Wednesday, August 31, 2022


Select the right set of leading indicators of improvement, innovation, and investment, and measure them effectively.

Organizations across the industrial sector are faced with frequent disruptions and constant changes. In order to not only survive today, but also thrive in the future, one of the most crucial strategic imperatives for them is to identify business strength and develop their collective potential to accelerate future performance. 

The concept of leading and lagging performance indicators, relies on an understanding of the cause-effect relationships between Key Performance Indicators in the different perspectives. Leading indicators focus on measuring the effort with a longer-term investment perspective; it takes multiple periods to have an effect on the financial KPIs. That is why they are seen as "lead indicators."

Learning and growth are “leading indicators”: The learning & growth perspective is where organizations build institutional capacity and capabilities. Investments in talent learning and professional growth affect the corporate culture and values, especially on innovation and empowerment. Visionary business executives and talent managers have a unique perspective to define leading indicators, encourage learning and employee career advancement, discover business strength, and explore organizational potential. They set relevant leading indicators to assess the effectiveness of culture development, employee rotation programs, creative activity facilitation, differentiated business competency, with the goal of bringing tangible potential maximization.

Leadership and talent training are “leading indicators”: Training and development plans for the individual need to be in line with what the organizational needs for the future. Because it is based on need, it has a greater chance of a successful outcome. Leadership development programs followed by an assignment to test the application of learning during the entire assignment goes a long way in making it a success at both personal and organization levels. Thus, setting relevant leading indicators enables the management to keep track of progress of such programs. You can do all of the training you want to do, but if you don't let people get some practical experience at leading, they don't get to apply what they learned to practice. It’s also important to provide them information-based feedback, allowing them to keep improving. So the relevant leading indicators enable the management to make an objective assessment of long term return on investment, and continue building business advantage.

Process optimization is a “leading indicator”:
Processes underpin business capabilities. Process management effectiveness and efficiency achieved through process optimization directly impact business management success, especially for the long run. Process related parameters or leading indicators should be set right once the processes for improvement are identified, to build business capabilities which directly impact the success rate of strategy management. Process optimization efforts to improve customer satisfaction are usually dependent upon a large number of internal business processes working effectively and efficiently; to digitize touch points of customer experience; or produce the product or service demanded by the customer at a customer-value proposition selected by the organization. Process measures are therefore considered lead indicators of customer satisfaction.

There is a cause and effect relationship between objectives and the associated measures; select the right set of leading indicators of improvement, innovation, and investment, and measure them effectively. It's important to collect the right data and measure leading indicators in the right way, for motivating organizations to unleash full potential. By clarifying the concepts such as leading indicators and lagging indicators, organizations can develop strategy mapping, execute and measure things holistically, create multifaceted business value tangibly.


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