Welcome to our blog, the digital brainyard to fine tune "Digital Master," innovate leadership, and reimagine the future of IT.

The magic “I” of CIO sparks many imaginations: Chief information officer, chief infrastructure officer , Chief Integration Officer, chief International officer, Chief Inspiration Officer, Chief Innovation Officer, Chief Influence Office etc. The future of CIO is entrepreneur driven, situation oriented, value-added,she or he will take many paradoxical roles: both as business strategist and technology visionary,talent master and effective communicator,savvy business enabler and relentless cost cutter, and transform the business into "Digital Master"!

The future of CIO is digital strategist, global thought leader, and talent master: leading IT to enlighten the customers; enable business success via influence.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Leaping Digital Leadership at Leap Day

Leaping digital leadership to the next level of maturity is a journey which takes advanced mindsets and progressive actions. The substance of leadership never changes, it’s all about future and change, innovation and progression. Either past, today or future, there's no magic formula for leadership effectiveness, because every era has its own opportunities and risks. It is the leap day today, but what're the emergent digital leadership trend, and...

Running IT as the Digital “Whole Brain” of the Organization

Only functioning as a whole brain, IT can strike the right balance between stability and agility, creativity and standardization; innovation and risk intelligence. Organizations large or small on the journey to digital transformation, IT plays a critical role as a "digital brain" of the organization to process information, drive changes and build a high-effective and high-intelligent digital organization. Because IT is the steward to manage business...

Sunday, February 28, 2016

The Monthly Strategy Highlight: IT Strategy as an Integral Part of Business Strategy Feb.2016

The strategy is the light to guide you ahead, not the hand to walk you through. The strategy is the focal point of the “Future of CIO,” and the pillar of organizational existence, its design, structure, functions, vision, and mission. A real strategy is neither a document nor a forecast but rather an overall approach based on a diagnosis of a challenge. It brings up new functions, roles, and responsibilities, collaboration, demand for intuition...

Five Frictions to Stifle Business Agility

Being agile needs to have a totally different mindset and multidimensional perspective.  Many organizations are doing agile, and very few organizations are being agile. Agile is the mindset, the philosophy, and the methodology to not only manage software but to run today’s businesses. The point is how do you make radical management transformation from a traditional setting to agile; what types of frictions do you experience with Agile?...

Saturday, February 27, 2016

The Monthly CIO Debates Collection Feb. 2016

The healthy debating is for brainstorming fresh ideas and leveraging multiple PoVs. Due to the changing nature of technology, IT leadership role also continues to involve and shift the focus, to move up the maturity level. More and more CIOs are requested to take more responsibility and many CIOs present the breadth of leadership competency. The proactive IT debates help IT leaders to brainstorm innovative and better ways to do things, and improve...

Digital Innovation Premium

Digital means flow, there is more flow of creative ideas, the better opportunities to reap the benefit from innovation management. Many say digital is the age of innovation. With the increasing speed of changes and hyper-fierce competitions, at present days, innovation is the “Must Have” element of the business strategy if the organization wants to stay competitive on the market. Digital organizations are complex adaptive living systems, which...

Friday, February 26, 2016

Talent Management Monthly Brief: See Through Talent from Different Angles IV Feb. 2016

People are always the most invaluable asset in businesses. “Hiring the right person for the right position at the right time,” is the mantra of many forward-thinking organizations. The question is how would you define the right people? How do you define wrong, average, mediocre, good, great or extraordinary person? Or put simply, for what should they be right? Traditional Performance Management focusing on measuring what an employee does (mainly...

Three Questions to Assess a Person’s “Decisiveness”

Decision power is knowledge-based, wisdom-driven, and character-oriented. At today’s digital dynamic with increased velocity, complexity, unpredictability, there is a need for a faster response to changes in the business and industry based on effective and efficient decision making which is one of the most important tasks for both digital leaders and digital professionals at either strategic, operational, or tactical level. How is that possible?...

Three Things Differentiate Digital Masters from Laggards

Digital Masters can stretch out in every business dimension for driving the full-fledged digital transformation. Digital transformation is a journey. Although digitalization is on every forward-looking organization’s agenda, they may take different levels of altitude, attitude, and aptitude to achieve it. There are three levels of digital maturity, the level one- digital laggards often take a skeptical attitude about the radical change, have very...

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