Saturday, May 4, 2024


Intuition might be a way for the unconscious to communicate with us, surfacing insights or warnings that haven't yet reached our conscious mind. Intuition is also a result of self-training and observation.

Intuition can be a valuable starting point, prompting us to explore a particular direction or solution. Logical reasoning can then be used to evaluate the intuitive hunch, analyze evidence, and reach a well-founded conclusion. Can such quick logic truly help us make better faster decisions, what stories can we tell to verify such experiences? Here are some idioms that capture the essence of gut feelings:

Go with your gut: Trust your intuition and make a decision based on your inner feelings, even if you can't explain it logically.

Have a hunch: This suggests a feeling that something is true or about to happen, without necessarily having concrete evidence.

Sixth sense: Some have a perceived ability to sense things beyond the normal five senses, often used in the context of intuition.

Read someone like a book: People with sharp mindsets have the ability to understand others’ true feelings or intentions based on intuition and subtle cues.

A lucky guess: This acknowledges a seemingly random choice that turned out to be correct, possibly due to a subconscious hunch.

Right place, right time: Good intuition leads someone to be in a position to benefit from an opportunity.

A nose for trouble: Some wise ones seem to have an uncanny ability to sense danger or problems coming.

Intuition might be a way for the unconscious to communicate with us, surfacing insights or warnings that haven't yet reached our conscious mind. Intuition is also a result of self-training and observation. The transition from intuitive to deliberate thinking in the first place requires expert knowledge in the field, common sense in the local, abundant experience and training for improving decision fluency and judgmental effectiveness.


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