Sunday, August 28, 2022


The varying advanced research studies need to become more interdisciplinary; organizational management needs to be reinvented to enforce business balance and growth cycle.

The global world becomes more hyper-connected and interdependent, humans have broken science into many disconnected domains,” with each having its own cryptic jargon. So people with different expertise will only produce dots from their own field in their specific jargon, having difficulty connecting cross-boundary dots for generating fresh insight. 

It takes a multidisciplinary approach with innovative methods to do advanced research; be mindful to explore the engine behind the variety of thoughts, recategorize enriched global knowledge, and redefine the level of professional growth and collective innovation.

Create "stimulus mining" areas for learning and innovating: To pull out the old cliché, information is the lifeblood, and knowledge is power. Information is growing exponentially, knowledge is only a few clicks away. Data is an asset and information is a crucial business resource as long as it stays accurate, consistent, and reliable. Amassed data like the forest is a resource and can be processed into information wood, crafted further to knowledge goods, to turn it into useful business insight solutions strategically, methodologically and economically.

However, many traditional knowledge management solutions cannot capture the “expert knowledge” effectively; much of what is captured, stored, and delivered is general information - not expert knowledge. Business leaders and professionals need to keep learning, growing and innovating; both expanding their knowledge and deepening their expertise. The advanced research about knowledge management helps to organize some activities for knowledge re-invention, encourage new knowledge generation or refurbish some old knowledge; create “stimulus mining,” for people to keep learning and innovating continually. So people can start to explore from a much stronger point of view and create fresh ideas or new perspectives, enhancing a healthy cycle of "learning-doing-relearning” smoothly.

Recategorize global knowledge: Nowadays, we shift from the silo based industrial age with knowledge scarcity to the hyper-connected digital era with information abundance. That means knowledge gets stale sooner than what you thought about due to rapid change and exponential growth of information. Information management is converging with knowledge management. Many silo-based information management approaches or traditional knowledge categorization methodologies and practices need to be updated to improve knowledge flow, resource alignment, and catalyze innovation.

Technically, there is a variety of categorization, generalization, specialization in science and there are a handful themes and tones in art for us to break down the old box, set new standards, and recreate something fresh. Learning becomes more personal, one’s knowledge is another one’s information only, recategorization provides a new angle to enable business leaders and professionals to connect the dots across the box, keep recycling knowledge and recirculating our imagination, for generating more ideas, aligning knowledge and resources to solving crucial problems seamlessly.

Refine the levels of professional growth and capability integration:
Due to the complexity of modern society with hyperconnectivity and interdisciplinarity, The inside-out operational centrism becomes outside-in multi-disciplinary people-centrism. Knowledge professionals need to keep developing their talent, improve their skill set, and integrate relevant professional capabilities into core competencies. In adapting to faster-paced changes, people need to become more fluent, intuitive and productive in what they are doing, the mechanistic work production analog is replaced with organic growth metaphor. It’s important to refine the levels of professional growth, from linear skills to suitable professional capabilities to integral competency.

There is intense learning and continuous knowledge update for professionals; there are different levels of professional capability maturity, combining the modular capabilities into new capabilities to solve complex problems. Integral capability is often nonlinear and synthetic in nature; a unique set of professional capability is more complex in development, sophisticated to copy and faster to integrate. It cannot be transferred because of the degree of originality, learning, or well-built expertise that people go with it. The deeper you can tap your talent, the higher level of professional capabilities you can develop, the more complex problems you can solve.

We are at the intersection of the knowledge economy and the creativity economy; the digital environment is dynamic and uncertain, it’s strategic to build a learning organization in which people can learn and develop themselves and dare to be different. The varying advanced research studies need to become more interdisciplinary; organizational management needs to be reinvented to enforce business balance and growth cycle. As business innovation today is heavily dependent on having the right people with a growth mindset to change proactively and innovate relentlessly.


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