Monday, May 17, 2021

Professionalism & Integral Management Formula

The digital organization can reach the stage of ripeness when it acts as an organic system which continues evolving, adapting, informative and innovative.

We live in a world in which change and disruptions are the new normal. Every organization is at a different stage of the business growth cycle. Thus, it perhaps requires differentiated business manageability and creative workforce to solve business problems large or small on a daily basis. 

As a matter of fact, the multi-generational, multicultural, and multi-devicing digital workforce and workplace are more diverse and dynamic than ever today. Each growth stage of the business involves flow and ebb, and leading the evolutionary path to drive changes. Integral management Competency = Holism + professionalism + Universalism

Professionalism: It is difficult to have a highly competitive organization without highly professional and competitive talent. Professionalism is critical for today’s digital leaders and professionals based on the simple logic: Unprofessionalism leads to bad judgment and then drives poor decisions which will cause the business to fall. High professionalism is a mindset, principle, and discipline. It doesn’t mean if you had a profession, you would be automatically a well-respected professional with professionalism. High-quality digital leaders or professionals are great in altitude, aptitude, and attitude -a winning mixture composed of intelligence and competence, confidence and humility, self-esteem and high EQ.

Many people do wrong things, not because of ignorance, but because of poor judgment, due to the lack of comprehensive knowledge, bias, or preconceived notions. Unprofessionalism has a cost to the corporate environment which comes in many forms, equality and respect for all who work for the company need to be foremost in a company's policies of behavior. A digital professional can be ripened to maturity through the combination of quality, authenticity, capability, potentiality and exemplification.

Holistism: Digital is full of uncertainty, velocity, complexity, and ambiguity. It's important to leverage holistic and systems thinking to understand the variety of business relationships, gain holistic understanding and manage the business in a more structural way. A holistic perspective is a zoom out view and works well when conceiving, defining, and deploying a problem precisely and solving it systematically and creatively. It means the parts of a whole are in intimate interconnection, because they cannot exist independently of the whole, and it means the digital business has to break down the silos, and ensure the business as a whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

The core message of applying a holistic management discipline is about constantly improving the business and see change as an opportunity while keeping a holistic overview of the business and evolving an ever-expanding digital ecosystem. Holistic management is about applying systems thinking to see interrelationships rather than isolated things, to see patterns of change rather than static “snapshots,” to manage resources, and recognize business initiatives which take a comprehensive, anticipatory, and design approach to solve problems and advance human well-being and the health of the business ecosystem.

Universalism: Universalism is about finding broad and general rules. When no rules fit, it finds the best rule. It’s important to understand the world class universal success principle for change or innovation. Generally speaking, a business rule is a statement to set the policy or procedure that provide a basis for decision-making throughout an enterprise and inform how the organization sets about fulfilling its mission. As rule-setting demands insight, understanding, patience, persistence, and courage. A good rule is to ensure that efforts are focused on that direction, not for limiting your imagination, but for framing the system to identify opportunities and mitigate risks. However, too many rules will encourage bureaucracy and inflexibility, outdated rules will stop the business from moving forward with accelerated speed. Since disruptive products and innovations are often outside of a current vision or paradigm,

A business rule is simply a rule that is under business jurisdiction. One rule is breaking the rules that bind you. It means that the business can enact, revise, and discontinue their business rules as they see fit. Digital rules are not some outdated clichés or overly rigid policies, they should be based on a set of fundamental beliefs behind the methodologies and they help to shape mindsets behind behaviors. They should encourage mindfulness, authenticity, creativity, inclusiveness, and discourage static thinking, silo, and bureaucracy, helping to unleash collective human potentials and accelerate collective human progress.

The digital organization can reach the stage of ripeness when it acts as an organic system which continues evolving, adapting, informative and innovative, with the right appetite to tolerate risks and have the differential competency to accelerate performance. Organizations that thrive on consistency and predictability are excellent at maintaining business growth momentum and improving organizational maturity by taking integrated digital management practices which are based on interdisciplinarity, holism, professionalism, universalism, etc.


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