Tuesday, November 23, 2021


Communication is critical to deal with conflicts, constructively advocate the fresh point of view, to solve thorny problems and advance human society.

Communication is the bridge between thoughts and the word. Communication is soft, but it’s one of the most critical factors for building trust and harnessing collaboration. Communication is complicated because there are differences in goals and contexts. These contexts can shift. 

Effective communicators are able to clarify why they communicate, what is the key message, as well as how to express and spread that out across the boundaries, in a diverse set of activities with mixed communication styles. Sometimes, they have to be fluent in multiple business/regional dialects, with contextual intelligence; and keep communication flow with verification.

Define a clear communication protocol: Communication can either be a bridge or a roadblock of problem-solving depending on the level of communication effectiveness. In many organizations that get stuck at the low level of maturity, there are all sorts of miscommunication at the different levels of the organization, creating bottlenecks in strategy execution; enlarging gaps and decreasing productivity. For example, there’s “lost in translation” syndrome in cross-functional conversations; or the message got diluted between management and employees. As people have cognitive differences, they perceive things differently; thus, they interpret and convey the message differently. Miscommunication further causes misjudgment, poor decision-making and ineffective problem-solving.

In the corporate setting, It’s important to define a clear communication protocol, develop a coherent internal and external communication plan, make sure business leaders and professionals have cognitive ability to understand the message they need to spread; read between the lines; have qualified communication skills and styles to express appropriately with the goal to enhancing trust and collaboration. There are interpersonal or intrapersonal communication; there are descriptive, creative or abstract communication; there are one to one or one to many communication, etc. Good communicators can articulate or elaborate well to tailor the audience’s needs. Great communicators can connect the minds and touch the hearts to amplify their influence.

Personalized communication: Traditional communication is usually “one size fits all,” only reluctantly spreading out messages across the organizational hierarchy, but lacking a follow- up mechanism to measure its effect. The workforce today becomes hyper-diverse and information-savvy. It is important to develop an open atmosphere with personalized and candid communication styles, fostering a healthy working environment in which feedback and communication are based on reality and not simply what senior management wants to hear on the top. Communication becomes more transparent, personalized to fit different audiences, communication channels become more diversified to fit for communicators’ personal style as well as how to better broadcast the message they intend to deliver.

Miscommunication is the reality, it is important to identify the root cause, if it's to do with knowledge or lack of true understanding, close the gap and instill a greater understanding of issues that you want to collaborate on. Effective communication management can lubricate business relationships, soothe tensions, avoid unnecessary conflicts, but stimulate healthy debates or arguments to spur creativity, build trust, clarify business strategies, and give everyone a voice in how the organization and the people in it can prosper and thrive, co-solve problems large or small smoothly.

Reciprocal communication: Reciprocity works because of shared goals, which create less stress on the relationship. Reciprocal communication is an important part of building trust and allows predictability and stability in the relationship. Highly collaborative organizations develop complementary teams in which every team member can learn from each other, communicate reciprocally by listening and telling; giving and receiving, building trustful relationships to accelerate collective performance.

Asking questions, besides telling, is an important tool to practice reciprocal communication, and make a positive change. Trust cannot be forced, we all know beyond any shadow of the doubt that mutual trust is paramount for our personal and organizational effectiveness. Encourage people to speak, actively listen to diverse viewpoints, engage in candid “give and take” communication, and build trust and credibility. Reciprocal communications or actions enhance mutual understanding, nurture equal relationships and harness cross-boundary collaboration.

Communication is critical to deal with conflicts, constructively advocate the fresh point of view, to solve thorny problems and advance human society. Creating and nurturing trust based on effective communication is one of those precious things that takes out of our diminishing currency of time in the world of work. Communication becomes an important professional competency and soft power to make influence on surroundings and lead changes persuasively.


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