagued by self-doubt, then he or she would be even less likely to assert a creative idea public. In addition, it’s easier to think and act creatively in an environment that encourages risk and nurtures creativity. Creativity is inherently risky because it is new and different. Anyone or any company that fervently wants to be creative must be willing to face risks, and overcome the fear associated with such risks.
Personality: Lacking confidence, intelligence, insight and personal beliefs about one's creativity, lack of independent thinking, being easily led can impede creativity as well. Also, having too much focus on the external environment impedes creativity, as creative ideas arise from deep thought (internal), among other things. The biggest impediment to creativity is not realizing the glorious capacity one has been given to think, to question, to create, and to explore.
It comprises a combination of factors that work together, flow and fluctuate, in harmony, in order to weave such creativity. To spur the spirit of one’s creativity, you need to solve the problem as if that is your first problem; fit your solution to the problem, and not the problem to your solution, open your eyes, your mind and your heart to the new idea, new knowledge, and new adventures.
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