Welcome to our blog, the digital brainyard to fine tune "Digital Master," innovate leadership, and reimagine the future of IT.

The magic “I” of CIO sparks many imaginations: Chief information officer, chief infrastructure officer , Chief Integration Officer, chief International officer, Chief Inspiration Officer, Chief Innovation Officer, Chief Influence Office etc. The future of CIO is entrepreneur driven, situation oriented, value-added,she or he will take many paradoxical roles: both as business strategist and technology visionary,talent master and effective communicator,savvy business enabler and relentless cost cutter, and transform the business into "Digital Master"!

The future of CIO is digital strategist, global thought leader, and talent master: leading IT to enlighten the customers; enable business success via influence.

Monday, May 31, 2021

Hands Inside Glove

The organizational design which includes policy and methodology must be adaptable, develop interdisciplinary frameworks -gloves and technical mechanisms - hands for improving organizational autonomy and maturity. Businesses are complex, people are complex, consider digital organization as the ever-evolving interlaced environments, and humans are vehicles of natural and cultural solutions. So the right business system needs to fine tune its organizational...


When solving the wrong problems, it’s no surprise that you are going nowhere, causing more issues or getting stuck at the state of problem-solving impasse.It’s a world with all sorts of problems; a problem is a difference between an expectation (vision or intention) and the actual situation (current reality) coupled with a negative feeling. Many problems exist because they are either ill-defined or the concept cannot be adequately captured contextually. To...

Insurmountable Challenge

 The more effortlessly you can guide, align, integrate, and optimize important business elements, the closer you can accelerate business performance The emergence of potential opportunities for exploiting digitization is likely to follow a nonlinear pattern as the pervasiveness of an organization's digitization journey increases. Top executives should provide input upon varying issues, identifying seemingly “insurmountable” upcoming...


We should be striving to create an environment that is egalitarian enough so every individual has, at least, the opportunity to actualize their potential.Our innate consciousness is basically a state of the ego, the worldly self. There’s known known, known unknown, and unknown unknown. The interaction between the “self” and the exterior world is consciousness, which is trying to manifest itself in a way that is unique to you. Our innate consciousness...


 Isn’t it a tough journey to celebrate 7800 blog postings - to pursue the digital way to brainstorming, innovating and sharing….The “Future of CIO” Blog has reached 5 million page views with 7800+ blog postings in 59+ different categories of leadership, management, strategy, digitalization, change/talent, etc. The “Digital Master” book series includes 28 books to share insight from the multidimensional digital lens and perceive the multi-faceted...

Innovative Breakthrough

 Breakthrough-is a phenomena- change on- a grand level...The caterpillar's transformation, into a butterfly,emerging from -the darkness,to reach the sky;flapping its wings,ups & downs,brighten up,energize surroundings..Breakthrough-is a phenomena-change on- a grand level,with enlightenment.You can surrender to -that luminous light, within you, awaiting your discovery... Transformation can be -iterative, evolutionary, revolutionary,...


Running a high-adaptive business does not mean chaos, it means to build the cornerstone of a self-regulating system.Business environment today is dynamic and ever-evolving. With frequent disruptions and increasing pace of changes, how successful the organization can handle digital disruption depends on how fast and capable they can process information to gain real-time feedback with incremental consciousness, as well as how proactively they can possibly...

Balanced Paradox

Recognition cannot function without cognition.We live in such a balanced world characterized by duality: darkness – light, anode-cathode etc, full of opportunities and risks. There are competitions, conflicts, and controversies all over the place in today’s complex marketing environment. Digital management is multifaceted, there should always, at every turn, be a taste of better days, of continual improvement of retrospective action planning,...


 All humans are born with raw creativity ability. Creativity has many dimensions, with multi-faceted truth and myth, manifold knowledge and multidimensional insight. Creativity is the wings of our mind and the tempo of our heartbeat. Creativity is a constructive disruption, not so bad addiction, and a sensational phenomenon. The purpose of “100 Creativity Ingredients - Everyone’s Playbook to Unlock Creativity “is to classify, scrutinize,...


The journey of improving organizational competency and maturity is more evolutionary than revolutionary.Capabilities are what abilities/competencies an organization has/need and they are the resources required for a certain mission/purpose. The capability view provides a level of abstraction that allows more open consideration to improve business competency. In fact, one of the most critical business activities is that the management deliberately...

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Innovating via celebrating 7800 blogpostings

Innovating leadership is a tough journey- it’s the time to celebrate 7800 blog postings - Blogging is to pursue the digital way to communicate for envisioning, brainstorming, sharing, debating, and making a continuous delivery.It’s the time to celebrate 7800 blog postings. Blogging is like growing a strong tree, with many fruits on it; it’s like designing and making your own jigsaw puzzles, with thousands of pieces in blended colors and shapes; it’s...


Digital management is responsible for designing, enabling, and enforcing a collaborative, innovative, intelligent, and inclusive working environment, seeking unity in diversity, enforcing cross-siloed or cross-divisional collaboration.With increasing speed of changes and overwhelming growth of information, the characteristics of digitalization are hyper-connectivity, hyper-complexity, and interdependence in the “VUCA” digital world. So the traditional...

Innovative Distinctiveness

Innovation is not serendipity, but a process which can be managed to improve its success rate, unlock human potential and accelerate societal progress.There are competitions, conflicts, and controversies all over the place in today’s complex marketing environment. Innovativeness becomes significantly important in the digital era with the advanced technologies because the future of work will not be mere automatons or repetitiveness, but continue to...

Information based Management

A information empowered story is more persuasive to articulate the digital journey from current state to the future state of digital enablement and strategy management.The aim of modern Information Management has often been described as getting the right information to the right person, in the right format and medium, at the right time, in order to make the right decisions. The value of information is qualitative, measurable, and defined uniquely...

Organizational Purposes

Ideally, the digital business will be "organically" and adaptively developed, iterating and empowered to enforce its transcendent purpose.Every business as a system has a purpose. A system is only a system in relation to a purpose and that purpose is not inherent in the objects and processes you build and create. Digital organization is a dynamic purpose-driven system which needs to continue evolving and adapting, bringing greater awareness...

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