Tuesday, March 28, 2023


Isn't a tough journey to celebrate #10700 blog postings - to pursue the innovative way of brainstorming, influencing, and story-telling?

In the hyper-connected and interdependent global society, with overwhelming growth of information and shortened knowledge lifecycle, in order to reach the state of knowledge proficiency and spread expert influence, it is important to identify and close the gap between knowledge and insight. 

The broader your vision is; the deeper you can think, the more articulated and empathetic you can communicate, the deeper influence you can make. The dimensions of influence vary, there are many ways to influence and there are different types of influencers for leading progress. It’s the time to celebrate 10700 blog-posting-Isn’t blogging a good way to communicate, innovate, and influence on a daily basis for leading the era of people-centricity?

Influence can be amplified via conveying a clarified vision and sharing fresh ideas: If we want to be understandable, we have to choose from a set of principles and practices, convey our thoughts and articulate the word; keep building influence competency. If we need to understand others, we should listen empathetically, observe deeply, ask insightful questions, and initiate information based conversations. The language might not use us, but the language may cause reactions in our mind, speaking, behavior; interpret our perceptions, provoke us and influence us. We can also use language accurately to influence the world progressively.

Contemporary leaders and professionals need to become more learning-agile, present the ability to learn, know how to learn, swim in the sea of information effortlessly; recognize strength and deepen influence. They are able to interact, interpret, exemplify, and orchestrate transformative change or breakthrough innovation based on courage to inspire, confidence to assert, uniqueness to bridge; patient to listen, wisdom to understand.

Influence via expert power can connect minds and improve persuasiveness: In a volatile, uncertain, ambiguous and globally distributed world, each one of us should apply knowledge as a power, to become a high influencer in your own subject domains-becoming thought leader, domain expert, change agent, innovator, talent master, or culture reinventor, etc. No one is an expert in everything, but you can always gain expertise for a few things; often collectively, people can learn from each other, not only absorb knowledge, but also challenge outdated concepts and co-generate fresh knowledge, and practice expert power wisely.

Nowadays, the borders between knowledge domains are blurred, interdisciplinary understanding is important to connect wider dots. It is important to identify and close the gap between knowledge and insight. Influential leaders ask questions, but they also should assist in providing answers, to bridge the gap between questions and answers; knowledge and insight, to reach the next level of understanding and inspiration.

Influence others via strategic guidance, creative intelligence and strong disciplines: To advocate is to exert degrees of persuasiveness and influence in the circumstances that require it. Influencing is the power via the long term “big picture” vision, logical instruction and creative communication. Influential leaders guide the team on how to explore their own natural talents, taking into account their own objectives in line with working needs. Motivate people to learn, grow, discover and develop themselves by giving them the time and the confidence to work out for themselves what needs to be done in certain situations.

In order to influence others in a constructive way, people or organizations present differentiated competency, solid character, creative intelligence, and personal charm. Listens a lot, Asks, Explores, Makes commitment, Challenges, Works with, Optimize process, Takes responsibility, Seeks results, As a leaders, the philosophy to influence is to encourage the creation of an environment in which all feel the need to change proactively, take responsibility for the better outcomes, and unlock the collective potential collaboratively.

A human organic society composed of uniquely diverse people who have much to offer to grow and develop, and build the power of influence. To influence is to instill passion, recharge energy, and reimagine the future courageously. Influence as a power pulls all great talent, fresh viewpoints or ideas, hard & smart work, abundant talent and resources, etc, in the same direction for making accomplishment.


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