Sunday, February 25, 2018

What are your “Digital Taste” to Accelerate the Collective Progress?

The high mature digital organizations are highly innovative, high caliber, holistic, and delightful, with the high digital taste which means free and progress. 

Many forward-looking organizations are at the inflection point of digital transformation. It implies the full-scale changes in the way the business is conducted, such as mindset, talent, skills, capabilities, processes, and technologies, etc. Improving business maturity means that organizations have to move up from functioning to firm to delight, to achieve both high performance and high quality. Homogeneity, primitiveness, and stagnation are tedious and tasteless. Besides hardcore competency, digital leaders must have the great digital taste to build an ultra-modern digital organization and accelerate the collective human progress.

Dynamism: Today’s digital organizations are hyperdynamic and people-centric, dynamism consists in being able to break away from static or stale, and being fluid and proactive. Either for the individuals or the businesses, if you stick and restrict, you cannot be dynamic. You have to be open to change. Digital dynamic enables companies to leverage varying business elements to chase innovation and accelerate business performance via cross-functional communication and collaboration. The high taste of digital means openness, responsiveness, innovativeness, and fluidity. Building a dynamic digital workforce is to provide a creative working environment with the necessary resource to improve productivity, creativity, and employee engagement. In the creative digital environment, we will come across new things or get impregnated with enthusiasm; stop creating boundaries, take long leaps or wide jumps, dive deeper, embrace the challenge to live a life with the curious mind and discovering eyes, stretch your limitations. Running a dynamic business needs to practice dynamic planning, develop dynamic teams, and build dynamic business capabilities. Digital organizations are becoming smarter at reaching consumers, in a targeted, highly responsive, and deliberate way. Consumers are becoming smarter at consuming and providing direct feedback to the organization dynamically. Running a successful dynamic digital organization means that you have to be open to changes, be informative to act, be flexible to take alternative paths, be nimble to adapt, be intelligent to decide, be elastic to scale, be resilient to recover, and be innovative to thrive. Change is unavoidable, dynamism is the high digital taste. Firms that are skilled at managing digital dynamic can gain advantages in profitability, speed, business growth, and innovation enforcement.

Hybridity: Being hybrid means to take "BALANCE" as the digital management principle. In this regard, bias or polarity are tasteless. In order to make a solid digital transformation, there are many seemly paradoxical, but indeed coherent business elements in running a high-effective digital organization. It requires taking the hybrid approach - combining the old way to do things and the new way to explore; take the balance of traditional hierarchy and flatter structure. Digital transformation is inevitable, and often the emergent digital technologies with the high degree of digital convenience are imposing forces of digital disruptions and change drivers. Thus, running a hybrid digital organization is about how to balance change and stability; innovation and standardization; existing structure and emerging digital platforms and tools. From innovation management perspective, it is hard to think of any innovation as not a hybrid, a combination of something old with something new or a number of new things. Although all innovations are disruptive of something or some behavior to some degree. Enterprise innovation management is an incremental-radical innovation continuum. You could consider all innovation by hybridized in that sense.

Inclusiveness: If homogeneity or conventional wisdom becomes tasteless due to the ever-increasing speed of changes or shortened knowledge cycle. Do you find yourself getting inspired, challenged or intimidated by people of a different background from you? The first most successful societies were diverse mixtures of peoples. It has always been so. Ask yourself who does better, a small gene pool or a large one. Many large multinational organizations have certain “diversity” best practices. However, if inclusiveness is not embedded in your business culture or the change or management mechanism, sometimes, such practices even divide your workplace further; and become tasteless sooner or later. If labeling people or things are only based on physical identity or superficial standard; or being diverse is only seen on the surface or at the bottom of the organizational hierarchy, perhaps your management taste is still not high enough to build an ultra-modern digital organization. The diverse mind is more successful and is always going to be more creative as it has more to draw on. Today’s working environment is multigenerational, multicultural, and multi-devicing or to put simply, hyperdiverse. Digital organizations (collectives of individuals) are living organisms on their own, different from the sum of its parts. So, how collectively creative the business is depends on the individuals composing that collective and depends on the rationale for the gathering of people. Inclusiveness has better taste.

The high mature digital organizations are highly innovative, high quality, holistic, and delightful, with the high digital taste, which means free and progress. Let all of us be the innovators, the change agents, the transformative forces to make things move forward, not backward, and accelerate the collective human progress.


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