Sunday, November 12, 2017

Insightful Problem-Solving

The challenge of insight is that knowledge can be taught, insight cannot be told completely.

Either for individuals or businesses, problem-solving is one of the most crucial skills to keep things moving forward, and achieve the well-planned goals. The matter of fact is that the more complex the situation is, the more different approaches and role gaming is needed to reach for insightful understanding and effective problem-solving. In today’s digital dynamic environment with “VUCA” new normal, how to spot insightful problem-solvers and advocate a solution-driven culture for accelerating collective progress?

Insight is about seeing things via different angles, around the corner and beyond the obvious, to solve complex problems: How you find a solution to any problem depends on your perspective to that problem, but every problem has numerous angles to take into consideration. Thus, in most cases, it boils down to how you view the problem from different outlooks; from above or from below; from inside out our from outside-in. Even now you have all the different angles to consider but they may look very different depending on your perspective. Insight is the act or result of understanding the inner nature of things or of seeing things intuitively. The challenge of insight is that knowledge can be taught, insight cannot be told completely because it comes from each individual’s understanding, connection, discernment, personal experience, penetration, and perception. Still, When you learn to create inner space of clear, calmness in the storming mind of thoughts, emotions, sensations, imagination, and reasoning, insights can be perceived.

Insight is the understanding of a specific cause and effect in a specific context for problem-solving: Can you often dig into the root cause of a problem, or only catch the symptom? Insight is being able to identify the root cause of a problem or the core issues of a situation which leads to in-depth understanding and resolution. Insight is an understanding of cause and effect based on the identification of relationships and behaviors within a model, context, or scenario. The insight of the situation requires in-depth understanding. An insightful thought can go beyond a moment, even take certain systematic planning. Too often people may take the easy path, think and work at a superficial level rather than spend the time to understand what is going on underneath. Thus, often the solution only fixes the symptom and even causes more problems. Insight is about penetrating and often sudden understanding of a complex situation or problem. Insight is the intersection of analytic thinking and synthetic thinking; the linear logic and non-linear thinking for gaining a deep understanding of the cause and effect of problem-solving.

A collective insight is excellent for complex problem-solving: It is always beneficial to communication, interpretation, and accuracy of overall results when multiple heads come together to interpret and define information sources and outcomes. If a team clicks, it may reach a shared insight of situation which is always better than individual belief. Given the complexity and uncertainty of the digital business world and given the challenges of today’s business problems, more often than not, lack of knowledge and scarcity of insight lead to poor problem-solving for the long run. Inclusiveness is the lever. Even the wisest person has the corner of the fool, it takes inclusiveness to have collective insight. Inclusiveness is the quality of the organizational environment that maximizes and leverages the diverse talents, backgrounds, and perspectives of all employees to build a solution-driven culture.

Either for solving problems or running businesses, knowledge is no doubt important but more than that is complete awareness of what is happening in the context. Once you do that, you use your ability to classify information and knowledge and know their linkage to capture the insight for understanding things thoroughly. To build a highly effective and solution-driven culture, it is important to appreciate cognitive differences, diverse thinking styles, experiences, emotional maturity for insightful problem-solving.


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