Saturday, October 8, 2016

The Book “Thinkingare” Quote Collection III

The term digital " THINKINGAIRES" we advocate in this book refers to the talented digital leaders and professionals who continue to create new ideas, to practice thought leadership, and to bring the world both content richness and context intelligence. Here is a set of quote collections from "Thinkingaire," to convey the quintessential of multidimensional digital thinking.

51 Paradoxes are conflicting choices or conditions that demand equal attention.
52 Almost all of the humankind’s problems are rooted in mindset, and the majority of them are caused by extreme thinking or polarized thinking.
53 Understand ego as a state of awareness.
54 An excellence mind pursues perfecting, not perfection.
55 As with any things, regret itself is not the problem, it’s what you do with it.
56 Like many things, power is like the two sides of a coin.
57 The paradox is the result of two opposing truths existing side by side, which can be both right.
58 Carpenters have a pretty good working balance: “Measure twice, Cut once.”
59 The mindset (perspective) is the consequence of “rules.”
60 A misfit is like the round peg that cannot fit into the square hole or the running river that just can’t stay still.
61 Value is multidimensional and situational.
62 A benchmarking mind is an “interpreter” mind which can bridge the gaps.
63 A high-performing digital mind can think logically, but outside of the box as well.
64 Not every win is worth the winning, winning without purpose or value is the loss of character or integrity.
65 True success means one is able to see the seed of failure in every success and with every success the possibility of failure.
66 Open the mind to be on a path to a better version of yourself.
67 Thought leadership is by nature evolutionary, in that it must always be part of an ever-evolving flow.
68 Inspiration is the result of moments of insight and a key component of internal “drive.”
69 Focus provides motivation and demolishes negative emotions.
70 The brain is to mind as the eye is to sight.
71 A mind is not profound by itself, just like a tree without a root.
72 It is perhaps one of the most widely recognized symbols in the world to analogize innovation as a light bulb.
73 A great digital leadership mind is like a valley, open, but not empty, profound, but not depressive.
74 A child-like mind is full of imagination.
75 Self-awareness mind helps you build on your strengths and improve on your weaknesses.
76 Resilience is an elastic property or component of a person
77 Pattern Thinking is a type of problem-solving thinking.
78 A positive mind reflects many of the Sun’s characteristics: brightness, nourishment, and vibrance.
79 It takes a decade to grow a tree, and it takes more than one generation to shape the right mindset.
80 Psychology is a condensed version of mindset; whereas philosophy is an abstract of the human society.
81 Holistic wisdom is the hallmark of the holistic mindset.
82 Not every leader is a philosopher, but each leader should cultivate a philosophical mindset.
83 Imagination, abstraction, creativity, and coherence etc are some inherently cognitive and mental elements of architect-wise thinking.
84 Ecosystem thinking is systematic thinking about ecosystem and environment.
85 An artist’s mind is imaginative and dynamic.
86 Seeing things via VC’s lenses can help you manage opportunities and risks with priority, agility, and resilience.
87 Anti-digital mindsets are those “status quo” types of thinking, authoritarian attitude, and bureaucratic decision-making.
88 Silos will continue to be inevitable as long as the rewards for collaboration are outweighed by the rewards for competition.
89 Stereotyping as a term has a negative connotation.
90 Focus on the part and the whole at the same time.
91 Learning to think beyond a single dimension, look beyond the surface, love more than one color and enjoy the world of differences.
92 The paradox o indecisiveness lies in uncertainty.
93 Change Agents have a “learning wheel” in their mind.
94 The problem of “Command-Control is that you can control people’s behavior, but not their mind.
95 No two people are absolutely identical: we are each unique.
96 Complacency almost always stems from a sense of success or living in a comfort zone.
97 Using two-dimensional lenses to perceive the multifaceted world can limit your ability to observe the world more objectively.
98 Wisdom is the intelligent use of our knowledge, whereas sensibility is an intelligent use of our judgment.
99 You have to be able to look objectively at the problem, deflating the emotional part of it.
100 Speaking the unspeakable. As a leader, you need to not just listen to what’s being said, but more importantly, what's not being said.
101 Digital professionals with growth mind can step out of their own comfort zone more easily, walking the talk and leading change more confidently.
102 Strategic Thinking = Systems Thinking + Creativity + Vision
103 Critical Thinking narrows and creative thinking expands, but they must work in tandem for problem-solving and decision making.
104 Analysis and synthesis are different mental muscles to serve different purposes.
105 Mechanistic thinking focuses on “what,” and holistic thinking digs into “why.”
106 To be creative you must set aside both certainty and doubt.
107 Visionary minds are in demand to bear us into the dawn of the deep digital era.
108 Hire digital mindsets, train for skills.
109 Character is an important differentiator between extraordinary and ordinary, between a real leader and a follower.
110 The mind is an innovation engine of any human progress, but also the root cause of almost all human problems.
111 The discipline of FOCUS that is necessary to think profoundly is certainly difficult for many people to achieve.
112 Be a Thinkingaire!


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