Welcome to our blog, the digital brainyard to fine tune "Digital Master," innovate leadership, and reimagine the future of IT.

The magic “I” of CIO sparks many imaginations: Chief information officer, chief infrastructure officer , Chief Integration Officer, chief International officer, Chief Inspiration Officer, Chief Innovation Officer, Chief Influence Office etc. The future of CIO is entrepreneur driven, situation oriented, value-added,she or he will take many paradoxical roles: both as business strategist and technology visionary,talent master and effective communicator,savvy business enabler and relentless cost cutter, and transform the business into "Digital Master"!

The future of CIO is digital strategist, global thought leader, and talent master: leading IT to enlighten the customers; enable business success via influence.

Wednesday, August 31, 2022


It takes planning, methodologies, technologies, and practices to improve convergence effectiveness.Hyperdiversity and overcomplexity are part of the new normal; organizations need to enhance integral management disciplines such as strategy, change, information technology, process, people management, etc. The digital era upon us means convergence, connectivity, and collaboration. Convergence cycles consolidate, optimize, prioritize, and implement...


Influential leadership and effective management processes should be developed to help communicate concepts and goals smoothly, drive changes via the "pulling" factor and anticipate with unity, orchestrate a large scale of changes at a much faster rate with much broader impact in the digital era.As both the natural world and the human world are so dynamic with a balance of energy, running a healthy organization is to appreciate diversity and bridge...


Select the right set of leading indicators of improvement, innovation, and investment, and measure them effectively.Organizations across the industrial sector are faced with frequent disruptions and constant changes. In order to not only survive today, but also thrive in the future, one of the most crucial strategic imperatives for them is to identify business strength and develop their collective potential to accelerate future performance. The...


Inclusion becomes an integral leadership tone and managerial process for maximizing collective human potential and improving business maturity.We are idea-rich and vision-clear through inclusiveness; inclusiveness has the positive connotation associated with the words such as information, intention, or intelligence. “Incluversity” (Inclusion + Diversity) allows us to explore options that one individual or a homogeneous group might not have...


Isn't it a tough journey to write 9600 blog postings - to pursue the digital way of brainstorming, innovating and story-telling?Leadership is complex yet simple: Complex in that there are so many traits and characteristics that are considered when evaluating a leader. Simplicity in that the substance of leadership never changes, it’s all about the future and change; direction and dedication; influence and innovation. The purpose of the book: Leadership...


Alternative is about -choice, creativity, freshness; people enjoy -alternative ways to -learn, work, purchase, today. Can you -tailor their needs to-provide choices, make them feel- special, empathetically?The world we co-share is- hyperdiverse, over-complex,full of color theme,mixed sound tones,can you gain -enriched knowledge,understand -different viewpoints,to solve problems,alternatively?The "view of -the digital landscape has- many dimensions,...


Governance is about doing the right things, and cannot be completely automated, it is a fundamentally human activity. Governance is like the steer-wheel to ensure organizations running in the right direction and head to the destination. Good governance is less about structure and rules than being focused, effective and accountable, with a great impact on corporate performance. The corporate board directors as the digital overseers today...


It is important to clarify the hybrid logic behind complex problems, discover patterns, and capture profound insight in order to make effective decisions and solve them in a structural way.We live in the hybrid world with hyperdiversity and all sorts of alternative solutions. Digital leaders and professionals need to leverage hybrid logic which is based on a set of interdisciplinary and integrative thoughts and reasoning to understand the complex...

Tuesday, August 30, 2022


The ubiquity of information has provided both growth opportunities and increasing risks to organizations across industries.In business, every day is a risk, the generic risk management includes how organizations manage technical, economic, legal, political, social and reputation risks, etc. Risk management requires clear vision and a strategic mindset, and be cautious of hidden pitfalls from achieving business goals. Organizations have to look...


Talented people across the globe can share insight, co-create new knowledge and co-solve common challenges smoothly.We live in a time of rapidly changing technology and business dynamics at the dawn of the Digital Era, the knowledge life cycle is significantly shortened, and a huge skill gap in the workforce needs to be filled due to the continuously updated technology and regulation, digitalization and globalization, etc. . The book “Talent Master...


In the senior position, top leaders stay on strategic focus rather than just the tactical details.In the age of people-centric with “VUCA” characteristics, being a leader takes one to have a desire to do better than others in certain domains, corporate leaders can foresee business trends, capture business insight others can not. Senior leadership makes influence from mindset to behavior, and evolving to what is needed next for radical changes....


Seek to connect meaningful dots, discover ideas collectively, prioritize, and implement them to realize differentiated value and shape high-innovative organizations or societies. The essence of innovation is made of trying new combinations of known things or doing things alternatively. The blurring borders of the business ecosystem make the world hyper-connected, and interdependent. Innovation becomes more complex, organizations today can no longer...


Increasing global connectivity, uncertainty, chaos and ever-rising customer & employee expectations perhaps are some of the reasons behind understanding gaps.The digital organization is a living thing, it cannot be taken apart. From one generation to the next, the substance of leadership does not change, it’s about the future, change, and influence. However, digital leadership trends will continue to emerge. Here is a set of featured blogs...


It’s important to refine a career journey with solid footprints to accelerate performance and unleash potential.We live in a complex business environment with a high degree of unpredictability and ambiguity, change is the new normal with increasing paces. Business leaders and professionals need to broaden their outlook, envision the bigger picture, analyze their strength and weakness, identify decision blind spots and growth bottlenecks, refine their...


The substance of corporate board leadership is all about guidance, performance, and conformance. In the face of “VUCA” reality with dynamic change and fierce competitions, the open digital paradigm is not just about opening your technology, processing your information; it's a new paradigm shift from process driven industrial economy to people-centric innovation era. Compared to traditional governance approaches which focus on compliance; effective...

Monday, August 29, 2022


Build core business competency, improve organizational resilience, keep learning and improving to gain a competitive advantage in the face of fierce competition and business dynamics. Change is an ongoing business effort and innovation is a unique business capability to reinvent business, but not to reinvent the wheels. Innovation happens anywhere in an open environment, with ecosystem involvement. There are many components in an effective innovation...


When board directors or senior leaders have sufficient knowledge and understanding of IT, they can make a sound judgment about IT investment and know how to assess IT performance objectively.Information technology is the linchpin to run a contemporary organization, it's important to present IT as a value generator rather than a cost center, and scrutinize information technology investment via the business lens. The wise investment of advanced...

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