Wednesday, February 14, 2018

The New Book “Problem-Solving Master” Chapter 1 Introduction

One of the biggest challenges for modern management is how to put the right people with the right capability in the right position to solve the right problem at the right time.

Fundamentally, every job is to deal with problems big or small both from a long-term perspective and even on the daily basis. Sometimes, even you intend to solve problems but perhaps cause more serious problems later on. So, observe the problem-solving scenarios and ask yourself how you discover the part you played in the problem, and how to build a good reputation on problem-solving.

A mindful problem-solver: Problem-solving is one of the most significant activities in the human society. There is the multitude of thinking processes behind problem-solving. For example, it takes the big picture type of strategic thinking and scientific logic of Systems Thinking to dig through the root cause of problems. It is a sense of perspective, stepping back to see a bigger picture than others. It takes critical thinking to frame the right problem and empathetic thinking to address the correct need. Creative and methodical solvers are able to make unusual associations for solving problems recursively. Thus, problem-solving is a mindset with curiosity, self-inclusiveness, creativity, and progression.

A systematic problem-solving master: Systems Thinking is a mixed bag of holistic, balanced, and often abstract thinking to understand things profoundly and solve problems systematically. People are all a bundle of assumptions, a collection of cause-and-effect, and a limited ability to put all this together to create a sense of reality. Many of those assumptions may be false, and some of those cause-and-effects are probably wrong. Therefore, Systems Thinking emerges as a type of digital thinking to deal with complexity and overcome uncertainty. Systems Thinking is the ability to navigate levels of abstraction or logic as an essential thinking skill for Systems Thinkers that help them discover the interconnectivity and interdependence in problem-solving.

Mastering Complex problem-Solving: Today’s businesses become overcomplex, the comprehensive solutions to many complex problems requires both cross-domain knowledge and divergent thought processes, so it can wander and be influenced by disparate associations brought up during exploring problem-solving scenario. Often time, organizations spend too many resources and time to take care of immediate problems or make the quick fix with ignorance of digging into the root cause of real problems. The side effect is that, in many cases, the quick-fix solutions actually make the company backward. It takes commitment and discipline to stay focused on the real priorities of the business instead of being distracted by what seems to be more urgent on any given day.

No one person or entity is always the source of problems, likewise, no one person will be the panacea to all problems. Today’s digital leads and professionals should become problem-solving masters. A true problem-solver is mindful and enjoys understanding the complexity and guides people through it, finds common ground and initiates dialogues, turns around tough situations and enjoys challenges about complex problem-solving.

The New Book “Problem-Solving Master” Book Introduction


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