Welcome to our blog, the digital brainyard to fine tune "Digital Master," innovate leadership, and reimagine the future of IT.

The magic “I” of CIO sparks many imaginations: Chief information officer, chief infrastructure officer , Chief Integration Officer, chief International officer, Chief Inspiration Officer, Chief Innovation Officer, Chief Influence Office etc. The future of CIO is entrepreneur driven, situation oriented, value-added,she or he will take many paradoxical roles: both as business strategist and technology visionary,talent master and effective communicator,savvy business enabler and relentless cost cutter, and transform the business into "Digital Master"!

The future of CIO is digital strategist, global thought leader, and talent master: leading IT to enlighten the customers; enable business success via influence.

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

IT Innovation Logic

The biggest challenge to business success is IT and IT has to do more innovation with strong logic to propel the business growth and profitability. Upon rapid change and exponential growth of information, IT now makes significant impacts on almost every aspect of the business. IT is more like glue than a tool for integrating all important business elements into the business innovation capability. IT plays a crucial role in creating a disciplined...

Performance Management

A robust performance management system needs to be designed with end-users in mind, future-oriented, information based and output-driven.Performance keeps the business running in various related contexts. All company’s performance is directly related to the decisions people make every day, from executives to the frontline, across functional areas and geographical locations. Performance is well done of current assignments and demonstrates the...

Monday, August 30, 2021


Great leadership is a good combination of mindsets, attitudes, expertise, insight, and behaviors.Far too often the term "leadership" is thrown around loosely and without any regard to the true meaning. The substances of leadership are about vision, influence, and progression. With unprecedented uncertainty and frequent disruptions, it is imperative that "leadership" needs to be re-imagined, explored, and understood thoroughly to make a significant...

Grip is a Firm Thing

When in the grip of -the creative urge, there is- no thought of -self, ego, status quo, just keep our mind- flowing frictionlessly. Grip is -a dedicated thing.Think of- the five fingers of- the human hand;without their differences in- size,    shape,                                                    ...

Capability Assessment

Organizational capability management, in essence, consists of a portfolio or matrix of capabilities that are used in various combinations to build the business competency, implement the business strategy and achieve outcomes. Business capability defines "what" a business does or can do by encapsulating all organization resources (tangible, intangible or human resources) to achieve certain results. The enterprise consists of a set of capabilities;...


The focal point is to calculate which IT-led business initiatives provide the greatest return, and which would be invested in the future. Besides the human cost, IT is one of the most expensive business investments, and many IT organizations have been perceived as a cost center. In detail, Total Cost of IT includes all costs associated with building and operating a healthy IT organization such as workforce costs, hardware/software/license costs,...


Being skeptical is -about having- the right dose of -doubt; without doubts, free thinking is- not possible; without -free thinking, passion fades away; dots cannot be connected, to spur creativity…Being skeptical is-an inquisitive thing.We live in- the worldfull of -uncertainty,ambiguity,new & old;myth & truth;the things-we know,compared to- not knowing,are the tip ofthe iceberg;being skeptic,allows us to-observes deep;digs underneath; keeps...

Variety of Gaps

Bridging the gap of opportunity between where you are and want to become is a welcomed challenge. The gap is created when there is a difference between two schools of thinking or the difference between demand and supply. The digital era upon us is volatile, complex, uncertain and ambiguous, many business problems today are complex, without the contextual understanding of the situation, gaps are inevitable. It is important to scrutinize all crucial...

Sunday, August 29, 2021


Surviving and thriving upon exponential growth of information, fierce competitions, and continuous disruptions requires neutrality, flexibility, interdisciplinarity and innovativeness.We live in a world with information exponentiality and hyper-complexity. It’s important for business leaders and professionals today to observe deeper, practice independent thinking, be neutral-not to take the side too fast, break through conventional thinking box,...


Intention is our heart’s desire; vision is our mind’s blueprint. Our intention to change is to make a better future; evaluating the past can certainly lead us to a good insight towards the future.Purpose implies intention. Intention is one’s inner drive to achieve, coming with inspiring the mind and winning with purpose attitudes. The good intention is our heart's desire for making things better and getting things done.The intention is to be courageous...


Learning has to become a lifestyle, and develop it as a habit.High organizational learning relates to high response in recognizing and addressing system constraints, adapt to the ever-changing environment. With the increasing pace of changes and the cutting-throat competitions, to effectively respond to the digital dynamics, either individually or collectively, continuous learning becomes an important skill for capability building and prerequisite...

Saturday, August 28, 2021


Organization need to discover its own strength, find its niche, and build a set of core, and better recombinant capabilities in order to become more competitiveThe ecosystem environment today is full of uncertainty, velocity, complexity, and ambiguity, a business capability is the firm’s ability to integrate, build, and reconfigure internal and external competence to address rapidly changing business environments. However, many business strategy...


It is -the awareness of- unfulfilled potential, gives one the feeling. We have a destiny..Every life has complexity in it; an abstraction of - the universe;Life is like- a seed, inside each seed, there is- an unseen potential, unleashed energy,unimaginable colors,uncompromised substances…Life is like -four seasons, there’s time to sow, time to grow, time to harvest time to fulfill. Life is a gift; life is a beauty,life is a myth;Life is a journey;some...


Unseen is complex until it is known. Once known, it becomes simple. Logically, simplifying the complicated thing is an optimal and smart choice. Simplicity is a behavioral attitude to see things as and what and where they are and be content and cool as it is. Simplicity is an aspect of appropriate abstraction, the conceptual clarity, and the style of elegance. Simplicity can be expressed through a comprehensive abstract: The ability to simplify means...

Framework Approach To Solve Problems

A solid framework is needed to address the effects of getting the work done, problems get solved and keep track of the varying business factors associated with the paradigm shift. We live in a world with the very characteristics of hyperconnectivity and interdependence. Opportunities and risks emerge almost on a daily basis. Problems that arise are almost always the product of interactions of parts, never the action of a single part. There are unknown...

Friday, August 27, 2021


Culture is deeper; culture is powerful. the right culture would be the one which is an "enabler" rather than an "inhibitor" to achievement of an organization’s vision.Culture is a collective mindset, attitude, behaviors and action in a company. Hence, every person in the organization has a fair share of contribution to the business culture, either in the positive or negative way. Culture is changeable, and the speed of culture change may also be...


In fact, staying focused and setting priority to leverage limited time, resources and talent to maximize performance and unlocking potential is an important step in improving professional maturity.Contemporary global citizens have their own set of conveniences and concerns. Is the Information Age flooding one’s brain with an overwhelming amount of diverse knowledge, some fresh, some outdated? Are many people suffering from change fatigue with fear-...

Innovative Reframing

Forward-looking organizations should keep expanding their collective thinking box, reframing strategic problems and come up with innovative solutions consistently.With “VUCA” new normal, there is known unknown and unknown unknown, you can’t predict every turn or curve that the business will face, it’s always important to be self-adaptive in the dynamic environment, reframe critical factors, from leadership mindset, to problems businesses intend...

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