Enterprise just like an individual should find the purpose bigger than itself, not only for the pursuit of profit but also for exploring the mission and purpose to the society, that’s the yin/yang of the visionary enterprise.
Google's mission is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful.
Kimberly-Clark: To enhance the health, hygiene and well-being of people every day, everywhere.
Nike: To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world. If you have a body, you are an athlete."
Microsoft: We work to help people and businesses throughout the world realize their full potential
The legacy industries such as airline were built on human’s pride and imagination, however, they were suffering economically for the last decade, as a loyal customer and warm advocate for many great airlines, I believe beyond pursuit of different revenue streams which is fair, how to explore the great customer experience catches the insight from this perspective: We are in the customer service business, and we happened to be in transportation industry. That’s why they are doing better)
What other BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) the airline could pursuit beyond profit, or even transform the industry from “surviving mode” into “thriving prosperity”:
1.Inspire the diversified culture and global wisdom: Since airline is the privileged industry to touch the world from the sky, how to understand the world deeper and better may help serve the world best.
2.Take the leadership on the new technology battleground: Bio fuel, energy efficiency, and the latest information technology have great potential to make the industry thriving, the airline should make a splash to become the leader.
3.Rekindle the passion and imagination for the sky: the airline could become the incubator for nurturing the colorful leadership, space science lover, and travel adventurers.
Now United airline and Continental airline merged as the biggest airline in the world. What’s the fresh mission statement for the new carrier to pursuit the purpose such as:
Unite the best, to build the smartest enterprise in the world, and inspire the human to reach beyond the sky
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