Motivation is having a passion or drive for achievement and continuous improvement.
To "motivate" is the act of giving somebody a reason or incentive to do something, to get other people to move into action, to act on whatever view you have influenced to take. And self-motivation is to get yourself doing things with discipline, practice and achieve the ultimate goals. A self-motivated person is more driven and adapt to changes, a motivated leader with the right approach can drive the team to achieve better results. So what are the great questions to assess a person's motivation skills?

What’s your motivational potential: Motivating' requires giving someone a 'motive,' usually self-interest along the lines. Motivation is moving forward, taking action. Assessing a person’s motivational potential is how well he/she can adapt personal drive and focus on performing well in new and changing context (self-motivation). It’s also about how you can motivate people moving more into the area of coaching or mentoring because you are motivating people by allowing them to learn by giving them the time and the confidence to work out for themselves what needs to be done in certain situations.
“Push” or “Pull,” which one is more effective for motivation? Motivation is the personal needs for each one and it is different according to personality and culture. Motivation usually has two elements of push and pull factor. You are motivated to move away from something because it is painful and also move towards something which is inspiring. Inspiration is something that elicits an awe or admiration that can also motivate you to action. So, inspiration is the pull factor in the continuum of motivation. Motivation is at the ground level and immediate. It can be either the carrot or the stick. Motivation is the additional urge to get something done. The only one who can motivate you is you. You have to have the desire and be willing to challenge yourself to be all you can be. As the saying goes, “Give me a person who is eager to learn and I can teach him/her anything. Give me a person who does not want to learn and I can teach him/her nothing.”
Do you often motivate others based on inspiring or fear, "Carrot" or "stick"? A strong leader can inspire you and leads to motivation to take action or change. Fear is an effective motivator but only for a short run. As soon as you remove the threat the motivation is removed as well. True leaders don't lead by fear but rather by respect. Mutual respect goes both ways up-and-down the ladder. Inspiration creates synergy in strengthening positive thinking and influencing. An inspirational leader can build trust through the empathic message and exemplary actions.
Motivation is to drive action; motivation is not a feeling but describes the trajectory of a behavior. As such, motivation can be understood and influenced using behavioral principles, motivation is to compete to win, but better winning with a purpose. And inspiration and motivation are the good pairs to act in the right direction and achieve a sustainable result.
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