Thursday, April 23, 2015

Organizational Change Management: How will you Change in order to Create What is Missing?

It takes a pair of fresh eyes to see, but more importantly to perceive what's missing in an organization.

 No business is perfect, either leaders or employees, we all have different perceptions about the organizations we are in, so before taking initiatives for changes, first, collecting the feedback to figure out what is missing in your organization; and how will you change in order to create what is missing?

Among the key tasks of leaders is to create a productive, nurturing and learning culture: The best way to know what is lacking is to be present, ask questions and encourage feedback daily. Not a slogan, campaign or flavor of the day, but an ongoing relationship among all members of an organization. Look and listen for what's working and what's not working or missing? We all have worked for and with organizations and hopefully looked at what was working well and what wasn't working well or what's missing?

Effective communication is the major challenge in many organization: You can treat it as an opportunity for the leadership and indeed all the staff to re-evaluate their level of commitment to the achievement of organizational strategic objectives. Trying to find a cognitive balance will allow you to get the information in and abstract it into insight and knowledge. The other part of this is getting that information to the production floor in order for the people to have added value to their jobs. It is the action steps that count. Once the staff appreciates their objectives and with a purpose of unity, all the staff and leadership should be able to implement their communication strategy appropriately.

The change is to seek and hear the voice of the internal customer: You don't have to be in management to benefit from their voice. Companies that promote the sharing of this information increase their opportunities for successful change management when the time comes. This is a great habit to have regardless of what position you have in career or life. Looking and listening is not about finding fault, nor blaming and complaining about what's wrong. Looking and listening for what is missing is like writing and playing music, or writing and creating a poem or story; looking and listening is for what's working and what is the missing-the gap.

Hold regular sessions in order to motivate the employees: Managers realize that there might be some things an employee is perhaps missing. So as to be able to find out what's bothering them, the leaders and managers should encourage the staff to regularly undergo this procedure:
- Spend time tracking the specifics or any negative feelings they might have (ask: What am I missing in our organization?)
-Try to determine which of these "missing things" are responsible for your uneasiness.
- Determine what it would take that you would feel satisfied.
-Consider again and then write down your findings.  

What is (and has been) missing from the organizations is perhaps a palpable sense of long-term vision and people-centricity: Organizations and their leaders often become so preoccupied with bottom line performance that they lose sight of the human factors that account for it. Much of the current leadership literature seems to suggest that modern, high-performance organizations are moving towards a more humanistic model by emphasizing:
-Enhanced opportunities for self-expression and personal autonomy
-Trust-based work environments
-Accountability as the key in building strong teams. When the leader isn't holding others accountable, the team can become fragmented, unappreciated and quickly dysfunctional.
-Leadership is able to infuse work with meaning by creating linkages between individual and organizational needs
-Organizational values that understand and validate the need to be in relationship with the work and each other
-A reduced dependence on hierarchical organizational structures and strict role interpretations
-An emphasis on learning instead of retribution

The missing factors more often are leadership, emotional competence, empathy and motivation of employees: If the boss wants to be respected, he or she must respect employees, because the worker is the backbone of the work process. The boss should believe them, consider their suggestions, because employees are better acquainted with the real situation on the ground, for example, in contact with customers, and their proposals are directly related to customer satisfaction. When employees feel that their opinions matter, it increases the motivation of employees.

It takes a pair of fresh eyes to see, but more importantly to perceive what's missing in an organization. What is more interesting is how these attributes can be leveraged to foster a sense of inclusion that goes well beyond engagement. When organizations begin to weave these and other practices into a way of relating that invites broad participation, win/win solutions and a deep concern for both members of the organization and the environment in which it operates come out, then the work becomes morally compelling because it draws us towards a view of ourselves as an important member of something larger and more meaningful than anything we could achieve alone.


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