Thursday, September 9, 2021


Inquisitiveness leads to the vision, vision further drives inquisitiveness to see things differently.

Curiosity is a human nature, inquisitiveness stimulates imagination; amplifies influence and accelerates improvement. Asking the right questions helps to validate how thorough and deep your thinking is on a particular issue: it can also assess whether they consider various different perspectives. 

How to ask good questions is the art, science, and philosophy, and the cross-knowledge domain discipline to fuel imagination, enhance learning, and deepen understanding.

An effective question is about scienc
e: It’s tough and direct, engaging critical thinking, and logical reasoning. The science of questions is about fact finding, analysis, structured thinking, objective evaluation and comparison, the progressive pursuit of better solutions. A series of questions that are asked not only to draw individual answers but also to encourage fundamental insight into the issue at hand. Inquisitiveness is the human’s cognitive improvement for thought provoking activities to either define the right problems or solve them step-wisely.

An open-ended question is about art: Like a piece of art, the great question is beautiful and insightful, to spark imagination, connect the dots with our own personal experience and appreciation, make us feel engaged in the exchange. An open ended question such as “why-not,” “what if”; bring us courage to think alternatively and reimagine the ways to do things differently. The art of questioning is to ignite innovative thinking, the essential to questioning stimulates the creative sides of our brains in order to find answers- not one, but many, with enriched choices to get the work done creatively.

An insightful question is about philosophy: The good question brings multifaceted perspectives which could be complementary, and even paradoxical. Provocative questions initiative - seeking mysteries and paradoxes that the questions for which there were no answers were the ones worth asking. Philosophical questions intend to attract abstract answers in pursuit of wisdom. The odd is that, questions are raised by philosophers and once they are able to find an answer, it’s a turnoff for them. In substance, philosophy is an ongoing inquiry into the nature of things based on abstract reasoning rather than empirical methods.

Inquisitiveness leads to the vision, vision further drives inquisitiveness to see things differently. Sometimes, shaping the right questions is perhaps more important than providing some single-minded answers. Though you need to have sensitivity to the cultural difference, the criteria of great questions should not have a border, just like the true art and science are timeless and without boundary.


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