Sunday, February 12, 2023


Contextual intelligence enables people to approach problems via the multifaceted lens and solve them thoroughly.

The digital ecosystem is complex and volatile, intelligence is the capacity to understand and apply wisdom to the knowledge you are exposed to. 

Contextual Intelligence is a construct that involves the ability to recognize and diagnose the plethora of contextual factors inherent in an event or circumstance, It helps people to read between the lines, uncover underneath patterns then intentionally adjust behaviors in order to exert influence in that context.

Contextual intelligence is crucial in making sound decisions, especially at the strategic level: Every organization has a story: an internal environment with a set of beliefs, values, myths, history, and judgments about the inner world of work, and the external environment around them.Contextual intelligence aids us in understanding what’s relevant and what’s not. Digitalization implies the full-scale changes in the way the business is conducted, problems becoming over-complex, business leaders and professionals should become knowledge-fluent in contextual intelligence which leads to true understanding and resolution.

Analysis and synthesis are crucial ingredients in shaping contextual intelligence: Contextualization deepens one’s insight; analysis is to break things down, synthesis is to bind them up. Analogically, context is part of a polygon. Each vertex dynamically interacts with the other vertices, change happens as it interacts. Contextualism leads us a few steps closer to wisdom by exploring different views, opening our mind, broadening our perspectives, and deepening our understanding of complex issues comprehensively in order to make sound judgment.

Contextual intelligence enables people to approach problems via the multifaceted lens and solve them thoroughly:
Business environment is complex, uncertainties give rise to the questions/problems, certainties give rise to the contextualization of the problem and laying the foundational knowledge to solve the problem or make sense out of the uncertainties. If the organization understands itself in relation to its context, it should be able to determine whether it requires changing something to become viable, and how to orchestrate systematic change for unlocking its potential.

We live in a complex business environment with a high degree of unpredictability and ambiguity. An intellectual mind is contextual, Contextual understanding requires interdisciplinary intelligence which is complementary, equally and inextricably linked to the process of understanding the interconnectivity of problems, in order to solve them holistically and handle business complexity effectively.


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