Wednesday, August 7, 2024


 Quality is about what we think, what we do, and how we do it, as well as the level of achievement.

We live in a hyperconnected and interdependent global society, high-quality global leaders or professionals are great in altitude, aptitude, and attitude a winning mixture composed of intelligence and competence, confidence and humility; high-quality management is structure-based, with coherent process and clearly defined measurement; high-quality organizations are purpose-driven, information fluent, solve societal problems, engage employees, and delight customers consistently.

Quality leadership: Quality leadership harnesses quality management, which not only focuses on the quality of products and services but also the overall business quality and maturity.  Great preparation, vision, intuition, perseverance, and the ability to work hard, etc., are all crucial leadership qualities to earn the role of trust and guide the organization in the right direction.

Quality Management: It is the capacity to approach the change of system or process creatively and inspire support to develop and achieve milestones and goals across teams. Quality management basically consists of serving the customer and meeting/exceeding their expectations. Quality management needs to be a cross-functional collaborative effort, not something one team does alone in a corner, in order to improve the entire digital business's effectiveness and efficiency. Quality management ensures that an organization, product, or service is consistent. To get quality out of anything whether it is people, process, or technology.

Quality professionalism: Quality conveys what we think, what we do, and what we deliver. Rewarding people for taking responsibility and recognizing their worth is key to improving quality in the long term. We are what we think, the quality of a person is decided by the quality of his/her thinking and behavior. Quality professionalism is an emerging concept that organizations must proactively address to uphold professional values in the global society. Clear guidelines, training, and a culture of digital responsibility are needed to navigate this evolving landscape.

Quality is about what we think, what we do, and how we do it, as well as the level of achievement. Quality masters are digital leaders and employees who can work independently and collaboratively, have excellent problem-solving skills, are well-disciplined, make continuous improvements, and bring positivity, quality thoughts, behavior, and quality control and management techniques to the workplace. Quality masters are also those organizations at a high level of maturity, building high-level capacity to deal with interdependence and hyper-complexity for shaping better human societies.


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