Monday, August 9, 2021


Science is not always rigid, there is a variety of categorization, generalization, specialization, inference & deference logic in it.

Science is about repetitive processes and structural practices. What defines science from chance is the ability to repeat a process with the same resultant solution every time, through the application of known facts. Science is "the ability to produce solutions in a problem domain repeatedly."

Scientific discipline is precise, exact and can be accurately and logically represented and reused: Talking about science, it claims to be based on two types of reasoning: Inductive and deductive. The bulk of data, methods, and approaches involved as well as the complexity of processes encountered speaks in favor of a scientific approach. Science is created whenever people start applying the scientific method of observing, creating hypotheses, and proving or disproving those hypotheses. Science is what we continually do in a structural way with a set of principles and processes to reach the state of perfecting.

Science is about design, construction, and operations, based on the principles of logic and the patterns of nature: When talking about science, it implies logic, discipline, principle, process, practice, method, etc. Science is not always rigid, there is a variety of categorization, generalization, specialization, inference & deference logic in it. Rather than focus on one method, as a team with broad expertise across a range of disciplines, there are choices of tools or methods appropriate for “assets in construct” either internally developed or externally acquired.

Science is what we know for sure, it can be proven through existing laws of the natural world: Science enables us to bake special formulas to make things in sizes & shapes. The 'hard' sciences claim objectivity by way of structured methods and empirical data sets. The core principles are the scientific method using the design of experiment type approaches where a portfolio of options are pursued knowing there will be pruning as new facts emerge. Theoretical treatment of the discipline may give rise to science. The theoretical groundings of science as a methodology to gain knowledge empirically about physical reality are in epistemology and ontology.

Science tells us about the practical utility and scope of material things Science is grounded in philosophy. Does science need philosophy? Yes, of course, it does. It cannot reason, deductively or inductively without logic. Keep in mind: even the rules of science should be updated if needed.


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