Welcome to our blog, the digital brainyard to fine tune "Digital Master," innovate leadership, and reimagine the future of IT.

The magic “I” of CIO sparks many imaginations: Chief information officer, chief infrastructure officer , Chief Integration Officer, chief International officer, Chief Inspiration Officer, Chief Innovation Officer, Chief Influence Office etc. The future of CIO is entrepreneur driven, situation oriented, value-added,she or he will take many paradoxical roles: both as business strategist and technology visionary,talent master and effective communicator,savvy business enabler and relentless cost cutter, and transform the business into "Digital Master"!

The future of CIO is digital strategist, global thought leader, and talent master: leading IT to enlighten the customers; enable business success via influence.

Friday, March 31, 2023


Forethoughtful organizations are highly conscious about what’s happening in their environment, with the ability to grasp opportunities, and prevent risks effectively.Organizations today are like the organic living system which keeps evolving. Just like those plants in the natural world, they seem to be still when we see them frequently, but they grow strong organically. Business management needs to improve organizational capacity, to reduce...


Reinventing business is an evolutionary journey which requires much more time, energy, passion, courage, experimentation, retreat, and reflection, with logic as hidden clue and people as a powerful force.Organization of the future is designed openly for anyone with ideas on how human organizations ought to be contrived in the face of challenges. To move forward from an industrial economy to a knowledge economy to a creative economy, people need...


In today's work environment, it takes a lot of energy to break down old habits, outdated thought processes, get out of the comfort zone, and be able to do all things necessary to move forward.Change is part of a new normal, a coherent company has a deliberately close alignment among the organization’s strategic direction, its most distinctive abilities to understand, plan and act. The business growth cycle could be viewed as resulting in emergent...


Fear of consequences stifles- creativity; likewise, fear can paralyze you to -maintain the status quo..All problems are- opportunities, but not all opportunities are- problems;no one person is- always the source of problems, likewise, no one person will be -the panacea to all problems.Each one of us has -our own set of -innate strengths,energize, motivate us,point to where we can stretch ourselves,feel fulfilled by -doing so, constantly.Likewise,...


The ultimate goal of running an information savvy organization is to keep tapping their innovation potential.Information is permeating everywhere in the business, and impacts every perspective of human society right now. It has become the "nerve system "of organizations. Information potential directly impacts the business's potential of the organization. In fact, the ability to explore intangible information assets becomes far more decisive to build...


Asking good questions demonstrates intellectual curiosity, to understand the point of view of the other side, gain objective observation of circumstances, and frame a common-agreeable approach.Modern corporate boards play significant roles in guiding businesses in the right direction and achieve expected business results. Due to the “VUCA” characteristics -Complexity, Uncertainty, Ambiguity, and Velocity of the Digital Era, the directorship in any...


Each one of us has-a different rhythm to -think, act, respond, to-surroundings; shall we listen to- our own pulse, periodically; recognize patterns, speed up, or slow down to -drive change, synchronously.In poem, rhythm is -the movement with- patterned recurrence of- a beat. makes -theme recognizable, impressively.In learning,the "rhythm" of -knowledge can be synchronized with -the rhythm of work to -spur creative ideas,harness innovation.influentially;In...


Reinvention of organizations need to integrate the organizational design into business process design and organizational re-engineering. As nowadays, there are so many things happening in the business ecosystem, the speed of change is increasing, information is growing abundantly. Given the complexity and uncertainty of the dynamic business world and given the challenges of hyper-connected and interdependent business ecosystems, organizational leaders...


Isn't a tough journey to- celebrate #10,700 blog postings - to pursue- the digital way of brainstorming, innovating, motivating, story-telling?The “Future of CIO” Blog has reached 10 million page views with 10,700+ blog postings in 59+ different categories of leadership, management, strategy, digitalization, change/talent, etc. The “Digital Master” book series includes 29 books to share insight from the multidimensional digital lens and perceive...

Thursday, March 30, 2023


Innovation management has a broader spectrum, addressing the innovation agenda forged by seamless alignments.Innovation is about moving forward. In any business, if you are not moving forward, you are moving backward. Organizations need to get deeply immersed in designing, developing, and delivering innovative solutions to make their customers happier and people smarter, give people an impression on how organizations can meet their needs to solve...


Organizational management needs to provide coherence between actual capability and the objectives that have been defined for business initiatives management, and addresses in outline how the objectives will be achieved.As uncertainties are a common occurrence in any walk of our progress, the business leaders and their team cannot afford to be unprepared for the challenging task of facing the “VUCA” reality. Identifying what generates the most value...


Forward-looking organizations experiment with different types of organizational structure design to enforce business alignment, enablement, communication, collaboration, and harmony.Digital makes a significant impact on every aspect of the business from people, process to technology, both horizontally and vertically. Digital becomes the very fabric of high performing business, being outside-in and customer-centric is the new mantra for forward-looking...


Gravitas isn't- something you have all; it is something, you work towards, a series of - destinations, continuously.Gravitas is- a mindset; not about acting, but about -how you are able to-generate specific energy, in yourself to- create authentic impact, you choose,consciously.Gravitas can be defined as -substance, seriousness, consistency, persistence, steadiness, confidence;dignified demeanor, both for- those who aspire to lead,and those who allow...


Looking to the business capabilities for introducing beneficial change into their business models to improve strategic performance.As today’s digital business environment is unprecedentedly dynamic, complex and uncertain, differentiation is not the end game, forward vision, value creation are. To keep organizations relevant and adequate, creating an organizational strategy-capability mapping helps to prioritize goals for business capability deployment...

Wednesday, March 29, 2023


Philosophical logic is always important to challenge the known, ponder the unknown, pursue the truth, better understand evolution and harness its power to serve human purposes.The global world is complex and enriched, we are encouraged to look for an experience of truth, the unfolding of wisdom by those who have gone beyond traditional thinking and conventional wisdom. Philosophy in the 21st century is an interdisciplinary pursuit to better understand...


Business rules are not some out-of-date cliché or rigid processes to stifle innovation. Instead, they are based on the set of philosophy behind the methodologies, to shape the mindsets behind behaviors and actions.From the knowledge-scarce industrial age to information abundant digital era, organizational change is part of business new normal; principles and rules are statements of belief that reflect the values, culture and real-world concerns of...


Science of management is to create a structure and fine tune the logic to enable business transformation smoothly. Organizations are inherently and intensely complicated. These changes do not happen in isolation from each other in predictable ways. Many businesses are at the crossroads where the silo of business functions are at a need to reach across the aisles and work with each other respectively to understand complex business problems holistically...


Seamless business interactions enable the business to flow and accelerate its performance and growth, ultimately transcending into high-intelligent business.The world is moving into the deep, deep digital new normal with wide, wide digital connectivity and tall, tall digital pillars. Agility is one of such powerful pillars to leap digital transformation and enable the business to unleash its full potential. Organizational agility is about to...


Business architecture is used as a collaboration instrument to create a solid planning, information-based dialogues, and decent capability map.Business architecture is the visualization of the organizational strategy, competences and structure and how they fit together to explore the macro-environment. There are many things that have to be taken into account such as business goals, ecosystem landscape, the maturity of the company, etc. Business...


People are -intelligent creatures, do they know how to- trigger creativity, generate innate ideas, fluently?Fluency is -a sort of flow- mind flow, information flow, idea flow;knowledge is -in the box; insight is- thinking into the box after -thinking out of the boxfluency enables us to- refine knowledge into- insight seamlessly. Communication fluency harnesses- trust;skill fluency increases- quality;innovation fluency changes- the world, significantly;cross-boundary...

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