Work is an integral part of our lives, discovery and self-actualization are the fiber of what we are doing.
Digital organizations are informative, hyperconnected and dynamic, and today's digital workforce is more purpose driven and inclusive. So which mood is a digital organization more often in? To adding a drop of Valentine Day’s tone, how to run an organization with the “Spirit of Universal Love”? And how to build a “Happy Organization” with both happy employees and happy customers?

A people-centric organization is more purpose driven: Work is an integral part of our lives, discovery and self-actualization are the fiber of what we are doing. Intentional human behavior always has a purpose. Organization is intentional, and therefore, it must have a purpose for forming the strong teams to achieve a high-performing result. Organizations and their people learn through their interactions with the environment: They act, observe the consequences of their action, make inferences about those consequences, and draw implications for future action. If one of the significant purposes of the business is to create customers, and then a happy organization will attract happier customers, it strives to become a people-centric organization with “universal love’ as a principle.
Change the language from Human Resources to Human Assets or Human Capital: The vision exclusively economistic should not make the organization forget the human aspect of the relationship with the employees, who are human beings, with emotions, that should be interpreted positively and fortified. Treat your employee as you would expect to be treated if the boot were to be on the other foot, if the employee were to be your employer! when employees do not feel valued or appreciated, production goes down, and if the workplace is too hierarchical, creativity gets penalized. Employees are the lifeline of any business, they should be treated as such valuable ASSETS!! All it took is a little understanding of the problem and a little adjustment in not what they did, but how they did it and getting everyone including the executive to become part of the solution and not remain part of the problem via collaboration and team effort. To make the impossible possible and a little thinking outside the box assure there is a benefit to more than the old management approach.
Employee engagement does follow happiness: Better communication, empathy, valuing others, decision-making, clearer vision follows as well. At least, they are dynamically tied together biologically and emotionally. Happiness comes from within and creates energy. Engagement is an expression of that energy. People will feel more happy if the working environment encourages the positive thinking and behaviors, inspire creativity, and discourage negativity and unprofessionalism. That means ALL employees, from top to bottom, need to come to work with an offering of positivity, happiness, and love. IMAGINE! It only takes a handful of people to come to work negatively, leaders or workers, and they start to operate with diminished energy and make unconscious substandard choices. Then the disengagement cycle begins. So the focus should be on encouraging people to have a growth mindset and bring wisdom to the workplace.
The happiness comes from the heart, many thought that the heart of an organization should start at the top. Following “loving principle” to run an organization means a lot: inclusiveness, empowerment, fairness, engagement, even enchantment, etc. The heart consists fundamentally in the recognition of the value of its people. it's true that when we do see our own humanity more clearly we do extraordinary things that once didn't seem possible. And the goal to run a people-centric organization is to achieve a high-performing business result for the long run.
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