Wednesday, May 5, 2021

See Through Creativity from Different Angles

The updated and interdisciplinary knowledge enables wider dots connections and develops creative intelligence.

Creativity is, by nature, unique to each person. As we each have different cognitive styles, personality, knowledge or life experiences, there is no template which we can apply and suddenly become creative. 

There is the inclusiveness of the various facets and factors of creativity. Thus, cross disciplinary knowledge to connect wider dots enable us to gain a clearer understanding about the cycles of incubation and illuminations of creativity,

Culture does affect thinking, with respect to creativity: Thinking is what the brain does, and culture is a collective mindset. The praxis of creativity seems to be so heavily dependent on cultural lineage and life experiences that to attempt to translate this protocol from one unique individual to another, appears fraught with complexity. Truly, we are all creative individuals; it’s only that creativity has been ‘trained’ out of us by way of education and social conditioning. Notions such as ‘conformity’ and acceptance of the ‘status quo’ are pervasive to delimit the acceptable lines of intellectual meanderings.

On one hand, creativity is a social phenomenon, it is a cultural thing. It seems that our social order has a lot to answer for; the demonizing of being ‘too creative’ or to put it in the acceptable vernacular ‘a bit odd, eccentric even’. These labels codify the behaviour of constructing questioning that follows through all creative thoughts. On the other hand, creativity is an ability to solve problems. It is thus a thinking process and therefore not cultural. The choice of problem could be cultural and any action to test the thinking is in an environment of some kind which also could be cultural. Of course there will be variables such as; sensitivity to cultural issues, experience and reflection, mental capacity, cultural immersion etc.... Critical reflection and Practitioner Based Enquiry into the nature of human creativity has revealed a great deal about the interims and interconnections of our mental associations.

Neuroscience offers scientific perspectives and models to describe different reasons that creativity emerges or happens: Creative expressions of individuals are difficult to manifest in ways that are neither conducive nor controversial to their culture: Neuroscience generally would be of the view that the brain has no cultural differences. All brains in humans operate the same way everywhere. The input to the brain may have cultural differences, but not the brain itself. What it does is the same in any human being. Neuroscience is a new science. It can offer models to describe different reasons that creativity emerges or happens, but the tools for electromagnetic imaging of stimulated or active brain regions are limited in scope or detail. The machines can image brain regions and may track some general network paths but most of the research finds correlations, not causation.

Great discoveries are being made in understanding how individual neurons work though, eventually a combination of many sciences, like mathematical models, molecular biology, brain imaging, and computerized systems will increase neuroscientist understanding of thinking, mental imagery, problem solving, volition, creativity, as well as self/mind, and will even stimulate creativity, a creative process can be trained and consistently replicated, but the outcome cannot be consistently replicated nor predicted. Not the capacity to think, rather the manner in which those thoughts are expressed.

Creative people can see old things in new ways from different angles: Creative people define and create their own convention that they live by in comparison to everyone else who just accepts or inherits their convention to live by. Therefore, creative people can see old things in new ways from different angles. To simulate not just all the possible combinations but the added complexity of emotional states as well, would be a mammoth undertaking - were it even possible. however it is still quite elusive to 'consistently replicate'...

Creative people not only take the conscious application of what they know, and at the same time stay open to the unknown, so creative thinking and knowledge can emerge. The complexity of connections, associations and combinations offered up by the subconscious is bordering on the unimaginable. At present days, we cannot separate creativity, logic and intelligence if we want to stay competitive, the updated and interdisciplinary knowledge enables wider dots connections and develops creative intelligence.

The very goal of creative intelligence is to solve problems; creativity is about figuring out alternative ways to solve them; and logic is to make an appropriate order - arrange, rearrange, or shuffle up, to solve them in the right way. The constant negotiation between our essence and our projection leads to growth, creativity, and human evolution.


Mie instant adalah tipe makanan cepat sajian yang memiliki kalori tinggi namun harus di perhatikan juga yang berisiko terjangkit dengan berbagai jenis penyakit.

Disamping itu, mie instant diproses dengan beberapa kandungan garam, mecin, sampai pengawet dan bahan warna.

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